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  1. Basic information Character Name: Molice Class and spec: Holy priest Days played on this character: 428 HK's: 195,019 Armory URL: http://us.battle.net...r/Molice/simple WoL parses: Logs can be found under the "Healer" tab in both these links: http://www.worldoflo...nkings/players/ and http://www.worldoflo...nkings/players/ Raiding UI: http://i49.tinypic.com/210iq29.jpg Raiding addons: DBM/BigWigs, Grid2 (with lots of addons), WeakAuras and oRA3 cooldown tracker Computer and internet info: Core 2 Duo 6600 2.40 GHz, 4GB RAM, GeForce GTX 4600. ~30FPS and 30 ms in 25-mans. http://www.speedtest.../2381236926.png Current (MoP) raid progress MSV: 4/6 Heroic HoF: 4/6 Heroic ToES: 4/4 Normal Raiding summary Vanilla (40): MC, Onyxia, BWL, AQ20, AQ40, Nax 40 (4/16) The Burning Crusade (40): Karazhan, Magtheridon's Lair, Gruul's Lair, Serpentshrine Caverns, Tempest Keep, Mount Hyjal, Black Temple, Sunwell Wrath of the Lich King (25): Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, Eye of Eternity, Ulduar, Onyxia, ToC, ICC, Ruby Sanctum Cataclysm (25): BWD (6/6 Heroic), BoT (4/5 Heroic), Tot4W (2/2 Heroic), Firelands (7/7 Heroic), Dragon Soul (8/8 Heroic) Mists of Pandaria (10/25): Mogu'shan Vaults (4/6 Heroic), Heart of Fear (4/6 Heroic), Terrace of Endless Spring (4/4 Normal) WoW player and guild history A college friend introduced me to WoW during a boring computer science class when the game was first released. This was before the Molten Core and Dire Maul instances. I distinctly remember figuring out how to use the UC <--> ORG zeppelin and that jumping off it prematurely wasn't always a good idea. The first character I created was a priest (Molice) and leveling it to 60 seemed daunting, untill I learned about the epic mount and it's price tag of nearly 1000 gold. Around that time I joined a well organized pug raid team (DKP based), and spent most of my time buffing the raid with fortitude and shadow, and drinking conjured mage water .. oh and killing bosses of couse. These were the days of out of combat resses during boss fights or running back into the instance yourself, 60 minute tank CD's, healer rotations, terrible hunters, and of course the bare blizzard unit frames. I continued raiding on my priest through MC and BWL, grinding the infamous fire resist set for Vael that crippled HPS but made you basically immunte (or up to 75%?) to fire damage. Dispite being on the highly populated server Warsong (30 minute queue's), our "pugraid" was very competitive and ranked 4-5th on the server throughout the end of Vanilla. Naxx 40 was our last endouver and considerably more difficult than any previous encounter. We didn't make it far. But I did have a lot of fun playing around with spell downranking and chugging level 41 mana potions (anyone?). Oh, and I miss you WhisperCast. In the first expansion, we essentially reformed and merged with a few other guild, and under new leadship we performed fairly well. Conquered the first set of instances, and struggled a bit with the later tier. At some point, we just lost all good players and ended up with barely 10 capable raiders so we called it quits. I server transferred and found a new home raiding The Lich King, and a similar story for Cataclysm. I've always raided in 25 man guilds (but secretely prefer 40 man), dispite this format not always being the easiest and most popular. I got heavily into theorycrafting (figuring out spell modifiers on PTR, using spreadsheets, modeling, etc), but at the end realized that personal playstyle, communication, and simply knowing the fight will always trump mix/maxing those extra theoretical 2-3%. With the end of Cataclysm, but after 8/8 Heroic DS, our raid leader at the time quit, and so did 60% of our raiding roster. I did manage to openraid pug the legendary daggers on my alt and Dragonwrath on my main. Getting to level 90 and seeing the massive amount of new content was kind of a neat. I love the pet battle system (435 and counting) and have always enjoyed grinding reputation (no joke, 69 exalted reps). We had a crippled 25 man but were moderately sucessfull nonetheless. The guild eventually went 10, and so I decided to look elsewhere for a solid 25 man and left on good terms. I chose Stormreaver server and joined Make it Happen (formerly Fallout), but after 3 weeks they also went 10. Dispite being trial, they reserved a slot for me in their 10 man lineup, but again that's not what I was looking for. Wy would South of Heaven want me? First off, congratulations on being around for 8 years, that's a true mark of stability and good leadership. Second, this is probably the hardest paragraph for me to write because I want to keep it concise yet give a good picture of who I am and what I have to offer. After reviewing other applicants on these forums and talking to Ashin in-game, I decided to write this application and hope to make a good first impression. I am looking for a stable, mature and no-drama 25 man raiding team that I can be part of for the long term. I am not looking for a team that has cleared all content when I have not, because I love content and figuring out boss fights. At the same time, I want to be in a competitive top 100 team -- I am tired of picking up slack from others, I am tired of telling others what to do before each fight and reminding them again during the fight, and I am tired of topping the damn healing meters for the past 8 years. I am organized, I prepare for fights, I am open to criticism and correct my mistakes. I've been playing WoW non-stop since Vanilla with 95% attendance on a 3/4/5 day raiding schedule. Although you won't find me in game more than 5 days a week, I do spend a considerable amount of time doing non-raid related stuff, such as questing, pet battling, playing alts, rep grinding, doing achievements, etc. That's kind of generic though, but it's true and I think I understand very well what it takes to be better than a top 250 team. I'm not going to give you the "weakest link" argument that so many applicants put forward because even in the best teams there's gonna be a weakest link. I believe that focusing on teamwork is paramount. That's why I give 100% before and during raid time and aim for 100% attendance. Why I stayed a holy priest My answer would have been character development, but with the release of Mists of Pandaria that no longer applies. I've seen the healing component of WoW and more specifically the priest class transition quite a bit: from healing rotations to downranking, from being complex to simple, from having too many spells to having a single overpowered spell. I don't care about how weak or strong my class is compared to others, and I have never used that as an argument for how good or bad (but mostly stellar ) my performance is. I take pride in playing my character and am quite competitive (track WoL, ranking, etc). I've simply put a lot of time into this character and know it inside out. Stat priority and spec choice I've been raidinng as a holy priest since Vanilla, and have a pretty good "feel" for stat priorities based on gear level, boss difficulty and raid performance. Currently comfortably with my spirit/regen. I prefer mastery > haste to some degree but I'm not religiously strict about it and of course it depends highly on the boss fight and raid composition as to where the balance lies. About me I'm a 28 year old living near NYC. Recently received my PhD in Biomedical Engineering. I'll leave a further explanation on my dissertation to another time. Besides that, my weekends are usually spent in the city somewhere, either in a Manhattan bar, or with friends in Brooklyn or the Bronx. Conclusion If you've read through all of this, I hope you see a homeless yet dedicated raider that is eager to get back into a competitive raiding team. I look forward to hearing back from you.
  2. I found your guild through WoWProgress when I searched for guilds that were recruiting healing priests. I saw that your priority for priests was "medium," so I assume you don't have an immediate need for the class, but I figure I'd give it a shot, anyway. Name: Sylviette Gender/Age: Female, 24 Class and Specialization: Priest. Discipline (main spec), Shadow (offspec). Holy is my preferred offspec, but out of necessity, I changed my offspec from Holy to Shadow at the beginning of the raid tier in order to DPS fights requiring only two healers in the ten man setting. Alts: Sylera (Windwalker Monk), Sylvietta (Disc/Shadow priest)--Yes, a second priest... I love them! Server: Moonrunner (Horde) Guild History: I'm currently in Lethal Reunion. I've been in the guild since 2010. Before LR, I was in a guild called Overdose for several months, but it disbanded due to leadership problems, and then it was essentially reformed as Lethal Reunion. Prior to Overdose, I had applied and was accepted in the now-defunct Words Under My Name, but most of my friends went to Overdose instead, so a few days later, I moved to Overdose. Prior to that, I was in Poached Innocence, which is where my love for raiding began. (Yay Ulduar!) It's also the reason why I eventually left the guild, since it was rather casual. Reason for Leaving: The ten man group that I was a part of had six people who were focused on progression and four people that made it quite obvious that they did not care about progression or raiding in general anymore. This lead to a scism in the group, and so the raid leader and other five of us decided to disband instead of continuing to raid with several people who were unwilling to compromise. Myself and a couple others have decided to look elsewhere for a progression-centered guild. Raid Progress: 6/6(H) MSV, 3/6(H) HoF 4/4(N) ToES. Before the group disbanded, we were working on heroic Lei Shi. I've been doing ten man raiding since Cataclysm. During ICC, I did both ten and 25 man raiding, so I do have some experience with 25 mans (although rather outdated, I admit.) What I'm Looking For: I am searching for a raiding environment that is dedicated, yet familial at its core. By this, I mean that I want a guild that get work done but also have fun and feel "at home" in the guild. In perusing the website and some of the feedback on some of the other applications, SoH seems like a good match. Raiding Tools: I have a working headset and microphone. I also have both Mumble and Ventrilo installed, and I've used both in the past. I noticed on your guild information on World of Logs that you use Mumble. Yay! I use a Logitech G600 for keybinding and such. Professions/Talent Choices/Gear Enhancements: I have maxxed Tailoring and Enchanting, and I keep mats on me at all times, so that I can enchant gear for myself and my raid members when we acquire new gear. For Discipline spec as of right now, I have Void Tendrils, Body and Soul, Mindbender, Desperate Prayer, Power Infusion, and Cascade. I have Void Shift and Desperate Prayer macroed together. Sometimes I choose Angelic Bulwark instead of Desperate Prayer, but while I was working on heroic Lei Shi (and while I'm currently working on Challenge Modes), I've found that the Void Shift/Desperate Prayer macro can make quite a difference in clutch situations. For Reforging, I've been playing around with stat weights recently, changing from pure mastery to greater haste/crit. I've been reading on MMO-Champion's Priest forum, as well as Battle.net's forums, about different stat weights based on 10/25 and assignment focuses. I've been testing out various things lately in light of this information. World of Logs: http://worldoflogs.com/guilds/49085/ Addons: Deadly Boss Mods, Grid, Clique, TidyPlates, GTFO, HaloPro, Recount If you want any additional information, I would be glad to add it. Thanks!
  3. Hello! My name is Jason, I'm a 31 year old Programmer from North Carolina and I have been playing WoW since BC launched. I am returning to this game from a 6 month layoff, mainly brought on by my guild slowly breaking apart and finally cancelling its raids to due others real life responsibilities and burnout. I am applying here because of my love for this game and my want to get back into the thick of real raiding again. Brief History: Started playing this game on my Rogue on this very server (Alliance). Raided all through BT (while current content) with Omega Order and while we werent "Hardcore" we had fun and pushed content to the best of our abilities. We then took the free transfers off and migrated to Drak'Tharon, where we proceded to be a very competetive guild (right behind OOL) until our GM went AWOL. A few of us tried to right the ship, but to no avail and thus the demise of the guild. Durring this time, I had switched mains from my Rogue to my Shaman, mainly because it was what we needed at the time. After the disbanding, I transfered servers to Cho'gall to raid at a more serious pace with a guild called Clearly Outplayed. We were one of 2 Alliance guilds, along side VANQUISH on this server. We pushed hard, getting a US 23rd Hodir Hardmode kill. Unfortunately, VANQUISH didnt appreciate the competition and stole a few key members, GM included, shortly after this and jumped servers to Alterac Mountains. I decided not to join them and transfered back to Drak to raid with friends.Upon returning to Drak, I met some great people on Horde side and transfered over and joined Bad Example. This was my home for over 2 years (All my characters are still there sans the Priest and a Hunter, both located here on SR). We raided well, competed for server firsts, and had fun. Unfortunately, like anything, things started to get in the way of that. New recruits and vets didnt see eye to eye, cliques formed and the guild split into multiple 10 mans. We raided well, for a while, untill r/l caught up with some. I stoped my progression with them 2 weeks shy of my legendary and on HM Ragnaros. Moved my Priest here to SR to join Cue the Credits, a move I regret. I was lied to, led to believe I could finish my legendary, which didnt happen, and not long after coming here, they broke up. This is when I decided to step away for a while, play other games (LoL, D3, SMITE, etc..) I feel like I am ready to step back into raiding, provided I can find a good home and renew my love of this game and get back to the feeling of real progression and accomplishment. As far as add ons go, I run a version of Syronius' Ultimate Shaman UI with a lot of class specific Power Auras. Everything is keybound, I do not click! UI: http://i49.tinypic.com/25i6r0w.jpg Characters: Rogue(First Character) http://us.battle.net...Kinettic/simple Shaman(Most Raiding Experience) http://us.battle.net...Kinettik/simple Priest(Current toon and applicant) http://us.battle.net.../Squinks/simple Thanks in advance for looking at this application, I look forward to your comments. Quick note: This toon is Ally, if accepted I have no issues making the transfer to Horde ASAP.
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