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Everything posted by m0toko//(amor)

  1. I thought I already signed this or something like it. *shrugs* Re-signing again just in case.
  2. *throws confetti* to everyone lately!
  3. Dragon Age 2! Mine mine mine! nomnomnomnomnom

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Atrael



    3. Huntyre


      I'm on my 2nd play through of ME2 atm... lol

    4. Atrael


      Ah well, I can't find fault with you. Unless I end up being amazingly surprised by DA2, ME2 will remain my favorite game of all time.

  4. I hate this weather. I've had headaches all week. D:

  5. AHH!! New GW2 gameplay from GDC! EEEEEP!

    1. Huntyre


      I'll have to check it out.

  6. carrot and 3 You! Why wont this show up!

  7. Misses her some SoH! D:

    1. Huntyre


      we be right here Amorette-san

    2. Zombryo


      Give me your msn and we can stay in touch !

  8. Welcome! I think I've seen you around before.
  9. 20k crit inferno!!! SWOOOOSH!!!

    1. Zombryo


      "SWOOSH" some kind of reference to Richard ?

    2. Ashy


      We are looking at a BEAAAAAAST =D

      keep the SWOOOOOSH coming

  10. Woke up with a a headache....and 6-7 in of snow....yay? XD

    1. Eryalin


      aw hope your head feels better!

  11. But...but...but....=(
  12. OMG! Gone for a few hours and abyss is now green! Let's put on war paint for Saturday folks! XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. acierCRISIS


      *insert standard kitty "umad?" here"

    3. m0toko//(amor)


      But Mordrid, I WANT MAHH APeeeesss!!! >.<

    4. Huntyre


      yep.. thurs and friday.. enough for them.. then we take it back.

  13. Yay! New Year! *throws confetti*

  14. Sleeping with one eye open...Jon's car and his familys' cars were broken into last night. I hate people...scum of the earth everywhere.....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lapisluna


      That is horrible. But folks do end up getting theirs in the end.

    3. Budah


      Tis the season to be greedy.

    4. Mordrid


      Yeah, darn hoodlums.

  15. Give in! No other choice! Girl powahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
  16. Aww..you put a pic up. You look a lot like a girl I used to bartend with. Have you checked out our forum for self pics. Some of it is pretty funny.

  17. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope some of you have a beautiful white Christmas! It's been awhile XD.

    1. Budah


      Did you get your white christmas?

  18. Time to eat fatty yummy foods again! XD

    1. Huntyre
    2. Biscuits


      One pound, complete! Can I see two pounds? Two pounds, going once, going twice...TWO POUNDS! Do I hear three?

    3. m0toko//(amor)


      I hear 5! for me atleast! =(

  19. Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone! ^_^ I know it's holiday week, and with Christmas this weekend, everyone must be pretty busy. But, I do hope I get to group with some of you guys this week. Cya in game! <3
  20. <br /><br /><br /> LOL! I can't stop giggling at your ghetto sig, it's priceless! Yeah Bud, he just got a PSP 3000, so he hasn't been playing much except JRPGs. (yucccckkkyyy)
  21. Haha, you too Atrael! And Scorp! And nahh, my fiance doesn't. He's been burnt out on MMOs. He's more of a hardcore gamer on the PS3. We are both Sony fans!
  22. Hey everyone, my IGN is Amorette, and I'm currently interested in joining your legion for Aion! I've been playing since this September, so I'm still very new to the game. I play a sorcerer and I'm level 52. So, I recently partied with X and Bud, and they seemed pretty swell so I'd figured I'd give SoH some consideration. Although I'm not geared out the booty, I try my best to play the class sufficiently and effectively. I'm 22 years old, and I consider myself a pretty mature person. No worries though, I'm not too serious, and I have a huge sense of humor. I can even nerd rage bad at times. Oh yeah I'm a chick! Yeah, my fiance introduced me to MMOs about 2 years ago, and I've been hooked since. Haha, anyhow, although I'm not extremely active, I love playing Aion, and I hope to find a proper home for my weeee cute sorc! Thanks! Hope to hear from you guys soon.
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