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Posts posted by Tyrlis

  1. The fact that you're named Tom sent me off on a long chase to find a song called 'Tom Please Share' by some obscure dude in California. I heard it on a podcast like 3 years ago and it's all about a comic asking Tom, the MySpace creator, to share some of his chicks. The long chase was made much, much longer by this crappy laptop, and the guy's MySpace page nearly froze up my system. So I gave up the chase, unsuccessful. So you've frustrated me and I haven't even talked to you yet. But welcome!

  2. Hi! Your 40 had awful gear and RR. You musta just PL'd him with PQ's, eh? I don't like iced coffee, I'm an elitist Mountain Dew Drinker. And I can envision some confusion when we get lazy and abbreviate your name to 'IC' and we're all like 'Where's IC?' and I say 'Dude it's north of Chaos Wastes' and they're like 'WTF?'

    Anyways, I'm not going to be able to help you at all with stuff in the game, but welcome to the forums!

  3. Hi! We are indeed looking for Choppas, especially those that can use abilities other than Lotsa Choppin' and Git to da Choppa. Contact an officer or senior member in-game, and they should be able to get you an invite for your recruit period.

  4. "ARMY stands for 'Ain't Ready for the Marines Yet!'"

    Silly Marine. That should be 'ANRFTMY' which obviously doesn't exist. Also remind him that 'ain't' is a bastardized version of 'are not.' Tell him to try again, after smashing his head into a wall a couple of times and shouting 'OORAH!'

  5. Army - It's just like XBox, only you die!

    Lugna might have the most popular intro post ever...

    This video was made in the building where our unit is headquartered, 2 years before my wife and I got here.


  6. I met Kyuti while we were RvR'ing (and kicking ass) in BV the other night, I believe his exclamation was 'I want to be in that guild!' I hope you decide to stick around man, whether the transfers go through or not.

  7. I plan on joining the Navy after I graduate.

    Are you alright with wearing your name on a label right above your ass pocket? If so, join the Navy. Otherwise... pick a better branch. Not that I'm biased after 6 years in the Army...

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