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Everything posted by Cryus

  1. im home. will be joining the real world and wow tom :)

    1. Parthes


      Welcome home!

    2. Tayomi


      Woot, and Welcome home.

  2. warcraft... why wont you work today?

  3. hey man. glad you found your way to the forums as ashin said, cant wait to kill some alliance with you also
  4. i have an mri tonight. will be late for pvp night :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashin


      hope they find some info :(

    3. Eryalin


      Hope they are able to figure it out and help you Cryus. I have a couple friends with migraines; one has severe frequent "cluster headache" migraines and the other is incapacitated with them. I've had a couple, I couldn't imagine it being frequent. I hope you get some information and mostly some relief!

    4. Opal


      I've had more MRI's for migraines than I can remember, but they didn't amount to anything. PM me and I'll tell you what helps me.

  5. AHHH another pirates of the carribean movie :) cant wait

  6. off to get a few hours of sleep. i have a sleep eeg tom so i have to be up at 3 am so i can be tired for my test .....yay :(

    1. Tayomi


      My boy gets one of those yearly it makes for a rough 2 days.

    2. Budah


      i feel ya... i want a sleep test. That way i get to sleep. Lol

  7. called in "sick" today, thinking that my last two pieces of honor gear are going to be in my invetory today :)

    1. Huntyre


      *cough* *cough*

    2. Huntyre


      *cough* *cough*

    3. Dililah


      It so pretty outside right now. *cough*

  8. i should probably spend this weekend by packing... but where to start? that may take the whole weekend

    1. Budah


      Start with underwear. Can't forget that.

    2. Cryus


      haha i figured i would start off with things that i dont need for the next 3 months. im going to start moving things into my new house before i get married.

  9. ice, sleet, snow and work cancelled for the next two days... guess its time to play wow

    1. Dililah


      lucky lol hope you stocked up on food.

    2. Mordrid


      Nice. I wish we canceled work around here lol.

    3. Cryus


      well we payed for it yesterday. our boss could see into the future and decided to make us work from 6am to 630pm. didnt find out about that until we had already been at work for a few hours. that kinda killed the day lol

  10. not looking forward to this week. boss has decided that we still need to pull 40 hours with our 3 day week. when not working i will be sleeping :(

    1. Lapisluna


      that stinks hopefully it will pass

  11. Happy Birthday!! =D

  12. which one? i dont have my aion account anymore. i cant devote the time that is required to play that game. between my job and its 10 hour shifts everyday and my fiancee i have very little free time. i play wow since i can do everything solo there. i am going to talk to ashin in the future and see about xfering my toons to their server if they will have me and i have the money lol. sometimes real

  13. You get your butt back in this game.

  14. hey. hows it going?

  15. i want to be able to browse the forums at work.... i should probably get a computer installed right next to my welder lol. dust particles and bits of metal may not go well with the keyboard tho....
  16. hahaha i like this guy already. we need to make a texan forum just for us cool people lol
  17. Cryus


    IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Cryus


    i see that. the work from noon to 5. lazy people....
  19. Cryus


    ok as of tuesday 6pm central i have yet to get any response about my account. it looks as if they havent even locked down my account yet since i still see my abyss points changing on the aion website. will keep yall updated. *getting on phone to call some aion peoples and complain* feel the wrath....
  20. Cryus


    as many of yall know my account was hacked either sat afternoon or sunday morning. i put in a ticket yesterday afternoon and have yet to get a reply from them after i answered the email playing 20 questions. as of right now i have no idea when i will be able to get back online much less get all my gear back :S the good thing about it is that it looks like the hacker just took my cleric and stocked him full of magic boost gear. so all my fenris is still there but they did get rid of my gold dp shield and baronis mace i will keep yall updated as things progress. good hunting
  21. an email i got from my gf last week. it fits this topic lol THINGS I LEARNED FROM BEING RAISED IN TEXAS Armadillos sleep in the middle of the road with their feet in the air. There are 5,000 types of snakes on earth and 4,998 live in Texas There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 live in Texas , plus a couple no one's seen before. If it grows, it sticks; if it crawls, it bites. 'Twiced' is a word. People actually grow and eat okra 'Fixinto' is one word. Iced tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when you're two. We do like a little tea with our sugar! 'Backwards and forwards' means I know everything about you! Djeet is actually a phrase meaning 'Did you eat?' You don't have to wear a watch because it doesn't matter what time it is. You work until you're done or it's too dark to see. You don't PUSH buttons, you MASH them. You measure distance in hours. Like its 6 hours from Houston to Dallas. You'll probably have to switch from 'heat' to 'A/C' in the same day. 'Fix' is a verb. Example: 'I'm fixing to go to the store.' You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked. Yes, Friday night high school football games is serious football! You carry jumper cables in your car . . . for your OWN car. There are only four spices: salt, pepper, Tabasco and ketchup. The local papers cover national and international news on one page, but require 6 pages for local gossip and sports. 100 degrees Fahrenheit is 'a little warm.' We have four seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, still Summer and Christmas. Going to Wal-mart is a favorite past time known as 'goin' to Wally-World.' A cool snap (below 70 degrees) is good pinto-bean weather. A carbonated soft drink isn't a soda, cola or pop. . . . it's a Coke, regardless of brand or flavor. Example: 'What kind a coke you want?' Fried catfish is the other white meat. We don't need no stinking driver's ed . . . if our mama says we can drive, we can drive. If you understand these jokes please forward them to your friends from Texas (and those who just wish they were). EVERYONE can't be from Texas. You might say it's a gift from God!
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