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Everything posted by Twelvesoft

  1. Hey Lighti, sorry for the delayed response, today was a busy day! As far as the T14-4 Piece goes, breaking this is a huge mistake unless you're going to a 2 piece T15 set up. I faced a similar dilemma myself but the 4piece bonus is simply too strong to give up for anything less than the T15 bonus. As far as the stat weights go, this was somewhat of a trick question, since over the past week or so a new revelation has come up in the Spriest community about Haste actually being the best stat to stack even past the 8085 break-point once you reach a certain iLvl (~507), I was simply testing to see if you were up-to-date . Edit: I haven't found a fight yet in 5.2 that I haven't preferred MFI on, (only 8/12 though so who knows), mainly since FDCL seems to be bugged and the proc rate has been absurdly low for me lately. The tier 5 talents though are switched around quite often.
  2. That fight is nasty if you are lagging, so many things to dodge -_-.
  3. Hey Jon, thanks for the application! As the resident spriest in the guild right now, I have a few questions that I would like to ask you! First off, I notice that you are not using your 4 piece bonus from T14, but instead have an off-piece helm and T15 gloves. What is your reasoning behind giving up that bonus? I find it interesting that you say you are changing talents more often now than in the previous tier, because I am finding it to be quite the opposite in all honesty, MFI and PI are by far our best combo for almost all scenarios, and when something is changed, it usually isn't MFI in my experience. Whereas in 5.1 almost every fight required a completely different setup. I'm also curious as to what your thoughts are on the new stat priority in this tier? Lastly, you told us a lot about you and your gaming experience, how about you tell us a little bit about your personality, and what makes you interesting, along with what interests you about our guild. Thanks for your time, I look forward to hearing your responses!
  4. Yeah that is much less fun though, I was enjoying a world where those uptimes were possible.
  5. Those logs are completely mind-effing me right now. How on earth could you possibly get 46% uptime on DP and 44% on MF:I?! (Lei Shi) I'm convinced this is a bug in the logs.
  6. If you want to run some LFR as shadow and upload those it'll give us some idea of what you're bringing to the table.
  7. Good luck with all of that! If you want to link some specific logs that you want looked at I would be more than happy to give them a look.
  8. Getting home tonight, will post a response regarding logs later!
  9. Alaska FTW. Like the app, agree with the ease of reading comments made above. However, I am a priest that hates healing, and as such have no qualifications to analyze logs or anything of that matter, so I am simply here to say hello and welcome!
  10. Hey there, thanks for the application! Sorry I didn't get around to responding to this earlier, and in all honesty I won't be able to respond much in the upcoming days (I am about to go on a mini vacation). But as the only Spriest (main spec at least) currently on the roster I am looking forward to talking with you. As far as Shadow in particular is concerned, could you please answer the following questions in whichever way allows you to share your views clearly: 1. What do you think of upcoming changes to Spriests in 5.2 and how will they change your gameplay? 2. What bosses in this tier (5.0-5.1) did you feel that shadow was well suited for, and which fights made you want to smash your keyboard into a thousand little pieces. 3. What (if any) add-ons do you use for helping keep you at the top of your game? 4. You mention you would like to raid with a superior shadow priest, but if the spot you were filling was being competed for, how would this effect your interaction with the people that may be vying for that same spot? 5. On average, how many re-spec tomes do you run through in a raid week? 6. Instead of giving me an entire expac worth of logs to look through, can you pick out a night that you felt you were particularly on point and link those logs? These are just a few random questions that popped into my head while looking over your app, and I will probably come back with more when I am not as tired, or look back and wonder why I asked these questions in the first place, but regardless, don't let that stop you from answering them fully. I look forward to your response, and thanks for the interest in our Guild!
  11. Odd... Well, best of luck to you in your search!
  12. Avoiding death is always a plus. Just post a link when you get that taken care of and I'll take a look at what you have!
  13. Might I suggest you attempting some LFR runs and uploading some logs of those runs yourself so that we have something more up-to-date to look at? It will be LFR so it won't carry as much weight as logs from an actual raid, but it can give us an opportunity to see how you perform currently, and when you're focused.
  14. That is understandable, however I think I probably still would've upgraded whatever was most useful at the time and worried about the upgrade later, as it now costs you that you have other pieces upgraded that give a fraction of the benefit, but hindsight is 20/20. Currently, according to your armory, you are about ~120 haste over the breakpoint, why not reforge this into a different stat? I know sometimes it is hard to get exactly to the BP but that seems a bit too far over to the point where it seems like an oversight.
  15. I also have a question about your choices as to which pieces to upgrade with Valor points. Why look over LoTC? Even the non heroic version is extremely powerful, and the upgrades are definitely worth it, each single upgrade on the normal level trinket is worth almost as much as the two upgrades you did to your neck, bracers, and back. As for the gylphs, dispersion is one that should never be used in all honesty, the CD reduction is so minimal and the only mechanics that we have to engage in that involve soaking give us more than enough time for our un-glyph disperse to be up and ready to go whenever we may need to use it. The MF glyph however is one that I find to be very valuable in just about every fight. Since our mobile dps is pretty crap, getting where we need to be faster is always a benefit, and this is the only glyph that I have kept on for every fight this tier. MS is another one that is very good currently, but is getting nerfed to hell next patch and will be almost entirely useless except on fights where we have to manually MS things (which rarely happens), and so unfortunately we will be losing that glyph for most fights. MD glyph is obviously exceptional for a few fights and almost entirely useless on many others, SK and Wind Lord both require this glyph, but it also comes in handy on Empress and Protectors and even Tsulong. VE is one that I have dabbled with but in many fights I feel like the extra 5 seconds gives opportunity for more procs, which in turn leads to more damage, and that translates into more healing, but I can understand and appreciate the use of it. As for sniping, yes it is incredibly important, and the lag that we face with most little adds that we would want to snipe definitely makes this difficult, especially when you have a higher latency, makes it nearly impossible in some case, which is incredibly frustrating.
  16. That is odd, I feel like shadow is quite good for Empress, during the add phase we can do quite a bit of damage to all of the adds and also provide very beneficial off-healing by using halo after sonic discharges and through VE. As for our DPS next patch, I was very excited, but recent changes have left me with a bitter taste in my mouth, mainly MB being nerfed and the fact that apparitions are still quite buggy according to what I have seen and read about on the PTR. I like what I read in the application, definitely shows off some character and I enjoyed how you tied in the guild names to the story. If you could please link some of the fights on which you felt you did exceptional, and one or two in which you think you could improve, in order to give me something to look at, that would be great. After briefly perusing e-peen it looks like you put up very good numbers on Feng, one of the more lackluster fights for S-priest this tier, but fall a little flat on Garalon and Stone Guards, which are some of our better fights. If you could share your thoughts on these fights and let me know what is going on there that would be much appreciated. Also, what are your usual glyphs? As an Spriest in this expac so far I feel like we have only one that is a must-have, and then 2 or 3 others that we can swap in for different fights, however there are also a few that are completely unnecessary in almost all situations. Look forward to your responses, and thanks for the intriguing app.
  17. You introduced me to a new word, Elucidation. For this, I thank you.
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