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Everything posted by Sisley

  1. You know you're from Edmonton (Canada) if.... Your seasons include: winter, winter, summer, winter If there so happens to be a spring, it lasts 2 days, and you're back to winter You trick-or-treat in the snow and wear your costumes underneath your snow suit You shop/walk North America's largest mall at least 2 times a week You've got a "jewelry" mall You get your butt whooped if you are caught in a Calgary Flames jersey You see Calgary Flames "hate" advertisements all over the city Chinatown is itty bitty, like, 2 blocks long (which is extremely small compared to Vancouver and Toronto) Bum fights in Chinatown are an everyday thing There is at least 1 Pho noodle house restaurant thing at every block You need to leave the city (sometimes even the province) if you want to go to the beach In December, the sun rises at 9 AM and sets at 4:30 PM In June, the sun rises at 4:30 AM and sets at 11 PM You see young idiots wearing a thin hoodie in the middle of winter, -30 degrees Celsius and complaining about how cold it is (freaking idiots....) Snot running down your nose and you not noticing it because your face is frozen in -32 degrees Celsius weather is common You go into any Asian store and see "disposable underwear" for sale (like, I'm not talking diapers, I'm talking about paper underwear you wear once and chuck out)
  2. I'm learning so much it's starting to make me think twice about ever moving to the states. Hahaha. When I've got time, I'll do one up about Edmonton, and then it'll REALLY make you think twice about comin' up here (though, I doubt the chances of you guys coming to Edmonton is zero to -100).
  3. Sisley

    Hi I'm Sasi

    HIIII! Welcome to the forums!
  4. Howdy! Another sin for me to pick up, squish, and love! :_wub:
  5. Errr, thought I had signed this one... Guess not, sorry for the late "I've read it!".
  6. I agreee completely with you. I'm surprised Ori's still got me on his friendlist... Oh right, cause if he deleted me off his list, he wouldn't hear the end of it from me.
  7. Howdy! Welcome to the forums!
  8. Sisley

    Sorel's Intro

    Hello! Welcome to the boards!
  9. You deleted me off of your friends list 2 days ago. :eek: But hello, and welcome........
  10. I likes you! You gave a very appropriate response to my.... Wait for it... PPPpppEEeeAAaanNNNuuuUUTTttssSS! :eek:;)
  11. Sisley


    Look what you did! Now everyone's going to call you Mimi. ANYWAY, welcome fellow Canadian!
  12. I like pocket healers...... :_wub:. Oh and HI!
  13. Sisley

    Just Orian

    I fixed my mic problem Kruunch Welcome to the guild Reid!
  14. Sisley

    Mauni intro

  15. Sisley

    Just Orian

    OMG I JUST REALIZED! If you get into the legion, I can finally talk your ears off!@ HA!
  16. Sisley

    Just Orian

    OMG IT'S ORIAN THE WALL!!!!! I know this guy, I've also grouped with him countless times. I can vouch for him.
  17. Hiiii! Mordrid is awesome, I like him. Maybe I will like you too when you join the guild!
  18. I had a chat with Eryalin last night for awhile. She was really helpful and told me about the groups you guys set up during weekends. I'm really looking forward to some of the SR runs and some trips to Elysea. She told me a lot of people are almost at the stage to do the Bertoni's quest. I'm almost clapping my hands together in excitment. From the looks of it, this legion sounds really friendly and helpful.
  19. Hello! So, this for everyone in South of Heaven, as I know very few of you guys ingame, to request your help along with a few others in the legion, with one of these group quests. The areas I'm specifically requesting for your help with, are as follows: Alquimia, Bakarma, and Steel Rake mid. However, I wouldn't mind doing Mist Mane or Lepharist Citadel. I would like to set up a group for this weekend, whether it be Friday January 29th in the evening, Saturday January 30th or Sunday January 31st. Saturday evening would not work for me, as I have a function I must attend. Thanks for your time! Hope to hear and group with you guys soon!
  20. Ok, so for those of you who are wondering about the proper pronunciation of my name, here's your answer. The name Ewa is of Polish origin. They pronounce their "w's" like "v's". So the proper pronounciation is "Eva" (ee-vah). HOWEVER, I do not go by that pronounciation as my parents have always pronounced it differently, so I grew up answering to how it's actually spelt. "Eee-wah". Thanks for playing!
  21. Hello South of Heaven, My name is Ewa. Yes, you may go ahead and butcher the pronounciation of my name all you want, because many people have. There are a few (I bet) whom will pronounce it correctly. I'm 24 years old, and I reign from Alberta, Canada. I graduated in April 2009 from Dental Technology and am an RDT, certified to make dental appliances of all sorts. I currently work at a crown and bridge lab as a metals tech. I've been playing MMO's for a very long time. I believe my very first MMO was called RYL (Risk Your Life). I don't believe many people know about it, as it is a Malasyian based game. It was free to play, and I was in high school and didnt' know the difference between a quality pay-to-play game from a free one. I believe I moved onto Lineage 2 afterwards. I've stuck to L2 for a very long time mainly because I enjoyed the combat and the skills system. The PvP system was top notch. The seige was excellent coupled with incredible (yet again), PvP matches. That game had a lot to offer, and I really do enjoy it, however I don't believe I will get back into it. Unless of course, Lineage 3 comes out. Which is probably NEVER. A lot of MMO's aren't really worth getting into detail, but I will list them. I've played World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Age of Conan, and Warhammer. Other games which aren't really MMORPGs include, Age of Empire, Starcraft/Broodwar, Diablo 1 and 2, Sims 1, 2 and 3. More about me.... In my spare time, I like to play video games (it's sadly my guilty pleasure), read, bake, and watch movies/TV. I am a mad baker with a knack for decorating baked goods. My current favorite authors are Sophie Kinsella, Jim Butcher, and Christopher Moore. My favorite shows are Battlestar Galatica, Dexter, Hell's Kitchen, Grey's Anatomy, Lie to Me, True Blood, How I Met Your Mother, and Two and a Half Men. My favorite movie, thus far is Disney Pixar's Up (it's sad I know...). Oh and I like long walks on the beach..... I kid, there are no beaches here where I'm from. Anyway, I hope to see more of you guys ingame, as I've seen a few of you guys running around. Toss me a shout or wave to me if you spot me online. My sorc's name is Sisley. Thanks for reading, see you ingame!
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