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Everything posted by Atrael

  1. Welcome fellow Aion gladiator!

  3. come back from pax alreadyyyyy pfffttt

  4. Lol, my office power is going to be shut off for four hours... let me go home and play DA2 then!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Huntyre
    3. Atrael


      Going to be a busy night. Terminating my lease, polishing my resume, playing DA2 and watching American Idol. What a mix and I'm ready to get on with it!

    4. Huntyre


      wow.. that's a lot of stuff.

  5. Haven't heard yet from the Pax Tickets seller... please don't be fraud!!!!!

  6. I am the only one who came to my building for work today. As in, not only are the people in my office at home, but so is the rest of the entire building. FML.

  7. Sometimes things just work out strange... I am very sure I'm starting to get sick. On the day Rift comes out and a huge winter storm is supposed to hit tomorrow and thursday... this looks suspicious even to me...

    1. Darlantan


      Your mind has a lot to do with when you get sick. ;)

      Not your fault, but there it is. lol

    2. Atrael


      Agreed. My white blood cells are like "wuuuuuut, if you ain't working I ain't working" *Germ eats white blood cell*

  8. I am so excited to go home and try Rift!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Atrael


      I will for sure.

    3. discofire


      I was thinking about going home for lunch for that reason lol.

    4. Mordrid


      lol yeah, I started the download before I left for work.

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RIXDkdYbCA
  10. Ah my god! European dating system, my head asplode!
  11. **SUMMON NECRO POWERS** As it was recently your birthday I decided to dig this gem up. My how you've grown! *Claps*
  12. I was thinking burts bees chapstick, that's all.
  13. Belated congratulations all!
  14. Generally, if tingled it gets slippery... I'm going to hell
  15. We're slippin people! Haven't seen the word of the day used/updated as often. As such, 1/4/2011 - Slippery whooo boy this'll be intresting
  16. Following our Besh Run, I voluntarily add, "Thou shalt no pull practical jokes on your legion mates by linking highly desirable loot, such as Silence godstones, in group chat upon looting a mob, only to have that mob empty except for a parry stone."
  17. floccinaucinihilipilification GL using it.
  18. OMG girl in my office met and spoke with Emma Watson over the weekend (whole convo). The jealousy is overwhelming!!!

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