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Everything posted by Scione

  1. Hello, I am 27 years old and looking around for a guild with these exact specifications. I have been a raid leader/organizer/strategist in WoW, a PvP guild lead in SW:ToR, a team leader for competitive LoL, and a complete newbie in GW2. I was looking for a more mature guild as i still have friends from the WoW guild (stopped playing hardcore raids and such for about 3 years now) to this day. I am easy to get along with and my dry sarcastic humor is never abrasive, just not as witty as I try to make it! But I have always heard "fake it until you make it" so there is still hope for someday. I have done very little in Wildstar's beta as I want fresh, new experiences but I have heard the raids are very, very hard. That excites me! I really enjoy (well as much as you can) wiping over and over until you develop that perfect strategy and execute it. I enjoy both PvP and PvE. The Wildstar arena's with respawning seems like a very interesting idea. I had always felt that WoW was lacking something in its arena styled PvP as the battles would last 20 minutes and whoever burst down the healer first won. This seems a new take on it and this one little change should make whole new strategies emerge. Well I think I have droned on long enough! Hope to hear from you all.
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