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Kozzo - Boomkin/Resto


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Hello, my name's Jess/ica and I play a boomkin. I've played Boomkin for around a year and a half. I started out as a resto druid in 2005 when druids were forced into healing in MC and ZG (lol). I took a break after vanilla and started healing again in FL and then got into DPS. I kind of sucked for a little while but got better and better and I got into a pretty good 25 man guild and raided DS with them. I left them after the other boomkin decided to hate me and got me kicked out. Somehow she was an officer. She no longer plays WoW........I bounced around and ended up on Zul'Jin and raided MoP with Shark Week on Zul'Jin. Long story short, I raided in 2 guilds, and I would still be in Hero by now but I'm not, and I'm looking for a guild and a raid group that has progression in mind as well as fun and humor, etc etc., as well as one I can stick around in for years.

I know how to play boomkin, I know my rotation, I know how to burst, I know my "openers" and when and when not to use different spells. I am always looking to improve and become a better boomkin. I am very positive and I have a great attitude. I am hard on myself as a raider but that just leads to me becoming a better player.

my armory: http://us.battle.net...ol/Kozzo/simple




my UI: http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b146/afrik/UI%20related/WoWScrnShot_041013_173015_zps8ddbfd3e.jpg

I am 11/16H tier 14 with attempts on every heroic except tsulong.

I am 1/13H current tier with attempts on tortos heroic

I raided DS and finished it with the 5% buff at the most.

Questions I have:

What is the trial process like, and what loot system do you use?

Your raid times are perfect for me, as well

I live in Knoxville, TN, although I've lived in NYC and Savannah, GA before for school. I consider myself weird and unique but I don't have a large ego. I like to have a good time and laugh, I like riding my bike. I am very random at times and I consider myself usually hilarious. I am going back to school in the fall for photography either back at Parsons in NYC or SCAD in Savannah. I will still be able to raid during your raid times. I've been all over the place. In the winter time I get this weird depression and it's taken me out of school but since I actually realize that now, it'll go a lot better next time around :). I am 22 years old, I have a brother and a dog. I like playing Diablo 3 sometimes as well as other steam games. I mostly just play video games in my spare time but I do like to get outside. I have chronic back pain. I'm different as fuck and sometimes I cuss and hopefully that's accepted...0-o. I listen to hip hop, post hardcore, industial, and electronic music. I like making videos in adobe after effects. Here is my youtube, I guess you could say I express myself through it because I find it hard to express myself in other ways sometimes. http://www.youtube.c...bq0zvd7PV_zjVA?

Alright, I've been pretty real with this app...none of it will prevent me from raiding at the top level, by the way, so please don't be concerned with that. Raiding is one of the few things I actually like to do.


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Hello again! My name is Jessica, too. :O

The trial process goes as follows:

Our current boomkin will likely give your logs a look-over. Current members will bombard your app thread with questions, both about game things and rl/social things (we are a pretty chatty bunch). If it looks like everything's good and everyone's getting along, we'll schedule a Mumble interview with our fearless leader Ashin, and if that goes well, we'll bring you on trial for one month. At the end of the month, you're evaluated separately for guild membership (based on how well you fit into the guild community -- we're very active socially, so this is important to us!) and for a raid spot (based on performance).

As for loot, we use DKP with overbid protection, and there's an addon we use to handle it. You get 50 points for showing up on time to raid, 100 for each boss downed, and a bonus 100 for guild-first kills; points are capped at 2700 and decay by 10% at the end of each lockout to discourage hoarding. The minimum bid is 200 points, and you only pay as much as the second highest bid (so it's safe to go all-in if you really want something). The system makes no distinction between recruits on trial and full raiders -- you are just as eligible for loot as anyone else.

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Hi Jess,

Thanks for putting in the app. We'd be excited to trial another boomy as we have been searching for one for a while now.

I tried to pull up your epeen:


But there are only a small handful of logs there. Did you transfer recently? Where can I see your performance during late T14 progression? I love all the H Rag kills in your armory - tells me you were part of a pretty solid team. But the numbers I'm seeing this tier seem inconsistent. You linked some LFR logs for us, but honestly that doesn't tell me a great deal because in LFR you can afford to sit and tunnel. Even so, I was surprised to see several folks passing you on Jin'rohk - were you not timing your cooldowns correctly in relation to the puddles?

I have had great luck with people from TN, so you have that going for you, as well as your past raiding experience. But, as I said, these current tier numbers are not super exciting for me right now. So I'd like you to address that.

As far as cussing, we don't have any formal rules against that. It is an adult guild. However, my expectation is that we keep things civilized. I would also refer you to one of our chapter policies:

On the wild frontier called internet, it is common for people to say something offensive but subsequently declare that it is "okay" because they "don't mean it like that." I've always believed that if you don't mean something, you shouldn't say it. Likewise, when you say something, mean it.

Some of these are so broadly used that you may have stopped thinking about them. So, I want to alert you of my expectations regarding language use.

1. Faggot (or variations).

2. Nigger (or variations).

I don't care what you think you "mean" when you use these words. They have no place here. If someone is being an asshole, just call them that. If someone is your friend, just call them that. Say what you mean and drop the ugly context of these words. I chose the n-word because it is the one most commonly covered by the "don't mean it like that" blanket. But, to be clear, I tolerate no racial slurs.

3. Rape (or variations).

Gamers love to rape things. It seems like every time they win, they rape. But this word has a specific meaning and it, too, is ugly. Casual use of this word is not female-friendly nor is it socially comfortable to me.

4. Retarded (or variations).

I used to say this all the time until I had a roommate that worked with the mentally handicapped. It's the same as fag really - you're denigrating a group of people because you couldn't come up with a better vocabulary word. Our language has thousands of more interesting or creative ways for you to describe how you feel; pick one.

5. "That's gay."

There are definitely times in life when we encounter things that are exceedingly gay, and they should be identified as such. For example, I think that pink elephant on the Delirium bottle is pretty gay. So are the two main characters in Supernatural. But when you think something is stupid, please say that it's stupid, not that it's gay. The gays have already been told that their immortal souls are burning in hell; they don't need to be blamed for bad game design on top of this.

You would want to make sure guidance like this is agreeable with you.

Thanks, and let me know what you think.

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I understand the confusion. I don't like the way my guild history might portray me, but ill go on.

In Hero on Burning Blade I raided DS with them for around 6 months or so. The other boomkin was very cocky and she liked to tell me how much I sucked. I got better over time and this did not make her happy. We also had a fallout in our friendship and her tension with me just got worse. She started rumors and eventually I was asked to leave since she was in a better standing with the guild than I was.

I left and I joined Divide on Zul Jin and finished DS with them. I sucked at the beginning of mop for a little while but at a time where I couldn't get a raid spot because the first impression of my dps was not a good one. I got better but still did not raid with them so I left to go raid with Shark Week on Zul Jin. Same server. I was not kicked out of divide, I had a great standing with them and still do. I raided comptetively with shark week and I went 11/16H. Recently 5 core members of shark week's raid ninja quit. The raid leader decided to merge with nightmare asylum on mugthol. We all thought we would still raid with eachother and whatnot but turns out that is not true and we now raid Friday through Sunday at 130 AM.

I am now looking for another guild I can raid with. I'd like to find a permanent guild and I definitely would still be in Hero if all of that shit hadn't of happened. I want a guild I can be in for a year+..if you have any more questions or concerns about all this just let me know.

I don't want my guild history to display myself negatively, it is what it is. I'm not a guild hopper and things happen, and ill say it again, I'd still be in my first real raiding guild if it all went differently, which shows my ..dedication? Or possible dedication, I guess.

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Welcome to the forums, Jessikozzo. I am Negido! I have a few very important questions for you.

1. If you could dance, would you want to?

2. If you had to leave your friends behind to perform said dancing, would you?

3. What's your favorite disney movie?

4. A horse, a badger, and a jackhammer walk into a bar. How would you feel seeing that?

5. What other games do you play outside of WoW and D3?

6. On a scale of "I've never heard of other human beings" to "social mantis shrimp butterfly", how social would you rate yourself?

7. Do you partake in booze-ahols, if so, what is your drink of choice?

8. What's a little known fact about yourself?

9. Any random skills?



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1. If you could dance, would you want to? Yes I would. I went to the club the other night, and I can't dance, but I did anyways. /endstory

2. If you had to leave your friends behind to perform said dancing, would you? hell no

3. What's your favorite disney movie? Aladdin.

4. A horse, a badger, and a jackhammer walk into a bar. How would you feel seeing that? I would feel weird but I would also feel like I'm seeing things that arent real. I could deal with that though

5. What other games do you play outside of WoW and D3? I play Grand Theft Auto 4 to drive over people and laugh. Dirt 3 is cool and I like Sim City. I still need to play Need for Speed since I got it for free. Outside of video games entirely, I used to play tennis and soccer.

6. On a scale of "I've never heard of other human beings" to "social mantis shrimp butterfly", how social would you rate yourself? Ive heard of other human beings and I like interacting with them while sometimes sprouting into half of a social mantis shrimp butterfly on occasions

7. Do you partake in booze-ahols, if so, what is your drink of choice? Vodka

8. What's a little known fact about yourself? a fact..I have scoliosis and I have 2 arms.

9. Any random skills? hmm..I honestly don't know what to say. I thought of this song though, the remix.

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