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Everything posted by Twelvesoft

  1. Opal, I am so tempted to give spoilers... All I can say is read the books, they are so much better.
  2. Couldn't sleep so decided to watch American Horror Story, now really can't sleep.

    1. Inedit


      What?! Season 2?? It's super silly....

    2. Twelvesoft


      No only started it last night, still season 1.

  3. What about SoH piques your interest? It is also interesting that you come from Stonemaul, that was my original server from Vanilla until coming here in October. It has definitely died.
  4. As far as the logs went Boogy, things looked pretty good for the most part, I haven't done any of the 10 man stuff so it is a little hard to compare numbers and all of that. There were some talent choices that seemed strange here and there and I noticed that on some of the movement intensive fights I didn't see you using the mind flay glyph which to me is an absolute lifesaver and dps increase. Also on fights where you seemed to be doing some healing, (Garalon is sticking out in my mind) you only used VE once, which on that fight can be incredibly useful especially if you are damaging the legs after crushes or other healing intensive fights. Other things that I noticed was that it seemed like your MB casts were a little low on some fights where especially with DI they should've been relatively high, but these are minor things. DoT uptimes looked solid on most of the fights (I was looking at these at around 4am so things are a little fuzzy). I have also experienced a big dps increase on fights like Garalon by constantly being on the lookout for low HP targets in order to snipe a SW:D and get more DP's out during the fight, which I noticed you did a little bit, but probably not as much as you could have. Overall though your play looks pretty solid and I look forward to raiding with ya and seeing how things unfold in the 25 man setting where you have a little less responsibility for healing the raid. I think that covers most of what I saw, but if I think of anything else I will let ya know. See you in game!
  5. How can you even run WoW without your FOURTH 670 plugged in?! MADNESS
  6. Hey Boogy, first off that computer sounds insane, so much RAM! I'm gonna be spending some time later tonight looking at your logs to see if any questions come up, welcome to the boards and look forward to seeing you in-game!
  7. If you're leveling up this weekend, I have an 87 monk that I have been meaning to level... BattleID is Jholmes907#1813
  8. I find it a little strange that Halo is barely even discussed in your response, since it is our highest single target lvl90 talent for dps, and also heals for a decent amount at the same time. There are certainly some fights where DS is miles ahead, mainly wherever it isn't possible to be at 25 yards, such as Feng and Imperial Vizier, and some where Cascade is better, Elegon, Tsulong, and Amber Shaper, but for just about every fight I rarely see anyone use anything other than Halo. Is there a reason that you don't like to use it as much?
  9. You have to make it work for you, Disney will bend to your whim if your will is strong enough.
  10. If anything I hope that the Mulan song in your head actually increased performance on your finals, anything less and I shall be disappointed.
  11. ^ That is important, apparently he is one of the harder ones to please. And on a tank app nonetheless! I don't know how I feel about your ranking of Little Mermaid > Aladdin... Me and Neg have some things to discuss... For reference, in case further deliberation is needed, if we need to get down to business, who are we trying to defeat?!
  12. Good, because I tend to bounce ideas off of the people I am grouping with quite often, just ask Dililah, so I would hope that the give and take is something you can work with. I'm seeing you use cascade on all the fights in HoF that you've completed so far, except for Wind Lord. Why is that? I see that it is also being used sometimes to heal for Garalon and Blade Lord, but not Imperial, so I am curious as to if your raid simply needs the extra heals or if you prefer them on those fights for some other reason? Following up with that, on your latest fight against Garalon you used Cascade to heal quite a bit, but didn't appear to use VE at all, this also happened on Imperial, but on that fight Cascade was used solely for DPS purposes. I can't sleep and so I decided I would poke around, and these are just some things that caught my eye, again this is all for constructive purposes! Please share your thoughts! Look forward to hearing back from ya. Edit: One big question that I forgot to ask earlier: Do you not use any DoT-Timers or Castbar addons?
  13. MD is helpful for about 2 fights that I've seen, wouldn't consider it useful for anything else. Inner Sanctum is useful for any fight with raid spell damage being taken. I have yet to use the VE glyph either. My main thing with the Mind Flay glyph is that it is almost always up, so it saves you from having to burn your PW:S, and if you do end up needing it, it is only after a few seconds of already accelerated run speed. There are many fights in the game where getting in and out fast is very important, especially in heroic modes. Don't mean to come off as confrontational, was just curious, as you say everyone has their own flavor.
  14. This seems very strange to me. Seeing as how much we suffer when we have to move, I have found that it is almost always more useful to have that bonus speed from Mind Flay, I have also yet to run into a situation where I needed to use dispersion but it was on cooldown. I would also argue that there are more than 4 that are considered useful, and that the Dispersion glyph is far from being one of them. Just my thoughts on the matter though.
  15. . Animorphs are a book series. Look forward to meeting you in game!
  16. I would also ask for you to include the alt-commands for the special letters in your name, makes it hard to look up logs / armory information with having to keep coming back here to copy and paste different names.
  17. Woohoo, grats slave and brother
  18. This is the only one that I know of. I may take one sometime next year to look at some schools on the East Coast, but this is the only one planned.
  19. On another note, just wanted to make this known now, but the week of the 19th, I will be on a trip to check out Law Schools and will miss the three days of raiding on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd. I will be getting back on the 25th and be good to go for the next week though if I am needed.
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