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Everything posted by discofire

  1. discofire


    So lucky, my SO hates gaming Also, welcome!
  2. discofire


    Psssssssst. Don't play it, you will hate it. *goes back to his cave on the Isle of Aion Exiles*
  3. Woot! It's decided then. I've got to go with them.

  4. Some bad experiences with Tyranid players or sumfink? hehe

  5. Eskrima is crazy, it does wonders for hand eye coordination. Filipino knife fighters are the best too, IMO And you're definitely right about being able to carry eskrima sticks around with no trouble, that's why I love taijutsu, every traditional weapon we train with has a modern variant that is allowed pretty much anywhere. My favourite is rope.
  6. Nice, sounds like a good mix to me, except I am not a fan of tang soo do myself, Muay Thai, however, is one of my favourites. I have been studying and teaching bujinkan budo taijutsu AKA ninjutsu for 8 years now, well, I have only been teaching for 4. Sounds like you started at a young age, which is awesome. I wish my parents would have let me get into it when I lived with them, but it's probably best I didn't, I was a little violent back then.
  7. Hi, and welcome. I don't play Aion, so you'll only see me on the forums (BOOOO!), anyway, I wanted to ask what martial arts you like and if you actually study any? KTHX!
  8. She's doing awesome! She has two little cute front teeth popping out on her bottom gums. She's starting to show signs of Daddy's short temper though :(

  9. :island::love::umbrella:

    My pet Disco is not a good enough replacement!

    I miss U.

  10. Perhaps you might want to clarify on what you mean by your question, Discoman!

  11. So you must be a Kiwi then? 0.o?
  12. You must be one of the Quebecois that he likes so much. Or possibly Australian. Ashin thinks accents are hawt.
  13. All I can think of for some reason now is Wesley Snipes.
  14. Yay! I feel included!

  15. I want to be in the FDL... :(

  16. That is not actually true, young lady! It is in AB, but in BC most are closed on Sunday, and it is run by the Province, and the drinking age is 19, in Canada the Provinces can dictate that age, so long as it is not below...17 with a parent present, if I recall.
  17. discofire

    Hi I'm Sasi

    Just how sasi are you? Hmmm? Welcome to SoH
  18. Possibly a tiny discoball in the corner, I'm not asking too much am I ;)

  19. I dislike the new picture, not enough disco...way too much fire.

  20. A whole lot of fun... Bioware is awesome... :)

  21. It's totally natural, Biscuits! http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_is_the_polar_bears_tongue_black
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