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Index - 503 Disc/Holy Priest [Full Heroic Experience]


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Name: Todd

Age: 22

Location: Maryland

Battle Tag: Lotus#1304

Armory Link





Grand Empress - http://www.worldoflo.../?s=5447&e=6307

Tsulong - http://www.worldoflo.../?s=1507&e=1968 [i fucked up a day heal phase big time by forgetting to switch Chakra's.]

RaidBot - http://raidbots.com/...annoroth/index/

I know you wanted a Holy priest so here some LFR's. I'm still learning Holy, so in a last ditch effort to impress. I think I've spent over 12 hours in LFR over the last 2 days, and over 6 hours in skype with my friend who is in a top US-11 guild to learn the spec as fast as possible. In the process of this my eyes have bled a lot. My entire log is viewable for all the LFR's I've done so you can also see the jump in level of play as Ive gone. I know I'm still a little bad with my PoM casts.

MSV 10m Normal - http://www.worldoflo...9wpu6ld8iybd9m/

My personal logs - http://www.worldoflo...uilds/227427/�� [<-12 Hours of LFR and a normal MSV]

[Note the Windlord->GrandEmpress LFR I Afk'd. My friend decided to be a smart ass and go Disc and absorb everything and anything that LFR could pump out.

My character only has 14/16H kills. But I did have H-Protectors to sub 10% and Sha to 5%. I requested to be sat for Protectors because I had the rare flu strand virus and I was just way to sick. I was under preforming, and it would of been better to have someone else in at that point.

-Raiding Experience-

Vanilla (Full Clears)






BC (All Full Clears)



Mag's Lair






(I quit and Sold my account to a close friend. Who then heavily botted on it and lost it. GG.)

Cata (At Current (Nerfs shown)

BWD (1/6H) (6/6H During DS)

BoT (1/5H) (5/5H During DS)

ToT4W (2/2N) (2/2H during DS)

FL (6/7H) (7/7H During DS)

DS(8/8H) (Spine/H-Madness 5% Nerf)

(For My Cata EXP)


-Previous Guilds-


Flame Imperishable - The guild fell apart before BC. I took this chance to go horde


Zeinith - I had a lot of real life things going on. So I passed GM to my closest friend after a few days of long conversations with the officers and took my leave. This was after sunwell was cleared.


Interrupts Like Kanye - Was in here to get myself raiding again with friends. A lot of the members were really bad. Like people you see in LFR. After being 40% of the damage in the 10man and seeing that nobody but me learned encounters and tried to better themselves I left. I'm still friends with quite a few of them.

Entranced - Did all FL with them. I had a major clash with the GM (Also my GF) Enough said. Didn't really want to be in a guild with her.

Rapture - Joined them for Dragon Soul. I love every single one of the people from that guild. Except the Main Tank. The guild did a full reroll to alliance around 15% DS Nerf to get away from him.

Slash Hug - The re-roll of Rapture. Things went amazing, until the new GM (The Original Recruitment officer) went to a better guild because people were bad mouthing her. (I quit a few weeks again into the re-roll because I was moving to California for a job.)

Leaving because of major favoritism in guild. I explained it to Ashin and Inedit; and can go into more detail if asked in private.

-Why SoH-

I've talked to about 7 people looking for a new guild. Out of the 7 I enjoyed of the conversations. Well realistically only 4 of them had a conversation, the rest seemed like automated robots. I talked with Ashin and Inedit for probably about 30-45 minutes just about the guild, Myself, and them. One of my major questions is "What is your guild like in and out of the raid environment?" And I was astonished at the long and detailed answer I received from Ashin.

You guys also raid on a strict 9 Hour schedule, and have managed to progress yourself pretty far on the short amount of time you have to raid with.

Speed Test:


UI Screen Shot in Combat:



My visible ones

1- Pen // CoH When Holy

2- Heal

3- GH

4- FH

5- Renew

6- VS (Long fingers)

7 - = are just for show for CD's I know I have the CD bar but I'm weird.

Naga 1 - PoM

Naga 2 - PW:S

Naga 4 - Smite

Naga 5 - SS/AA Macro // Chakra Ability When Holy

Naga 6 PoH

Naga 7 - PI

Naga 8 - SW:P // Chakra Serenity when Holy

Naga 9 - LG

Naga 11 - Dispel

Naga 12 - 90 Talent

Mouse Button 2 - Mind Bender

` - Pain Sub // GA When Holy

F1 - AA // Chakra Sanctuary When Holy

F2 - Barrier // Lightwell When Holy

F3 - Human Trinket

F12 - Buff Sequence Macro

Shift+` - Special Action Button

F - Inner Focus

​I'm consistently adding more.

About Myself:

I've been a avid gamer all my life. I watch the LCS like it's religion, as well as some SC2 tourneys as well. It's just amazing to me how far gaming has come in today's world that some people have a paid career playing them competitively Outside of the computer world, I'm into Tricking, and Cars. I personally own a 1988 Corvette, as well as a 2000 GT-S Celica. I'm pretty bad when it comes to talking about myself honestly. So if there's any questions I'm pretty much an open book. I'm also pretty big into the Japanese culture, and pretty huge into Anime as well.

I think I spent from the point I got off Mumble till now writing and rewriting this application, and having my friend look over it till the point he told me to stop linking it to him and just post the damn thing. I tend to be a perfectionist at times. If I see something wrong, I won't stop until I figure out a way to do it better. To some this could seem a little cut an paste, but I wanted this to come across as easy to read and well sectioned.

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Hi Index and welcome to the South of Heaven boards!

I only have one question for you since I only stab things: What are your thoughts on transmog in relation to the distance to Mars?

I too use to stab things.

I change my transmog quite frequently. Usually twice a week.

As for the distance to mars.....30 seconds? Ba-dum tiss?

Thank you for the detailed intro. I used to own a '96 Celica GT, and I hope to one day own a Corvette.

What's your thoughts on PvP?

Welcome to the forums.

The corvette can be pretty scary with the amount of power it has. Although the Celica is my affordable dream car..

As for pvp I love open world. I'm not major on Arena but I do like RBGs and Pre-made BG's.

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Nice to see your app Index. I think you did a fine job with it. :)

Hopefully Feja will get a chance to review your logs soon and we can have some feedback.

Yeah Inedit told me that you were curious or not if I was actually going to app or not.

As a side note I'm in Reckoning now as a friend rank. Didn't feel the need to add that to the guild list. >.<

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Wow, I really didn't expect you to get that...well done! I change my transmog quite often as well, although there are only a few sets I actually like.

To be honest it's the first thing that came to my mind, and I love them. >.>

Usually how I work is if I get my tier quickly at the start, I'll usually show it just to be a special snowflake. After I'm done being special (Which usually lasts 2 days till I'm bored of it.) I'll switch to my T2, then mix something random, then go to my why don't I have the Faith chest piece yet xmog, then something random, then T2 again. I also run mogit, which makes me a very happy person.

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Hooray, you did it! ;)

Thanks for apping! See, we're not scary.......yet! As mentioned, we will review your logs -- but it is nice to see someone who has made some effort to learn/improve within LFR.

So, if you love 30 Seconds to Mars, how proficient are you at applying eyeliner (aka guyliner)?!

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