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Wispor - SPriest, 6/16HM


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I have to be honest, I read through several apps before writing mine and I think at the very least I'll get some excellent information on improving my play. It's like walking into a room of Adonis' and I'm naked, waiting for the compliments and criticisms to come. (maybe a bad comparison)

I'm a 40+ golf professional at a private country club in NY. I have a house full of kids and play Wow for relaxation.

I like progression fights and don't mind wiping.(except when the same dope wipes the raid over and over and over) While I prefer progression nights over farm nights, I take pride in maximizing my dps on every pull. I certainly understand dead dps is no dps and, with the number of tools a shadowpriest has, I get totally embarassed when I die before a wipe is called.

Here's my character http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/zuljin/Wispor/simple

Guild Logs:(I'm in almost every raid) http://www.worldoflogs.com/guilds/192897/

Guild History

Vanilla: I was a holy priest thru vanilla. Edge of Dawn was my first raiding guild. I'll never forget the chills from downing Onyxia the first time. We were working our way through Blackwing Lair when guild collapsed. I was an officer at the time, I decided never again. 40 man raids were epic but very hard to manage. I don't imagine 25 raids are a lot better to manage. Being an officer sucked the fun out of the game for me.

I joined MoreMyth, finished vanilla with them with the first 5 or so bosses in Naxx down and all of aq40 except c'thun. We went into BC running, I went shadow and never looked back. We got cock-blocked at Brutallus until Wrath.

At the start of Wrath MoreMyth disbanded and several of us joined Apex on Thrall. That guild disbanded towards the end of Wrath. That's when I joined Disturbed on Zul'jin and have been there since. We cleared all the content in Cata(although not all of it timely). There was a guild split at the start of MoP that took the wind out of us. We rebuilt and were moving along but we were never able to get caught up and the whole process burnt out my GM. The officers put a hold on raiding and members are all going seperate ways.

As you can see I'm loyal. I go into raids 100% from start to finish. My attendance estimate is 90%+, I have the occasional work related dinner that may make me late. I look at WoL often, especially when I feel my performance was below my standards. The only 2 things irk me: delays between pulls and slackers.

I'm fine with ball-breaking, I can dish it as well as I take it. While I have a working mic you will almost never hear me.I spend all day at work talking to people and like to give it a rest when I get home. (that attitude isn't popular with my wife) I've also found that most raids have too much chatter, particularly on progression nights. I'm game for anything on off-nights, I have alts and don't mind mixing it up in some pvp.

Lastly, I would love to raid with a superior shadowpriest. It gives me something to shoot for and an excellent comparison to study in WoL.

Thanks for your consideration


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Hey there, thanks for the application! Sorry I didn't get around to responding to this earlier, and in all honesty I won't be able to respond much in the upcoming days (I am about to go on a mini vacation). But as the only Spriest (main spec at least) currently on the roster I am looking forward to talking with you. As far as Shadow in particular is concerned, could you please answer the following questions in whichever way allows you to share your views clearly:

1. What do you think of upcoming changes to Spriests in 5.2 and how will they change your gameplay?

2. What bosses in this tier (5.0-5.1) did you feel that shadow was well suited for, and which fights made you want to smash your keyboard into a thousand little pieces.

3. What (if any) add-ons do you use for helping keep you at the top of your game?

4. You mention you would like to raid with a superior shadow priest, but if the spot you were filling was being competed for, how would this effect your interaction with the people that may be vying for that same spot?

5. On average, how many re-spec tomes do you run through in a raid week?

6. Instead of giving me an entire expac worth of logs to look through, can you pick out a night that you felt you were particularly on point and link those logs?

These are just a few random questions that popped into my head while looking over your app, and I will probably come back with more when I am not as tired, or look back and wonder why I asked these questions in the first place, but regardless, don't let that stop you from answering them fully. I look forward to your response, and thanks for the interest in our Guild!

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Lemme answer Inedit first:

Mets sadly. By July I'll be looking forward to football season. My son plays Wow casually. He's more of a LoL lover. He also prefers playing with his buddies. The rest of them like ipods over computers. My kids go to bed before 10, they get enough of me leading up to raid time. I wouldn't say my wife is content giving me alone time to raid but she gave up that fight long ago.

Hi twelve,

I'm not a big ptr guy. I do keep up with the ptr notes though. 5% damage buff to shadowform is nice. Nerf to the mind spike glyph, not so nice but I still see use for it. Instant casts allow for dps while moving,(Edit: I don't find a use for it, I erroneously gave the MS glyph credit for FDCL.) I'm interested in seeing the SW:I buff on live. Based on what I've read it appears competitive.

Shadowpriests shine when multidotting is an option and ToF can get a lot of procs. I found Elegon the most fun with Emperor slightly behind. Amber-shaper was also fun.

Vazier and Bladelord are my least favorite. Both are solid single target fights. Also, watching my apparitions standing around me with their thumbs up their asses on Bladelord makes me particularly sad.

I use Forte as my dottimer and Weakauras to track procs. Skada and DBM round out my raid add-ons.

As for competition, I love it. There's nothing better then a class comparison to see how my gameplay is. I'm happy to share ideas with my fellow shadowpriests, even if they're the competition. What fun is it when you beat someone using a "knowledge advantage" that you kept to yourself? I prefer to compare skill myself.

On a full clear week I go through approximately 10-12 tomes. I use http://howtopriest.c...php?f=19&t=2173 as a guideline.

When you say "on point", I think more of "on luck" I feel like I go into almost every raid on point but sometime the shit spawns under you every 5 seconds and DBM warnings are flying, other times you feel like the boss is a target dummy. That said, I guess http://www.worldoflo...Done/?enc=kills would have been one of my better days.

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I have never heard the naked Adonis analogy before during my 8 years in this guild, and I have to say that I like it.

It looks like your guild enjoyed a very solid progression in Cata, and then as you say the wind was taken out of you for Mists. In your opinion what were the two or three key problems that dragged down your team's progression or held you guys back this tier? Is the team now disbanding or have you just arrived at your own realization that the the progression will not be where you need it to be? Have you communicated with your GM and how soon are you available to xfer?

How does your family treat your WoW time? Will we have AFK's and so on for time with the children? For reference sake 90% attendance would be viewed as quite low over the long run here - we've generally tried to build a team that can have a very small bench and very high attendance. That said we've determined that our bench is too small so we are working now to build more of a safety margin for IRL. It's something we should have done sooner.

Vampiric Touch uptime on Feng just under 90% - would like to see it above. Happy with the 96% on Protectors. I saw that you died to a blade tempest on your blade lord attempts. Keep in mind that you should be pre-positioning yourself by beginning to move in after the last wind debuff goes out but before the tempest starts. The less distance he has to suck you in, the more time you have to begin moving out of the tempest's way before you start getting pulled back. Sonic rings are very easy to avoid on normal mode - I see you getting nicked by them altho not too bad. You said you liked Elegon and you did a good job on that fight. Your uptimes were better than either of your peers.

Tell me what your strategy/assignment was on Will? You did well and maintained respectable uptimes on the two big guys. VT seems to have room for improvement but, again, you did better than your peers.

Overall this feels like a nice app and a good personality fit. I just want to understand better what you are looking for in your next guild (and why we stood out to you), as well as feeling a little uneasy about the dinner functions (how frequent, roughly? once a month? once every few months? every other week?) and possible kid attacks.

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At the start of Mists my guildleader got a promotion at work that required him to take 3 weeks off. We were 4 weeks into raiding when he got back. There was a power struggle. Each side had their own story, I assume the truth was somewhere in the middle. The net result were 2 officers leaving and 7-8 solid raiders leaving. Filling the holes proved time consuming and difficult, getting us well behind. We were doing ok but to be honest were were still piecemealed together and still carrying 3-5 mediocre players. After our last wipenight on H Garalon tempers flared and my guildmaster stepped down from raiding. He may come back and run 10 mans but no more 25's. None of the remaining officers wanted to pick up the pieces and many raiders are going their separate ways. I like and respect my GM, Bawdy. You can certainly chat with him if you'd like. I can transfer anytime.

I know of at least 4 nights through August that I have dinners. There's a good chance I'd be home by 9 but I can't be positive. 90% is a conservative estimate. I'm probably higher. I tend to promise low and produce high. My family does come first but I can tell you that very rarely do events go beyond 9pm for my kids. Kid attacks happen before raid time. Again if you'd like Bawdy's take on it Ifeel free to talk to him.

My performance: My VT uptime needs a little work, those damn procs sometimes get the better of me and I MS before refreshing. I also need to improve my MB on cooldown, sometimes my DP damage is a little low. On Blade Tempest I tended to stay on the deepest outskirts to give people room so as not to get multiple hits on the debuff. People do move in but I was a bit of a pig there. I relyed on the shield speed buff to get me out but unfortunately I had the shield debuff from one of our disc priests. That was an embarassing moment for me. Lesson learned. As for sonic rings, I could do better. It was R farm, I was dpsing and sneaking between the rings. Heroic I'd certainly just circle him and avoid dying.

My assignment in will is kill Rages then Strengths, Courages when they come out and dps the boss during gas. My RL certainly gave me leeway on playing my class and I could have better uptime on the bosses in between gas phases but I kept my focus on the other adds, missing refreshes on the boss.

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What stood out the most was a top guild doing it in 9 hours a week. That means when you raid you raid. No breaks, afk's, 30 minute explanations on pulls, etc. I've had several 8,9,10,11/16 guilds get in touch with me. That's more or less what I was raiding with, I wanted to push ahead without sacrificing more time.

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I'm a 40+ golf professional at a private country club in NY.

This sparked my curiosity, do you play golf professionally there(and only there?) or do you mean more of a management role?

Overall I liked the app though :). I too am unable to continuously refresh my VT on the bosses during Will but I think that has more to do with it being Heroic, still on normal it can be difficult, gotta keep those adds under control or risk getting overrun.

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