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Everything posted by Atrael

  1. Friendship, Slutty Miqote Retainers, Deep Dish Pizza, Cool Bugs, English Muffin, Monster Trucks, Stealing a Bicycle, A rousing game of cricket, a Lalafel, Stealing a Bike for good reason
  2. Not quite! I would check our lore thread here for more information! http://www.sohguild.com/index.php?/topic/4341-soh-symbolism/#entry169939
  3. Hello and thanks for posting! I deleted all of your extra posts for you. Is your friend Murdock? We are not interested in expanding to another server, you'll find we are very close knit and keep things pretty tight and communal here, so a satellite chapter doesn't make too much sense for us, but of course you would be welcome to trial to join us. Our chapter lead is currently out of town but returning on Thursday, perhaps we could chat in Mumble then? In the meantime, can you tell us about your prior gaming experiences? Are you looking to raid or just join socially?
  4. Welcome to the forums and thanks for the great introduction! How did you come to hear/find us? What class did you raid on? How do you feel about Lalafells? Send me a tell in game and I'd love to have a chat in Mumble with you!
  5. If mini-me is any indication, lala will be biters as well. And I have no chocolate to distract them with.
  6. Welcome and nice introduction! What I love the most is how you say, "apparent maturity." What you will quickly determine is most of us turn it on only long enough to shock you with our childish antics later. So you are a BLM main, with an appreciation for a lot of other classes. What's your favorite? How do you feel about Lalafell? Have you been to Rockville, MD? Close to VA? And eaten at the best restaurant in 100 square miles??? Bob's Shanghai 66?! Are you applying socially or with the intent of raiding? From a raiding perspective we have two teams, Ruby and Emerald. Naz is the commander-in-chief of Emerald. Ruby is not currently recruiting. (You can answer this in our mumble convo!) Looking forward to it!
  7. Welcome! I look forward to the chance to speak with you jn Mumble some time! In the mean time, feel free to browse around! Leviathan is a eastern time zone server for the most part, but I do notice a good amount of pacific activity as well.
  8. Hola and welcome! I will be on all day tomorrow so I would love to talk for a bit! Feel free to hop in Mumble and we can chat it up, and let us know if there is a good time for you!
  9. Hi Ninazy, we have a canadian named Naz already, so naturally we're elevating you to Naz, and demoting him to reth. Welcome! Hope to talk soon!
  10. Welcome welcome! It was good to talk with you and looking forward to getting to know you better. I had fun today running our various requests!
  11. No pressure, but your answer could determine whether you make it into the FC.
  12. Welcome Josh! It was great to meet you in Mumble, and you can expect a bunch of questions from members!
  13. Welcome! I look forward to getting a chance to learn a bit more about you. What class(es) do you play? Are you interested in raiding again? What are you looking for in a FC? Waffles or Pancakes? Are Lalafells okay, or should they be hunted to extinction?
  14. I tried to friend you, Sin, but it said it was unable to be sent. Is your list full?
  15. Lol SCP. I like how you think. Finder's Fee inc.
  16. Welcome! Hopefully we can get a mumble date going!
  17. Yup, I'll be there! We raid at 9:30, so we'll need to wrap up a bit before then.
  18. Glad you are back and excited to get to know you!
  19. Welcome! I look forward to meeting you!
  20. Of course people already have their Nexus. -.-;;

    1. Grieve


      Don't worry Atrael. We'll get ours soon enough.

    2. Yuri


      Those are the people that burn out and complain the game doesnt have any new content.

  21. Welcome! Hope to talk to you sometime soon!
  22. This is glorious.

    1. Karayne


      I get pretty excited every time I see him make a reddit post.

    2. Dyschord


      I kinda wish someone on Leviathan was creative. I'd love to be a part of stuff like this.

  23. What's your new name and the next time I am on I will send you an invite?
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