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IMPORTANT: If you have trouble registering


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We are currently experiencing issues with new user registration. It appears that either dreamhost.com or sohguild.com has been blacklisted with some service providers - specifically AOL and Microsoft. If you attempt to register with an e-mail address @ hotmail, live, aol, or aim, you may never receive your validation e-mail.

We are working with our host to resolve this issue.

In the meantime, there are two workarounds:

#1 - If you have an e-mail address at another domain (gmail works), use that. You may need to check the Spam / Junkmail folder.

#2 - Please send an e-mail to admin@sohguild.com, and send it from the e-mail you used to create your account. I will manually validate you only if I can confirm you are not a spammer.

Sorry for the inconvenience - hopefully this will be resolved soon.

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Sorry to hear of the problems that you are encountering. Our abuse team is diligently working towards getting the block removed. I cannot provide

any ETA at this time. Please understand that we are at the other providers mercy. We will provide updates as information is made available.

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Представь себе: ты сидишь в кинотеатре, наслаждаешься фильмом, и вдруг... дым. Не просто туман или пар, а густой, едкий дым, который заполняет зал. Паника, хаос, люди пытаются выбраться, но видимость практически нулевая. Страшно, правда? К счастью, есть системы, которые предотвращают такие ужасные сценарии.
* **Приточная**: свежий воздух забирается снаружи и подается в помещение через вентиляционную систему.

* **Осмотр внешних элементов:** Вентиляционные шахты, решетки, дефлекторы, люки – все это должно быть в исправном состоянии.
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