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Everything posted by Tyrlis

  1. Umm, like 4 of us rat in Gilas. So it seems Fate brought you here. Yeah we forced a medical stop after #4. No more diapers for this guy!
  2. Greetings and salutations. You have a lot of accounts! I think you're going to take that trophy... What have you done in your two years in EVE? Hi-sec? Low-sec? NPC Null? What's your favorite ship, and why? How old are your kids? I stopped at 4, they're 6, 8, 14, and 16.
  3. You're a decent fellow maGz, I'm glad this ended up amiably and I wish you well. Fly dangerous!
  4. Like I said earlier, I'm glad you've decided to join up. Since you're already in the process of prepping & moving (and are one of our first recruits to go from 0.0 to 0.0, brave of you) I'm going to give you the forum upgrade blurb a couple days before your corp invite. I'm going to upgrade your forum account to Recruit. That will allow you to view our EVE forums and the information overload they represent. Let me point out some highlights... - Our guild has pretty high standards of behavior and conduct. Please read the Code of Conduct and post your understanding so we know you've read it. - The EVE Online Chapter Policy forums has a pile of information about how our corp operates in EVE. Of particular importance, here are instructions for joining our in-game chat channel and here is an explanation of our in-game rank structure. Some of us have limited playtime, so we use the forums a lot to discuss happenings in the game and plans for once we're actually able to log on. I'll be sending you a PM soon with even MORE words to read.
  5. Hey there! I'm just about done with my break as well, though I've got more stuff going on this weekend. Somehow 'going downtown with the wife' turned into 'going downtown with the whole family and staying in a hotel'.
  6. You've passed the random question gauntlet handily - well done. Our activity is going to be a bit low for the next week or so due to the holidays, but feel free to hang out in the SOHCO Public channel and chat with whoever is online. As time permits we'll work through the in-game interview, Mumble interview, and API background check. Then you can apply to the corp.
  7. Hello potential new friend. I'm glad you found our forums! If you're looking for a place to boost your PvP skills, null sec is really the place to go. With everything in play from bubbles up to capital ships, the full range of combat can happen and you don't have to deal with station docking games or sec status. We've got a wide range of skills in our corp, everything from people first dipping into null up to multiple years of experience. I've always had history as one of my potential degrees after I retire from the Army. I'm imagining whiling away my later years teaching history to middle schoolers... young enough that they won't beat you up, but old enough that they won't pee themselves. Or I could go to school for a few extra years and become a professor, I suppose. I've also played GW2, WoT, and CoH2. I took a long break from WoT after getting my E-75 and when I came back a couple years later, too many Call of Duty kiddies were talking shit to each other in chat every match and it turned me off. I play WoWS for my historical FPS-ish nowadays. Have you ever played the Hearts of Iron series? I think I played HoI2 for six months when I first discovered it way back in 2007. I assume you're also a fan of the 'Total War' series? Right? RIGHT!? As far as the traditional random questions, if you had to design your own family crest, what would you put on it? What do you dip your chicken nuggets in? Have you ever actually eaten tripe?
  8. Well hello Duckie! Have you started an EVE account already? If not, check out http://www.sohguild.com/index.php?/topic/17299-want-to-start-playing-eve-online-heres-how/. It'll help Elend (who deserves the PLEX for all the work he does for the corp) and you if you use his referral link. Go ahead and start reading the EVE Online subforum, . We've written approximately ten million words there for your enjoyment! What's your in-game name and what are you interested in doing in EVE?
  9. Gotta love that holiday schedule. I decided that I'm non-essential personnel and that I deserve to work 9-2 this week and next week. I know that guy! He dropped us when we were living in Insmother! Nice kill.
  10. I'm going to upgrade your forum account to Recruit. That will allow you to view our EVE forums and the information overload they represent. Let me point out some highlights... - Our guild has pretty high standards of behavior and conduct. Please read the Code of Conduct and post your understanding so we know you've read it. - The EVE Online Chapter Policy forums has a pile of information about how our corp operates in EVE. Of particular importance, here are instructions for joining our in-game chat channel and here is an explanation of our in-game rank structure. Some of us have limited playtime, so we use the forums a lot to discuss happenings in the game and plans for once we're actually able to log on. I'll be sending you a PM soon with even MORE words to read.
  11. We're a little more active in weekends. Everything's slower than usual right now due to the impending holidays, but usually we have 3-4 people online on weeknights and 5-6 people online on the weekends. As far as SRP, we used to have a corp-level SRP but everyone just used the alliance SRP instead. We've repurposed our SRP funds towards our capital project, which you'll read all about once you've joined up.
  12. Tyrlis

    [EVE] maGz

    I'm going to upgrade your forum account to Recruit. That will allow you to view our EVE forums and the information overload they represent. Let me point out some highlights... - Our guild has pretty high standards of behavior and conduct. Please read the Code of Conduct and post your understanding so we know you've read it. - The EVE Online Chapter Policy forums has a pile of information about how our corp operates in EVE. Of particular importance, here are instructions for joining our in-game chat channel and here is an explanation of our in-game rank structure. Some of us have limited playtime, so we use the forums a lot to discuss happenings in the game and plans for once we're actually able to log on. I'll be sending you a PM soon with even MORE words to read.
  13. You got me with the last paragraph man. That exact comic is at the top of our thread detailing our EVE recruiting process. We've already chatted quite a bit (TBert/TBette here) but out here I get to ask you all kinds of fun questions. What does your family think about EVE? I started calling EVE my 'boring space game' so my girls wouldn't sit and watch me... but they still do it sometimes. We strongly support learning by doing in PvP, so you're not going to find a judgmental group here. What's the silliest PvP loss you've had? Mine involves a corpse, a blockade runner, and CONCORD... but you'll have to join to hear the whole story. We like to sit back on Friday nights, have a few drinks, and talk about our weeks. What would be your drink of choice on an evening like that?
  14. Tyrlis

    [EVE] maGz

    Hi Magz! Thanks for posting an app! I'm TBert/TBette in-game, it was nice chatting with you last night. What other kinds of PC games do you play? I met a Marine Force Recon vet a few months ago in a class. He told an amazing story about calling in one of the last fire missions for the USS Wisconsin... (cue long pause while I read the entire wiki entry for the USS Wisconsin) ...in Desert Storm, totally annihilating an Iraqi unit. Were you over there for that campaign? You've done so much in the game, do you ever feel like you've 'won' EVE? What are your goals in the game? Or are you just searching for the right people to keep playing with?
  15. Thanks for your honesty! If that's the case, it would probably be best if you just hang out in our public channel until you're ready to commit some time to the game, then ask for a proper invite. We don't have a participation requirement, but you need to be around enough that we get to know you.
  16. Thanks for hanging out with us in Mumble last night dude - it's too bad the D/Cs drove a few people away. Feel free to hang out in our Public channel and tap myself or Valence if you have any future questions or want to move forward with your app.
  17. It seems our head recruiter needs to start a thread for this recruit then...
  18. It was nice chatting with you man! I ran out of questions to ask you in-game... but that doesn't mean I can't come up with questions to ask you here... I've learned you are military - what's your position on the use of the knife-hand? The more the better? Only for the direst of circumstances? We like to kick back on our Friday nights and drink while talking about our weeks. What would be your drink of choice for an evening like that? What are some of your favorite games aside from EVE & WoW?
  19. Bob, you have navigated our question gauntlet satisfactorily! The next step is to go through an API background check. If you could send a private message on these forums to Ashin and Tyrlis (we're the CEO and recruiter) with a full API, we'll handle the background check part. I'd also love to see you in our public chat channel in-game, SOHCO Public.
  20. Obligatory statement that there's more to EVE than mining. Follow up statement with some examples that aren't mining. Oh man. Have we got work for you. There's always a market for T1 hulls in null! We do require at least SOME PvP activity from everyone, but since that's what you're looking for we'll be glad to show you the ropes.
  21. Hi Bob! Always glad to have another EVE app. In-game I'm TBert/TBette, and I'm the EVE Online 'Chapter Lead' (CEO). Can you tell us what you've done so far in EVE? Mining? Incursions? Missions? Industry? Do you have any experience in the wonderful world of wormholes? What's your drink of choice when you're laying back and drinking a few? What's your position on ties? Single windsor? Double windsor? Skinny tie?
  22. Nah, I told everyone what happened as soon as I got in Mumble for the TS3 night. It was too funny not to relay. I'm still pissed at that stupid app. I think it's a Windows 10 thing, because I TESTED it last week, but upgraded since. I went to bed at 6:15AM when Wifey nicely pointed out that I would do more 'For The Kids' if I went to bed and woke up earlier instead of leaving my children essentially home alone all day. It also worked out because I was able to get a decent chunk of sleep before the football game, hehehe. I didn't have any viewers after 3AM anyway, there was an amusing spike of viewers during one of The Witcher's nude scenes, hahaha. It's not too late to donate! Grieve could still use some help to make his goal! http://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=162862
  23. Ahh, Octodad... She's played through that game so many times. I keep telling her not to talk so much smack to the characters...
  24. Someone from NAGA (I suspect Doc and his 12 accounts) just donated $360 to put me at my $500 goal... Four hours into the stream. Holy shit.
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