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Hot Charrcolate

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Everything posted by Hot Charrcolate

  1. Man, you have a lot of level 80 characters, Toobz! How did you level them all up, if not in dungeons?
  2. Haha I know which name to pick if I need another Charr Thanks Pride. I've felt really welcome so far. I've really been enjoying doing WvW with everyone; I never really had people to do that with. I'm hoping that I'll have more time to hang out with everyone after I complete most of the Queen's Speech content.
  3. Thanks, guys! Dillah, she used to play it pretty regularly, but has been playing a lot of WoW lately (she likes the pet battles).
  4. I agree with and promise to abide by SoH's Code of Conduct.
  5. Thanks, everyone! I will make an effort to read those threads and post in them. Fera, I also received your message and will follow the instructions that you sent me. Thanks for the warm welcome!
  6. Hey SoH! I would like to apply to join your GW2 charter. Before I do, I'd like to give you a little back story on who I am. I've been playing GW2 since launch. A few months into the game, I was accepted into a guild on Crystal Desert called QCS. I met a bunch of good buddies during my time in that guild. One that I still remain in contact with is your own guildmate, Booker Boltgrinder. Around March, Booker and I left QCS for greener pastures. He joined SoH, while I took about a little break from GW2 (played a little bit of WoW with my wife). After spending about a month away from GW2, I really began to miss it. The combat is a lot of fun, and I have really enjoyed the time I've spent in Tyria. Lately, I have been having a lot of fun just running around and accomplishing my own goals without being a part of a guild. I would love to get involved in a great community, though. Whenever I get a chance to talk to Booker he's always praising SoH and talking about how great you guys are. I'd like to be a part of that. Playstyle Usually I spend my time in GW2 completing dailies, running dungeons, and engaging in PvP. I get a kick out of WvW, but usually am not able to find a party to have fun with. I would love to team up with guildmates and explore the Battlegrounds together. Characters Hot Charrcolate - Level 80 Charr Warrior (main; I love this guy to death. I usually run a shout heal spec to help my buddies) Baflgraf - Level 67 Sylvari Ranger (my original character that I have just recently been playing on again. I do PvP on this character daily) Charramel Latte - Level 51 Charr Guardian Charrcolate Milk - Level 47 Charr Mesmer (noticing a theme? ) Charrcolate Rain - Lvl 25 Charr Thief Hope to hear from you guys soon
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