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Everything posted by Kytn

  1. Thank you for everyone who helped explain EX primals last night!! I know I derped a lot, but much fun and learning was had. :3

    1. Xander117


      No worries we all derped at those fights at one point in time.

      Glad you had fun hope to see you next sunday funday

    2. Boom_Stick


      You did fine! We had the pleasure of spending hours learning those fights. No one expects you to survive Titan Ex the first time you try it.

  2. Crunching numbers for crafting jobs! :D

  3. I think it was a Tuesday? Or a Wednesday? Maybe middle of the week is the sweet spot for transfers/new character creation!
  4. It feels like they stripped out a lot of the personality and messed with the friendship dynamic between everyone. Though I haven't watched past the first six or seven episodes.
  5. I still reread all of Alanna, Daine, and Kel when I need a pick-me-up! Thank you kindly for the welcome. ^_^
  6. That's fair. I've been less than impressed with her couple of most recent books, but Alanna in particular will always have a special place on my shelves. Thanks for the welcome! And hooray for Sailor Moon!! Well, Sailor Venus to be precise, yes?
  7. Thank you!! It was so nice getting to talk with everyone tonight.
  8. Read, agreed, and signed!
  9. Hooray, a fellow Whovian! Capaldi has a lot of potential, but season 8 (with the exception of a few episodes) didn't give him much of a chance. Still poking through classic Who (stuck on the first Doctor), but my favorite in New is Tennant. Mostly sci-fi and fantasy, though I have a soft spot for anything Jane Austen. Favorite books, ooooh.. that's so tough! My comfort books are almost anything by Tamora Pierce. I just picked up The Paper Magician series, and have been meaning to grab the Dresden Files for a while now. Taking discreet math, to finish up a computer science degree, so that I can turn around and go for an accounting degree.
  10. Cats, for sure. Dogs are cute, but I'm totally a cat lady. Blue. One of my very favorite colors. Winter, because I love being able to wear layers. Red Sox. I guess that gives away where in New England I live! Umm.. sort of ambivalent on Lalas. I wouldn't play one, but they don't bother me.
  11. Greetings y'all! I'm Kytn, 26 years old and living in New England (no more snow, please & thanks T-T ). I posted a looking for Free Company add on Reddit and was directed here. I've played WoW on and off since the end of TBC, with some softcore raiding during WotLK. I also dabble in Diablo III, and have tried a handful of other MMOs through the years. I work a full time job and take one class two nights a week, meaning my availability is often limited to weekends. Right now I'm leveling up my first character in FFXIV - a soon-to-be bard. Other interests include some basic cooking, non-MMO games, reading, Doctor Who, and cats. Great to meet everyone!!
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