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Everything posted by Twelvesoft

  1. Glad to know how my GM likes to portray me to the public
  2. Long winded responses are good! It means you put thought into the questions and have information to share! Keep up the good work
  3. Looking forward to your return, and congratulations on the new addition to your family!
  4. I agree with the unnecessary changing of details, and after watching the Season 3 opener I can see that it isn't going to be getting any better. I'm just glad Tyrion managed to survive that awwwwwwful...scratch.
  5. Heya Brian, thanks for the app! I just have a few basic questions to get the ball rolling and to pick up on some things that I am sure most people will be curious about from your app. First off, what about 25 man raiding intrigues you so much that leads you to leave your current guild and look elsewhere? I feel like most people embrace 10 man due to it being much less of a headache in most circumstances. Second question, do you ever DPS as a priest, or do you stick solely to the healing side of the class? And lastly, and the most important, what about our guild stands out to you, and what makes you feel like you want to be a part of our team? Thanks again for the time and look forward to seeing you around.
  6. Well now I don't want to click on those links...
  7. What in the fuck is Happy Hardcore and Hardstyle....
  8. http://www.worldoflogs.com/rankings/players/US-EU/Throne_of_Thunder/Primordius/25N/Balance_Druid/ I spy a fulgshift
  9. Paragon got world 1st ez mode leishen, lets see who kills the real version first, my money is still on method

  10. Hi. I see you are looking at your app right now, but nobody has posted anything, so I didn't want you to feel bad.
  11. Haters; gonna - hate.
  12. I miss daytime chatroom

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ashin


      Pibb you have no responsibilities you can go in whenever you want..

    3. Drpibb
    4. Bryant


      I miss the daytime chatroom as well. :(

  13. Hey Easy, I am just about to head to bed but read your response to Ashin's questions and wanted to assure you that we are about as far from bigoted as you can get, and thanks for taking the time to get some logs put together, look forward to checking them out.
  14. I am glad to see that you decided to drop by! And I like the Justin Beiber reference, you are already ahead in my book. I don't know much about hunters so I will leave the specifics to other people and it sounds like everyone has already asked the only questions I care about so I am just here to say thanks for checking us out and I hope you like what you see!
  15. Well after reading over this with only a very limited knowledge of the pally healing class it sounds like you have a good grasp of what is going on with the mechanics! You mentioned that you're leaving your current guild because some of the people aren't striving to be their best and it is holding the team back, my question for you is what are some areas that you think you need to improve in? There was a lot of text to wade through here so if this question had been answered in one form or another earlier I apologize.
  16. Iz a gud qualitee to has. Does this mean that you don't have any current logs or that recent logs simply don't show you shining as bright as you would like? I would say iLvl is something that is easily made up for, especially at the beginning of a new tier with the new gear being such a huge upgrade for just about everybody. But the logs really just back up your claim of knowing what you are doing, and anything at all would be helpful with showing that to us. If you don't have any, I would recommend trying out some LFR's and uploading your own just to give us something to look at. Since we are a progression oriented team with a (relatively speaking) short raiding week, we need to make sure that everyone is up to par. And like I said earlier, gear is easy to make up for, but knowledge of the class and great game play is not.
  17. Well there is certainly a lot of personality here, could we get some armory links and perhaps UI screen shots to give us a little bit more information? In addition to that, what draws you to our guild?
  18. What time is this dance class at/when would your AFK's be happening?
  19. Nice pup, we've got a few Malamutes ourselves, but I won't post any pictures and try to steal your thunder! Welcome to the team. I only have one thing to say about what you wrote for your app as far as a critique goes, and that is that SW:P does not do more damage than VT. It did do more damage after the 25% buff, but after they nerfed it by 25% again, the gap is even bigger than before I feel like, since it appears (at least to me) that rather than just reverting the 25% buff, they actually nerfed it to lower than it was before! Note: I don't actually have any proof to back up that claim about them nerfing it lower than it was before, it is just a feeling, so don't hold me to that. But I do know that VT is once again stronger than SW:P.
  20. ^ What he said, work on getting a mic though!
  21. Hey Lighti, Simming a patchwerk fight doesn't really highlight what is so good about our T14-4peice bonus, that bonus really shines on multi-dot or heavy movement fights. Either way though, with only having normal gloves (I am assuming un-upgraded) it is a close call (a closer call than I initially believed tbh), but the T14-4piece is still the better way to go in reality. As for the haste theorycrafting, like I mentioned in my previous post, howtopriest.com has all of that information, in addition to a lot of other stuff that is helpful! Edit: Don't assume anything is going south! It is good to see how you handle criticism.
  22. Nope. If that was the case then why did you break the set bonus? As far as the haste priority goes, take a look around howtopriest.com, lots of good information there.
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