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Status Updates posted by Ahlara

  1. hello again 3am....i sooo didnt miss you! ;P

  2. I have mixed feelings on it LOL

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bryant


      I just recently bought a new mouse. You need to go to Best Buy in SM or order online. There isn't jack shit available in Lompoc.

    3. Huntyre


      my co-worker just let me borrow his R.A.T. 7.. I'm not sure I like it.

    4. Mordrid


      Is the mouse that looks like it will transform into something uknown?

  3. eesh....today is my LAST quiet day till school starts up this fall :( AHHHHHHH!!!!

    1. Biscuits



      Two and a half more days for us. Am I wierd to be excited to get my kids back? All the other mom's look at me like I'm crazay.


    2. Ahlara


      oiy...i have mixed feelings about getting my kids back for the summer :)

      .....been missing them for a while, but i also know that they'll be driving me batty in about a month LOL

  4. YAY!! i has my computer back now!!! =D

  5. my birfday got forgotted :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. m0toko//(amor)


      happy birfffdayy!!!

    3. Ashin


      didn't see the notification on the fourms - happy birthday :)

    4. Ahlara


      thanks guys :) i was just bein silly ;)

  6. yay! my sigs are back to normal today lol

  7. ugh..wth happened to my hypernics sigs?! :p

  8. OMG!! bin laden is dead?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ahlara


      i agree hyna...what kind of crap was that about?!

    3. Biscuits


      I would think security related. Get the proof, dump the body. Toerhwise there's a higher risk of fanatics targeting its location? Or maybe trying to get a piece as a relic?

      A video of the body dumping online would be nice, tough. I'd love to see it tossed into the sea, to be eaten by crabs.

    4. Ahlara
  9. Happy Spring!!!! =D

  10. RIFT is fun, but when my sub comes up, I'm not renewing---gonna go back to Aion

    1. Ahlara


      can't afford 2 subs LOL

    2. Tia

  12. Wondering where Ashy & Auta are---not in rift yet :p

    1. Huntyre


      thought they were doing an Oceanic server to fit better with their schedules..

    2. Ahlara


      ahhh...that'd make sense ;)

      ...sux for us tho lol

  13. Okay....Rift is growing on me....where is the SoH chapter in the darn game LOL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ahlara


      thx hunt.....now i just need the pw for the vent chat rooms lol

    3. Mordrid


      Rift could grow on anybody because if you don't close the rift, they send infinite invasion to take you over.

    4. Ashy


      Yaay You will play Rift ^_^ <hugls>

  14. Day 5 now!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Huntyre


      GO GO!!! Keep drinking that WATER!

    3. Dililah
    4. Ahlara


      broke down today :( ....gonna get an e-cigarette tomorrow ;)

  15. Day 3 of my 3rd recent attempt to quit smoking ;) ..... we'll see if 3rd time is the charm =D

  16. almost done with moving!!! \o/!!

    1. Eryalin


      Grats! Take a day to relax once you're all done. It won't be long!

    2. Ahlara


      :) we plan on it!! :D
    3. Huntyre
  17. grrrrr.

    1. Biscuits


      It's ok. :)

      Like I say, mark their names and see what happens.

      G says the bill was drafted in 2008. Did the three get re-elected after that?

    2. Ahlara


      prolly not....thank you Biscuits :D

  18. Ick.....time to *finish* moving.....so much fun :p

    1. Ahlara


      ugh....still not finished--but now it's all organized :p LOL

  19. only me....eesh......i was trying to open the garage at our new place last night and the metal handle snapped off in my hand....the jagged post that remained ripped my right pinky finger open to the point that i needed 7 stitches & a splint to keep me from popping them LMAO!!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Eryalin


      oooouch. I just hope for you that you get some good drugs for it until it heals up and that doesn't hurt too much.

    3. Ahlara


      no drugs :p its better now, thank you all for the well-wishes! :)

    4. Ashy


      Hey i didnt see you for days!! how is your hand now??

      get the kids to help you and drain them from energy so they sleeeEEEEep soundlessly and easly :p

  20. OMG!!!! Christmas is only 2 weeks away!!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Parthes


      It seems crazy to even think about! *sticks head back in the sand*

    3. Ashin


      Room in that sand for two?

    4. Ahlara


      *plucks head outta da sand* "what sand?" :)

  21. Ugh!!! I dont wanna move!!!!

  22. so how come my licky kitty avatar works on my profile, but not on my profile posts or forum posts?? huh...

    1. Darlantan


      Animated avatars are disabled on posts in the forums. It's because they can distract from the content of a thread.

    2. Ahlara


      well damn....lol

  23. back on the nicotine patches....gonna do this BEFORE Christmas!! =D

  24. Filling out the application for rental for the unit up the street!!! YAY!!!

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