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Found 3 results

  1. Hello! My name is Taylor, I am a 24 year old Civil Engineer. I've been playing wow since vanilla. I am a computer enthusiast who loves to just relax and play games. I always wish I had more money to build a better computer, but I do what I can. Now that I've just graduated college, hopefully I can afford more luxuries. I started my big-boy job so I know my schedule and it will not be changing any time soon. I like late night raids because there are no real life interruptions and it is easy to fit into my schedule. I have a dedication to the raid just like I would any other team. I never miss raids unless it is a dire emergency. Usually I give out some way to contact me outside the game, whether that be email or cell. By not showing up for raid, it is unfair to those who are on time and ready. Current progression will be 3/13(H) 10m tonight. Ji'Kun/Jin'Rokh/Horridon. We go to the 4th door after 3-4 attempts, so I have no doubt he'll die tonight. I want to switch to a 25man heroic guild due to the importance of a tank. I want to be in a position where I feel useful. 10 mans have been exceedingly boring. I love to raid and I love to debate strategy. I like to theory craft and to stay active on guild forums. I try to keep an updated post on the current progression and where I plan to use each of my cooldowns. I use the expensive food (tian spring rolls) and I pre-pot every fight to help out the dps. It's been useful on those last 1% kills. As a tank I know when I am going to use my cooldowns going into each fight. It is fairly static with little deviation, this amplifies my ability to theory-craft cooldowns. After reading some of the other applicants, it seems that you are nervous about taking 10m raid tanks into 25m. I know my tank is ready for the difference, the damage I am currently taking in 10m is very trivial, in some instances I have had to soak 5 talon rakes from heroic Ji'Kun. I like coming up with unique ideas and I am always open to constructive criticism. Much like those professors in college who like it when you correct them, I am the same way about tanking. I like when people see faults in my tanking because it gives me something to improve. I have raided since vanilla, I played a rogue up until Cata, but I played a warrior tank through early progression raiding in vanilla. On my rogue I was the guild's top dps warglaive rogue and I got my Gladiator title. Once Cata hit I began tanking with my dk. When mists came out I started with a monk tank, but fell back on my dk as it was much more fun. I completely agree that people in a top 100 raiding guild need to have a few things. 1. Short learning curve 2. Good positioning (as a tank I like to communicate with the dps to tweak the position of bosses) 3. Good judgement (also quick reactive judgement, the ability to change strategies at a moments notice based on the current need) My current guild uses mumble so I am familiar with it. I do not like push to talk as it limit the mobility of my hand, but I bind buttons to mute my mic in case I have to sneeze or something. I am all for goofing around, BUT when it's time to get serious, it's time to get serious. Computer specs: 512gb OCZ Vertex SSD Intel i7-2600k GeForce GTX 570 (I get my GTX 780 Friday) 16 GB I keep my specs good enough to stream on twitch and fraps when I want to. FPS:Varies (gtx 570 has voltage issues, thus the new card on Friday) Reviews say about ~100 fps. Ping: ~50-100ms on EST UI Screenshot: Will add when I get home, I usually stick with standard Bliz UI and DBM with a few tanking addons, but none that change the UI. I do this because some competitive raid tournaments do not allow addons which I want to be prepared for. Armory: http://us.battle.net.../Thaiyen/simple Ilvl 528/530 (I have the heroic trinket from Ji'Kun but it's terri-bad) I also have 2k valor to spend on upgrades, but as I am not having any trouble staying alive, I am saving the valor for heroic upgrades if I get any drops. If not i'll spend it on my TF gear before I get capped. Currently I am gemmed for mastery instead of parry/dodge. Each have their benefits, but I chose mastery. I usually have a discussion with the healers to determine their wants/needs. I swap out some pieces depending on the fights. For heroic Ji'Kun I put on dodge gear to try to prevent infected talons. Currently I raid 9-12 Monday, Wed, Thurs. If you would like to watch me tank, I can set up my stream for Monday night so you can see my gameplay on your offnight. Unfortunately Monday probably going to be filled with non-heroic fights. Reason for leaving current guild- Progression is slow and most of the raid doesn't have a drive to complete heroic tot before the next tier. I'm looking for a higher end guild whose members do not require large learning curves. If you have any questions or concerns let me know and I will get back with you as soon as I can. I can post WoL if you wish, but as a tank it is hard to judge anything from that, especially with bosses we have on farm. PS I saw your post on the wow recruitment forums and thought I would post. My questions: Why are you guys in need of a tank I have 100% raid attendance. I do not want to be recruited for bench, therefore I am looking for a core spot.
  2. Hi, I'm Simetrik, former main tank of the little known guild End Result, once on Lightning's Blade, recently transferred to Bleeding Hollow, and even more recently rendered dysfunctional by ridiculous roster turnover and lacking officer leadership. I hear you all are looking for a blood death knight to add to your roster. I'm a tank at heart - I have a level 90 prot paladin, a level 90 brewmaster monk, a level 85 warrior (still with his dragon soul gear, poor guy), and a level 67 druid that I will get to the level cap someday. I've been playing the game since Burning Crusade, but only in this expansion have I started delving into the hardcore tank community characterized by such figures as Riggnaros, Slootbag, Treckie, Sco, and others. I'm familiar with all tank classes, yet I have chosen a death knight as my main for the past year. Why? In two words: death strike. The power that death strike gives a blood death knight is immense when played correctly. It is an ability that heals, grants a damage shield, and does significant damage. My style of playing a death knight can be summarized in that I maximize death strike output, thus contributing to my maximization of survivability. But that would be an oversimplification of the art that tanking can become. As Reniat espouses on the death knight thread on EJ, burst damage is the chief tank killer in 25s. I may have only been in the realm of bosses hitting like wet noodles on 10 man, but I always try to practice the preparedness that is necessary for 25 man heroic raiding. Let's talk about my cooldown usage: AMS: Always preplanned usage. Thunderstrike on Lei Shen, Static Burst on Jin'rokh to prevent the tank swap, beams on Durumu (although you may not have tanks soak a beam in your strat), etc. etc. AotD: Typically used on pull, but super useful for damage reduction when used with DRW and avoidance trinkets. Preplanned usage without exception. Bone Shield: High uptime on this is awesome, but on fights with mechanics that frequently require cooldowns (Megaera's breaths) I will delay usage as necessary. Dancing Rune Weapon: I admit, I've used this almost exclusively as a damage cooldown while raiding 10s, but this is another one where I'd delay as necessary. Great when tanking lots of adds for the parry boost and damage increase. Death Pact: Emergency cooldown, sometimes used with purgatory to survive big individual hits. Death Strike: Not a cooldown, but I always keep two death runes at the ready, as well as keeping my blood tap charges high. Having one, and hopefully two, death strikes always at the ready is the best thing you can do as a death knight tank to prevent death. Frequently those two can heal up 200k+ hp while putting up a 400k blood shield (this is why I love death knights!) Empowered Rune Weapon: An underrated cooldown - a full set of runes while undergoing heavy damage makes death knights, in that moment, unkillable. Used either as an emergency button or to build a large blood shield for big hits. IBF: I preplan my shield wall, although not without exception. I won't list all the applicable situations - one can easily imagine the uses of a 50% damage reduction. Vampiric Blood: Despite any claims I might make that I save this for mechanics, a glimpse at my logs will quickly reveal that I use this almost on cooldown. I like to bank death runes for maximum death strike use during the period this cooldown is up, although it does not boost the blood shield values My thoughts on different tanking stats: Mastery: The crux of death knight tanking. My love affair with death strike/blood shield is only aided by this amazing statistic. Like every death knight ever, I stack this as much as possible. Stamina: Certainly the biggest difference between 10 and 25 is the importance of stamina. It benefits blood death knights more than other tanks, due to death strike sizes (although frankly, that's not a concern on 25 - the blood shield size should always be increased). With that said, I avoid stamina in 10s because I can comfortably survive each individual hit, and other secondary stats can benefit me more. Should I tank 25s, the stamina trinket would come back out (I still don't have Lei Shen's though, that and Animus trinket are the only ones I need!) as the need to survive monstrous hits would arise. Dodge/parry: My current reforging setup negates this in order to cap hit/exp, but dodge/parry, especially on fights with lots of adds, is very useful. I don't like it as much due to its inherent unpredictability, but should I switch to a 25 man guild, I would unquestionably prioritize this over hit/exp capping. Hit/exp: Useful for increasing damage. It does technically increase runic power gained through increased Scent of Blood procs, as well as guaranteeing rune strike to grant blood charges (although that only requires capping hit). Personally, I think it's worth it in most 10 man content, especially that which I am doing currently, but the situation in 25 man content is obviously quite different. Haste: Increases rune regeneration, and accordingly, runic power regen. However, it doesn't account for the loss of defensive stats. Useful for ranking, even sometimes viable on 10 man content, but basically never worth it on 25 man heroic progression. Of course, I love talking about this stuff, so feel free to ask any questions. My current progression is 2/13h, which needless to say, is significantly behind. However, as I previously mentioned, I obsessively watch the streams of high end tanks, and am familiar with many of the aspects of strategy in 25 man heroic raids. I also watch all of Vox Immortalis's guides (yes, the 30 minute+ ones) in order to deepen my understanding further. I was the one who developed our guild's strategy for heroic Ji'kun - needless to say, I consider strategy one of my strengths. I wouldn't pretend that I could step right into tanking for your guild, but I would certainly communicate as much as possible and work out any issues as they come up. In terms of who I am outside of the game, I'm an 18 year old about to graduate from high school with far too much free time. When I'm not online I'm either running, playing musical instruments (I've played piano for 13 years now), watching movies, and hanging out with my ridiculous friends. It's easy to see how one might be worried about my consistent attendance due to my young age, but I haven't missed a significant part of a raid date since February and haven't missed a full night since December (both cases in which I gave plenty of notice in advance). My computer is good enough to raid 25s with 15-20 fps on high. It's not amazing but it works, and most importantly, it's a laptop, which allows me to take it just about anywhere. My connection is usually around 40 ms. Assorted information on websites: Armory: http://us.battle.net...Simetrik/simple Wow-heroes: http://www.wow-heroe...ollow/simetrik/ I should note that this week, I began tanking in dps gear, and almost immediately got the US 3rd rank on heroic Jin'rokh while taking less damage then many other death knights who parsed similarly. Logs: http://www.worldoflo.../guilds/170581/ Almost any log on this page has me in it: pick and choose to find which fights you want to see me on. My UI: http://i.imgur.com/WpmT27H.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Rm2tIoC.jpg (not in raid, but displays how I track all personal and external cooldowns - it's one of the most important parts of my UI) Fun fact: I'm listening to Songs from the Wood (by Jethro Tull) right now. As soon as I get home, I'll be sure to update this app with the numerous things I have inevitably forgotten.
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