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Status Updates posted by Eryalin

  1. Chicken tikka masala for dinner - nomnommynoms! So satisfying!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eryalin


      *singsongs* Left over tikkymasaly for the lunch todaaay lalalaaaa

    3. acierCRISIS


      ive only had that once. and thats cuz my dad really screwed up and wanted to make it up to my mom rofl

    4. discofire


      Tikka masala is so good!

  2. Public Service Announcement: Staying up extremely late = sleeping extremely late

  3. Slept really, really late. Kid be home at 6pm, so crafting an hour, getting Deco up, once-overing the house, and hohoho Merry Christmas EveryBodies!

    1. Huntyre


      I wanted to sleep really really late. lol Merry Christmas!

  4. Surprise birthday party of tween girl sleepover was a success! Most of Christmas gifts acquired! Work none or minimal next two days! ..... \o/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Huntyre
    3. Sol


      *wave*... miss you guys

      tell Deco I need new tires!

    4. Eryalin


      Hey Sol <<interweb hugs>> Come to Nashville, cuz we miss you guys tewwww :p

  5. Busy with stuff and got the crud with a sore throat. I'd wanted to play this weekend, but maybe soon!

    1. Huntyre
    2. Darlantan


      Awh.. hope you feel better soon.

  6. I have a headache with the neckache and upper backache. Going to be a long day trying to work. >:(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sol
    3. Darlantan


      I hope you're feeling at least a little better by now

    4. Eryalin


      Feeling better today. I gave up on work yesterday, it just weren't gonna happen. lol. So extra work for today and this weekend, but at least I got to rest yesterday and feel a little bit better.

  7. It's been over a week since I've had my chicken tikka masala. I must have my Indian food soon!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gravey


      homemade or purchased?

    3. Eryalin


      Restaurant. My homemade just isn't the same, though I have big plans for future attempts.

    4. Malthas


      One of Seckmet's favs!

  8. T minus 2 minutes until Dexter time! Rest of the reports can wait until later. Hooray!

    1. Tia
    2. Malthas


      Yeah they're really upping the ante this season.

    3. Lapisluna
  9. Work is going super slow today! Probably on cat snuggle/face kisses #47, since she sits in my lap, between my hands with her paw on the keyboard, while I type. I love my little distraction kitteh.

    1. Malthas


      And they love being that distraction.

  10. is glancing through threads and status updates in order to procrastinate from work.

  11. Long work day today, ugh.

    1. Ashin


      We can be daytime friends k?

    2. Lapisluna


      It will be okies I promise

  12. has been super busy with life stuff. Hi tho.

    1. Lapisluna


      I know how you feel hun.

  13. Water the yard, water the yard, water the yard; I will have grass by god /shakefist

    1. Huntyre
    2. Malthas


      yard... is that the brown spaces of dirt surrounding our house?

  14. I got a sick.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ashin


      feel better =/

    3. Biscuits
    4. Budah


      I'm sorry to hear that....BUT..now you have more time to draw us pictures.

  15. Aww mah baws! LOL, I love it!

  16. Hey Eryalin!

    do you think you could send me those links for MT? Sorry to bother you but I would really appreciate it

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