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Everything posted by Feja

  1. Whoa who's this guy? jk... Hmm it was a goblin warrior I believe? Awesome, Gobo4L!
  2. Uuugghh, body in pain. Alcohol:2428 Me:0 , you may have won this battle but the war isn't over!

    1. Torick


      Alcohol always wins.

    2. Malthas


      I thought that was Authority.

  3. FIXED! Sorry it was bothering me. Enter keys around the world cry when you don't finger yours enough . Anyways thanks for applying! Good to see you enjoy raiding having stuck with it since Naxx, longevity is important. Hell we've been clearing DS ever since it came out, I can say for sure I'm not sick of it, surprisingly. As far as the meta gem talk goes, Crit gem over Mana gem has been accepted by all healers as the more optimal meta. If you do the math for abilities that give you percent based mana(Divine Plea/Arcane Torrent), the extra size Emberspirit gives you is negligible compared to the 3% crit throughput. This coming from a disc priest that has 4 mana percent based regen mechanics. And 1 point in Blessed Life is pretty standard. I don't understand the need for 2 points in Enlightened Judgements. Was it for the spirit based hit rating? If so you have 3500+ spirit, 50% of that is 1650 hit rating, still well above melee hit cap for Judgements. My suggestion, drop 1 point from EJudgements and put it into Blessed Life, you lose 5yds for your judgement and gain more Holy Power regen, seems like a no brainer to me.
  4. how is it coming? will you be ready by our raid in 15mins?
  5. After reviewing your logs briefly I was curious about a fight, Ultraxion. I'm assuming you received the Blue Buff, correct? I assume that because you had Essence of Dreams heals, and then you didn't towards the end of the fight. Anyways I was surprised to see the Resto Shaman on your June 5th kill, and the Resto Druid in your June 12th kill both pull ahead of you in healing when you got the godly healer buff. Here is a closeup of you still having the green buff briefly and then receiving the blue buff with ~1 minute left in the fight http://www.worldoflo.../?s=5109&e=5169 When damage was the highest your Resto Druid pulled ahead of you with a peak of 86k hps and you were only at ~50k hps. In addition you only did 8 Holy Radiance's in that entire last minute. It isn't common to see a Holy Paladin with the Blue Buff do so few Holy Radiance's and low hps at the end of Ultraxion. What happened? I went back to your June 5th kill of Ultrax. http://www.worldoflo.../?s=4890&e=5145 Here is a close up of the final ~40 seconds of that fight when you gained the Blue Buff http://www.worldoflo.../?s=5106&e=5147 The Resto Shaman pulled impressive numbers with just a Red Buff, I'm guessing people were getting low and his Mastery was kicking in? Again I was surprised to see you only did 5 Holy Radiance's that entire 40 seconds, that explains why people might have been dipping low allowing his Mastery to do work. Were you guys using a different strat? It's quite uncommon to see so few Holy Radiance when blue buff allows you to spam it. Was Crusader Strike necessary for extra damage on Utraxion? You said in your introduction "As I get more familiar with an encounter I make better judgment calls." naturally we all do that, but in a hardcore progression guild we require these things to be learned more quickly and on the fly, like on a pull per pull basis. It's things like that we all think about and sometimes even prior to engaging an encounter. Checking your class on World of Logs and checking forums discussing the particular fight are common tasks we all do. Are these things something you already do on your own? I know I am coming off as somewhat harsh, but these things are common practice for a HM progressing Holy Paladin. Our Holy Paladin(s) salivates uncontrollably waiting for that blue buff week after week, well maybe not as much now that it's our 30something clear of DS but you get my point. He WANTS to spam crazy Holy Radiance, he WANTS to do those massive HPS numbers, YOU GOTTA WANT IT!...err wait where was I going with this.... Oh right, it's that competitive nature all of us healers have. I was just using that Blue Buff as an example. Deep down inside we all want to beat each other on the meters...so long as it doesn't interfere with the encounter of course. Whether that be pre-casting a heal or spamming Holy Radiance on the raid when you can; we all push our characters to the limit, every fight every week. I just didn't see that kind of attitude from the logs I looked over. Is that something you think you can do for us? Thank you for applying and don't take what I said the wrong way, I'm just being direct from what I reviewed in those logs I saw.
  6. Omg another one of their friends. This conspiracy just keeps getting deeper.
  7. So how many babies from BF3 u got now?
  8. Well he's got a thick frame so it makes him look fat. I kinda have a frame like that.
  9. JimmyJones? ...yea i like that better..jimmy.
  10. I feel Gag Order and Blitz are only useful on trash in a 10m raid environment. Bosses can't be silenced for 3 seconds, and don't need to be, nor can the important adds be stunned on encounters. Therefore those talents are exactly that...trash. Now heroic dungeons, that's a different story, mostly one that people don't care to hear about .
  11. Feja

    Prot Warr

    I think I did a baradin 10 run with you like 2 weeks ago. You were unguilded and I remember thinking I should mention us cause you seemed competent, looks like you found us anyways . Look forward to raiding tonight.
  12. Hello South of Heaven, I recently started WoW back up after a 7month break and am in need of a quality guild. I saw your recruitment post on the realm forums and decided to check you out. First off I'm a mature 25 yr old and have played many mmorps in my days and have been playing wow for almost 4 yrs. I'm looking for a guild that raids around twice a week, give or take a day, nothing too serious, just somewhat consistent and dedicated; above all it's gotta be fun(hence the not too serious). I was in a serious guild after WotLK launch and it just burnt me out. I am a skilled healer(although shadow is so much fun ) , always have been, you can check my achieves I healed in 90% of them. My most notable achievement is The Undying 3 weeks after WotLK launch, also it's my favorite cause we got quite lucky, someone died about a second AFTER the encounter ended, but I digress... I do prefer 10m, that's why I chose your guild, cause 25m was just too time consuming, so many people to rely on things became a pain in the ass. Lastly i'm a team player, need before greed in most occasions. I'm really just looking for a good group of people I can rely on and have fun with . Hit me up in game if you need anything.
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