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Zecky 508 Restoration druid


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Hello SoH peoples and such, My name is Joel, but everyone that I have ever played with calls me Wes. The reason behind that random fact is that my very first character ever was a gnome warlock named Wesle on Malganis alliance back in 2007, and it just stuck. (I Know! it was awful, did not know any better and i cried a lot). However, I was able to progress and experience raiding up to the start of Sunwell. Now I am 21 years old. Currently a part-time student and work as a part-time pharmacy technician at your local Cvs ;).

As for wow, I made the switch to a healing class (restoration druid) at the end of the Burning Crusade expansion and been in love with it since. Shortly after, I transferred to Mannoroth and joined the ranks of a guild called Emolitists and quickly progressed through both 10 and 25 man content up to Ulduar that included title runs like "Immortal" and "The undying". Sadly the core of the guild fell through and I had to look for a new home. During that time I became part of the raiding core of Situational Awareness that later became Malevolent (top 100/1 on server alliance). With them was able to acquire feats such as A tribute to Insanity, the Ulduar Drakes, the traitors king achievement, among others in ICC. Due to a guild break up, and a lack of options at the time. I decided to take a break from the game and focus on my studies.

Because of this I was unable to participate in any type of progression during the Cataclysm expansion other than the introduction of lfr and casual raids. I spent most of time as a friend and family rank in Raiding Rainbows Illidan-Horde which eventually led to me focusing on other things; much like pvp. This pattern continued up to the start of Mists of Pandaria. I continued to play casually, this time in Supermassive, Turallyon- Alliance. Which is where most of the people that I have played with reside. Doing challenge modes on an alt (Weslee) kept me busy at the time.

Not too long ago i was contacted by old guild mate who asked me to join his ranks and I gladly accepted the proposal. I have been raiding with Modern since the release of patch 5.2, sadly the guild has made the recent decision to switch to 10 man content and I just do not find it as appealing. I enjoy 25 man more simply because it is a bigger challenge and it has a more epic feeling as a result. With that said, Ill move on to more druidy stuff.

Versatility is one of the things I enjoy about the druid class the most. Talents like Displacer beast on Jin-kun and Wild charge on lei-shen become useful depending on the encounter. As for those in tier two i prefer using Nature's swiftness over anything else as we druids lack burst healing. Tier three however, is gear dependant, while having the t14 four set Soul of the forest is the obvious choice for the most out put since swiftmend and wildgrowth line up perfectly. On progression I prefer to run with incarnation since it is more mana efficient and it allows to play around with pieces more freely. For the last tier I use Heart of the wild for the stat bonuses, as well as the potential to dps if need be.

Character: Zecky- http://us.battle.net.../Zecky/advanced

UI: http://i.imgur.com/QZ4zsiq.jpg?1

Logs: http://www.worldoflo.../?s=8175&e=8442


Why South of Heaven?

I am looking for the right fit. After reading what the guild is about and they way things are presented I have become very interested. Since I live on the west coast the raid times fit my schedule perfectly.

P.S. Sorry for the long rant.(>_<)

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Hi Zecky,

It's convenient that you are a resto druid on Stormreaver because we'd love to find a resto druid. So, thanks for the app. But first, we need to get through the gauntlet.

The first question I had - it seems like you developed a habit of being a social member in very competitive raid groups. How does that work, overall? Were you doing that in hopes of getting a raid spot?

The second question I had - it seemed like you were content to remain casual/social until you received a seemingly random invite from an old friend to join a raiding guild. My concerns lie along these lines: how do we know you're ready to get back in the scene? Are you rusty? Is your schedule super consistent? Are you going to have great attendance? Are you going to get burnt out and decide you'd rather go back to casual life after a few weeks of wiping to HM's?

The third question - did Modern deny you a place in the 10m based on performance or other concerns?

And lastly, I looked briefly at your logs. I suppose the 80% harmony uptime on dark animus is because you spend the first portion of the fight doing relatively little, but to be honest that still seems low to me. 92% on iron qon seems better but not superb. Casting swiftmend on cooldown should be sufficient to maintain this important buff at 100%, so I can be sure you were not casting swiftmend as often as you could. Can you discuss this point - is this an area that you need to improve? If so, how will you approach that? Or do you have another explanation?

Thank you and look forward to your reply.

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Hi again~

To the first question, At the time I decided to become a social member solely for the reason to stay active in the game as I have made a number of friends throughout the years. I did not bother to apply to either guild since i knew I did not have the time commitment they were looking for.

Second, The reason I accepted the offer was because my schedule allowed me to, and it was nice hearing from someone I had not played with in a bit of time. I have had perfect attendance in every guild that I have been in. In the case were I might be late for whatever reason. I always give some kind of notice, but I do not see that happening often as the current raid times give me about an hour and a half to get home. As for being rusty, I am definitely not at my peak. After not raiding competitively for a couple of years, saying I was not, would be a lie. However, this is something I am working on and I am determined to reach my potential. I play wow for the raiding aspect and enjoy It quite a bit, I have been in both top end guilds and wiping is something one should expect while working on a new encounter. It is the learning curve that makes all the difference.

As for the third, I have always looked at 10 man as an off night sort of thing. It is very much competitive in its own bracket, but it just does not interest me. A reason why I accepted to transfer here was to raid in a 25 man content raid and after being denied that without notice I felt as I should take my leave.


The 80% harmony up time on Dark animus, is tied to the strategy we used. everyone is on their own stationary add tanking it. Since everyone is so spread out, I found myself only using hots, for the exception of Matter swap in the case were I would cycle through swiftmend and nature's swiftness if in range. As entering the burn phase I found myself casting it more often since every one is one general area of the room.

as for Iron Qon- Being my first kill there is major room for improvement. Changing things like making my buffs and timers more visible would make it easier to track. Spending less time worrying about mushroom and efflorescence positioning is something I am working on as well.

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Hi Zecky,

Nice to chat with you this weekend. Actually it was fun for me to talk about resto druid and how you approach some of the glyphs and spell prioritization this tier, since I'm playing one as an alt. ;)

One thing that is still a little puzzling on the app is the guild you were with for TBC/Wrath. I think we figured out it is now called Whatever, which is helpful. But looking back on their progress, it doesn't seem to be server first as you said. Here are the links I am seeing:

http://www.wowprogress.com/pve/us/mannoroth/rating.tier10_25 (ICC)

http://www.wowprogress.com/pve/us/mannoroth/rating.tier9_25 (ToC - don't see tribute to insanity)

http://www.wowprogress.com/pve/us/mannoroth/rating.tier8 (Ulduar)

Could you please clarify? I can see from your armory that you were certainly raiding competitively at that time, it just doesn't seem to be us100 / server 1.

Otherwise I'm still interested in your app and will talk to Feja (our healing officer) about the possibility of taking you on a trial run either for farm content this week or starting next week. But I want to clear up this confusion about your past experience first.

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Welcome to the forums! I'm Negido! Pertinent questions.

1. What's your favorite color?

2. What's your favorite band?

3. Do you drink? If so, what is your drink of choice?

4. Any random special skills that people don't normally know about?

5. Favorite disney movie?

6. On a scale of shut-in to social butterfly, how social are you?

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back from lab <3

Hi Ashin~

ok so the tribute to insanity was in 10 man as during that period of time both could be run without having to share the lock out.. I actually miss that and was not too happy about that change at all :( .

As for how the guild finished in terms of progression I was not around till the very end of the tier, so I cannot say. While I was there however, the guild was very much leading the pack over on alliance side. As the guild was started from scratch on two occasions by different people I cannot speak for <Whatever> as I was no longer raiding. hence I was not aware of the complete switch to 10 man, the name change etc.

References that were there at the time are Chedafumunda(raided together for 3 tiers), Fixall(2 tiers) both on Stormreaver, and Killy (raided together for about 6 tiers)- Turalyon server.

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Hi Negido!

1) I actually do not have a favorite color, as I believe each color has a different effect depending on a person's mood. I do wear a lot of red though.

2) I am currently obsessed with Marina and the Diamonds, Imogen heap, and Kimbra. I am not exactly sure those would fit the bill for bands tho. haha. I also listen to a lot of trance (ATB, Ocean lab, etc.). Huge fan of pop in general. Did i mention jrock? <3 Sug.

3) Do i breathe? I tend to prefer spirits straight over anything else. 151 if its there. it is on!

4) Used to do gymnastics.

5) It is probably between Mulan and Aladin. Those were the only two that did not make me cry from what I can remember lol.

6) It really depends! i guess I am one of those weirdos that will talk to anyone in order to avoid awkward moments.

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