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Status Replies posted by Eryalin

  1. I'm hungry; I'm irritable; I'm tired. Beware.

  2. almost done with moving!!! \o/!!

  3. ummm... temp says it's -15 F outside... just saying.

  4. I'll be out of town Weds and Thurs - but Shadow will be avail!

  5. looking forward to the day being over... gray skies = movies and bed

  6. Wishes there was another MMO we all could play together in again...I MISS YOU PEEPS!!

  7. Carpet Cleaner is here. *excited* Ima haz kleen!

  8. Woke up with a a headache....and 6-7 in of snow....yay? XD

  9. looking forward to wrapping up my Monday and just logging in to do something terribly mundane. :p

  10. Chicken tikka masala for dinner - nomnommynoms! So satisfying!

  11. only me....eesh......i was trying to open the garage at our new place last night and the metal handle snapped off in my hand....the jagged post that remained ripped my right pinky finger open to the point that i needed 7 stitches & a splint to keep me from popping them LMAO!!

  12. Day 1 at the new job tomorrow. Best get to sleep early. :)

  13. 15 year wedding anniversary ^^

  14. Offer letter recieved and I start on the 27th! :D

  15. Surprise birthday party of tween girl sleepover was a success! Most of Christmas gifts acquired! Work none or minimal next two days! ..... \o/

  16. Surprise birthday party of tween girl sleepover was a success! Most of Christmas gifts acquired! Work none or minimal next two days! ..... \o/

  17. Going to bed.. interview went really well and going in next week for round 2. ding!

  18. There is a skunk somewhere outside my apartment and the smell is making my eyes water from inside my apartment..

  19. I have a headache with the neckache and upper backache. Going to be a long day trying to work. >:(

  20. Winter is back, High 70's last week...45 right now.

  21. 7th anniversary weekend for me and Tilluk!

  22. back on the nicotine patches....gonna do this BEFORE Christmas!! =D

  23. Gonna spend some time with Ery tonight before she goes to bed.

  24. Walking Dead = Awesome.

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