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Everything posted by Eryalin

  1. Yay! Thank you, and grats to all promotees!
  2. Hey I saw you at the fort the other night! /wave I knew I recognized that name.
  3. Heya Drazo, welcome to the forums!
  4. Hi and welcome to the forums! Maybe we'll see ya around sometime.
  5. Eryalin

    Hi I'm Sasi

    Cats are cats, unless you have a specific breed of cat. If I say "I have a dog", most people will say "OH, what kind?". Cats, not so much. When you say "I have a cat." People presume it is the typical house cat of various colorings. If you have a specific breed of cat, then one might be more specific and say "I have a boxer/pit and an Ocelot." or "I have two Siamese." Again, because otherwise it is naturally understood your cats are the common house cat. *In my opinion. Now one of my cats is supposedly a Burmese, but the other two are typical mutt American Short Hair meowmeows.
  6. Eryalin

    Hi I'm Sasi

    hiya Sisa, good to meet you. I has 3 spoiled cats and a boxer/pit mix, am 34 and married, too. I look forward to meeting you in game!
  7. Hi, welcome to the forums.
  8. lol hi again Cryus! I bet it will be nice to be a DPS who can whip out an emergency cleric all washaaa and stuff. You know it's double xp weekend this weekend, right?
  9. Yes. I second this motion. For all I know, he could have said "You're all a bunch of buttholes." (I tease) I did make out "44" though; so either he is level 44, or his age is 44, or..
  10. Welcome to the forums! I must be getting old, because I couldn't read your post; it made mah eyeballs cross:(! Hi though, I look forward to meeting you ingame!
  11. Hiya, welcome to the forums.
  12. You're cute and funny! I likes that. See you in-game.
  13. :eek: I bet this kid catches up, and passes me to 50. You go HyperSorc!
  14. hiya there. Good to meet you. I shall hug him and squeeze him and call him HyperSorc.
  15. You know, Lumi, I had to put my dog on diet puppy food... you might want to consider that for your pet.
  16. hi! We had fun the other night, look forward to running around soon! Keep your Friday night in mind for "PVP Friiiiday ay ay ay" (imaging that booming announcer guy voice). Big fun!
  17. Hai Chip! Let us hug him and squeeze him and call him George!
  18. Hello! Dexter FTW! I'm Eryalin (also a name that is butchered quite often). Pleased to meet you, fellow Sorc. My baking expertise ends with baking (out-of-the-box) cupcakes for Christmas and Valentines class parties for my daughter's elementary school class. It's fun for a few minutes, then I'm done. :_tt2: See ya in-game soon!
  19. Eryalin


    Hiya Tsu, welcome! My husband and I started out in EQ1/EQ2 too. I look forward to meeting you in game.
  20. Hey Eryalin!

    do you think you could send me those links for MT? Sorry to bother you but I would really appreciate it

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