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Everything posted by Hip

  1. Whats up Doc. Welcome to the forums. Also, move Gurthalak to your MH. Yes, I realize it is a lower item level and lower dps, but having it in your OH reduces your proc chance astronomically. OH is basically a stat stick for fury, especially TG with weapon swings so slow.
  2. Does this count as jacked or fat jacked?
  3. A veil of impenetrable sorrows has wrested my heart. A tragedy greater still than the passing of my G5. Inedit, please say you're not a Yankees fan!
  4. Hmm, well I hadn't considered that you might actually be Bones, but thanks for clearing that up. I did however play in a guild with Kenny Rogers (surley former pitcher for Texas Rangers) early in my WoW days. Either way, I'd like to hear the story some time in mumble or whatever.
  5. Four things here. 1. Jjones, Jon Jones? 2. All love is sweet, thanks for the opportunity to look into the deep connection you have with Cal, it's breathtaking to witness. 3. Tauren Shaman! 4. Welcome to the forums.
  6. Whats up Narox, Well on the Orc racial you could consider this. 1 macro, Blood Fury, your Essence of the Eternal Flame trinket, and Retaliation 2 Wait until you cap Vengence buff whilst tanking a boss 3. Hit said macro when taking a string of melee hits, the more mobs the better 4 Use said macro essentially on CD for boosted tank DPS The boost to threat is really unnecessary, but the boosted DPS prove to be the difference between a HM progression kill and a wipe. New question, how do you handle your Shield Block ability and Heroic Strike? Also, the latest replies has me curious. Mind sharing a story about a time when you felt that being mean and strict was the only way to get results? What was the scenario, what did you do and how did it turn out. <3 Hip
  7. Whats up Narox, welcome to the forums and solid post, well done. I noticed a few things I'd like to get your feedback on. Curious about your spec choices. why 2 points in gag order, how are you using heroic throw? Why the points in Blitz? Why the points in Blood Craze? You're missing your BS bonus sockets on your gloves and bracers, what gems would you plan to throw in there? You don't have a run speed bonus on your boots, granted T12 doesn't have a ton of movement mechanics, but what tools do you use to compensate for the lost run speed? Curious how you use your Orc racial as a tank. Last but not least, if you could have your own custom title displayed on the forums what would it be? Love and shield slams, Hipcheck
  8. so it will proc off aoe damage? i figured it was a pvp thing where a spell/melee attack had to target you specifically. Good to know, thanks.
  9. Hey again Cal, Question for you regarding your spec, why the point in blessed Life? Blessed Life I recently leveled out my pally and usually (i.e. always tank with him) but toy with the idea of finding a class I can heal successfully in. Putting points into Blessed Life is not something I would have considered and curious to get your input on it.
  10. Question on your UI and a mod you are using. What's the add-on putting up that picture in the center of your UI and does it come in red-heads? Also, hello, welcome and good app.
  11. I figured since you like mcneely you like baby cakes as well. IF so check this shit out son! http://video.adultswim.com/china-il/china-il-behind-the-scenes.html

  12. Welcome to the forum Runchables. Anytime someone can combine the ferocity of a Rhino and the deliciousness of a Lunchable into one name you get a thumbs up in my book.
  13. What's up Fartive, welcome to the forum
  14. Welcome to SoH, looking forward to meeting you in-game. P.S. I'm impressed that a toon with your name isn't protection spec'd :eek:
  15. 3, 2, 1, CHAINSAW!

  16. Read, understood, signed
  17. Thanks for the welcoming gang. Sounds good Ashin, I'll look for the friend request. looking forward to chatting with you all soon.
  18. Lok'tar ogar friends. That's probably as much roleplay I will ever do, aside from the occasional gnome chewing. Habits are hard to break. I'd like to also say thanks to Noesis and Dilliah for taking some time to answer some questions for me in-game tonight. I appreciate it and feel it speaks volumes about the sense of community that the guild information speaks of. It's one thing to write it in policies and charters, another to have it acted out by its members late on a Thursday night. /end brown-nosing I'm a thirty year old gamer who loves his WoW time. It's an escape for me. I love my job as a fitness director in campus recreation at a state university,but wouldn't feel balanced without running a raid at least a few times a week. I particularly love the competitive and cooperative aspects of WoW. I like to do my jobs in a raid, do them well and be surrounded by folks pushing towards that common goal. If stuff falls over at the sight of my raid group that's not too much fun. Yeah farming is good times, but progression-less raiding is just collecting purples. That said a shorter raid schedule is good times as well. I don't have aneed or desire for 20+ hour progression raid weeks. I'm looking for a guild that runs 10s, has mature and respectful raiders who enjoy kicking the crap out of raid bosses, and is looking for a skilled and qualified tank. I want to find a place where if i log on randomly theres a solid chance someone will be on and that someone will say "hello", even "ohai" works. I grew up horde,(prepare yourselves) switched ally mid WotLK and is ready to reform my ways. http://us.battle.net...pchecked/simple Is my desired main, and toon i have the most experience on. I've killed up to T5 in BC pre- 3.0, got ICC drakes at 20% buff and gone 10/12 cata on this toon. http://us.battle.net...ipsocket/simple Is my most progressed toon at this content patch. I'm 3/13 HMs (Halfus, Chim, Atra) but that guild just blew up when the GMs quit to join a 25s. I've officered, RL'd, recruited and farmed mats as needed. It's important for me to be in the guild I'm in. Any relevant spell/trinket/potion/raid marker is macro'd and keybound to a place i can reach readily I love the smell of clean laundrty. I hate (yes that is a strong word) washing silverware. I have no dishwasher in my apartment as a matter of discipliine, I'm probably dumb for this. I haven't keyboard turned since killing marines in Northwatch. I hope I'm doing this intro post right, although it's probably getting a bit long winded. I'll leave it at that, saying "hello", and that I'm eager to learn more about SoH BONUS TIDBIT: anyone else have trouble spelling the work heaven? something about that E A in the beginning throws me off. Should I say a few Hail Mary's now? Thanks, Hip RealID: saja1122@gmail.com
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