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Lunedoree - Shadow Priest


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Hi everyone,

To start my application here is some standard info for you to look at :

Armory link : http://us.battle.net...unedoree/simple

WOLs links : http://www.worldoflo...sum/damageDone/ (Empress normal + SG/Feng/Garaj Hero)

http://www.worldoflo...sum/damageDone/ (All normal raid night)

UI Screenshot link : http://imageshack.us...2713122106.jpg/

Spec : Shadow. As for a healing spec, I could do it if necessary, but I don't have a lot of healing experience (mainly some DS heroic progression healing). Still, if I'm asked to from time to time to replace or something, I can adapt my gear/spec/etc. no problem and my healing interface is pretty much ready, only need a little more work.

Now, for my Wow History I've began my raiding ''career'' during Burning Crusade doing Grull. I was with my current guild ''Gardiens du Lys'' (which was pretty noob at the time) and I was invited for the first time at Grull with my shadow priest, and at the time managed to be the first dps that night. Everyone was like what's happening a shadow priest first dps that's impossible you must hack or something, every shadowpriest we've ever seen are always about last dps. (Of course in reality shadow priests were doing pretty good at the time and were giving nice mana returns too). So that's how I got hooked to raiding.

The progression I've achieved over the years is 6/6 sunwell(3/6 before nerf), about half of Icecrown heroic before I had to quit raiding, then came back just at the end of Fireland and joined a group with which we eventually got to 8/8 Dragon Soul heroic after the second or third nerf. I've also done a few french canadian guilds over the years(yes I'm french canadian), namely Gardiens du Lys, Frozen Myst, Furia Francese, and now back to Gardiens du Lys. Also for a few months(first tiers of WOTLK in which we almost killed 3 drakes sarth and managed to do Immortal) I raided in an english guild on Garona which i had to leave when they stopped raiding due to roster problems. The reason of the guild switching over time is mostly groups disbandings or slow progression due to turnover or people leaving over the years.

Now I've been raiding since the start of mop and achieved 4/16H one or two weeks ago + a few close SK-H trys. I've decided to leave my current group and look elsewhere mainly because I'd like to switch to 25s and also because I feel like a few people we're carrying are slowing our progression and I aspire to better gameplay and dedication from my fellow players (at least similar to what I'm capable of doing) which isn't happening right now.

I try to achieve the highest dps I'm capable of by keeping up to date on the theorycraft, mainly by reading howtopriest.com and min/maxing my character, using good addons, always pre-potting, etc. Also, I pretty much never die before the wipe is called, partly because of our good survivability as shadow priests. I try to help out as much as possible with stuff like Vampiric Embrace(Healing cooldown)/Hymn of Hope when asked for, and finally it's a lot of fun to save someone with Leap of Faith or Void Shift when I can pull it off :)

As for my other wow activities, I'm what you could call an althoolic, I've got 6 90's and 5 85's. If I were to join here I probably wouldn't transfer them however as it's 55$/char =(. I'm not a very big pvp fan but I still like doing a few bgs sometimes and I enjoyed it at the start of mop when I had to do some arenas to get 483 pieces easily.

The main reason for applying here is you have a good progression, your schedule and from your add on guild recruitement you seem like an interesting group of people too. I can't start before 8h30PM Est on tuesdays and thursdays, so it's pretty hard to find a guild to accomodate that. The reason is I'm a dad of a 1.5 years old girl and on those days I'm bringing her back at her mother's home at 8h15 so I'm usually back at 8h25-8h30 at home.

Other than that, I'm a 29 years old accountant. I play mostly WoW, but I've played about every Blizzard games over the years(Starcrafts, Diablos, Warcrafts, etc.), also played SWTOR a bit.

Even as a french canadian, I understand/speak english pretty well, even if I won't be the most talkative person in a group of english fellow players.

So that's about it, hope you liked the application and looking forward to hearing back from you :)

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Hi Lunedore,

I did a very brief skim of your logs to see what you were bringing to the table and I have some concerns, mainly the dispartiy in uptimes between SW:P, and VT. Right now keeping both of them up is very important for DPS, and in the next patch with the new tier pieces it will be even more important since both VT and SW:P will proc apparitions. I'm going to link a few of the fights that raise some concerns.

Blade Lord - Normal - 1-13-13

Shadow Word: Pain 2475911 10.8 % - - 106 15126.5 1603405 27 32315.0 872506 04:40 (85.1 %) -

Vampiric Touch 1838532 8.0 % - - 68 16948.4 1152488 19 36107.6 686044 03:41 (67.0 %)

Stone Guard - Heroic - 1-6-13

Shadow Word: Pain 5222205 16.3 % - - 198 18801.3 3722662 42 35703.4 1499543 04:39 (89.0 %)

Vampiric Touch 4239347 13.2 % - - 121 21190.1 2564006 39 42957.5 1675341 03:39 (69.8 %)

Feng - Heroic - 1-6-13

Shadow Word: Pain 3420345 9.8 % - - 145 13606.8 1972992 51 28379.5 1447353 06:23 (90.9 %) -

Vampiric Touch 2497659 7.1 % - - 112 15269.3 1710160 24 32812.5 787499 05:13 (74.2 %)

Please let me know your thoughts!

Edit: The format came out weird, the last few numbers are the uptimes for each of the DoT's.

Edited by Twelvesoft
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Hi Lune,

Thanks for taking the time to put in a thoughtful app. It gives us a good picture. I like that you took some time to talk about your survivability and non-dps utility as a shadowpriest - we definitely agree that those are great benefits and important. It's also nice to get a little insight about your life outside of WoW. I would love to have more french canadians!

There are two concerns with your app. First is as Twelve mentions above - I'm concerned that your VT uptime is consistently low. This is definitely a factor that distinguishes the great spriests from the mediocre ones, and to be blunt, showing VT in the 70's like that is mediocre. Your overall DPS is still pretty good, but you're losing so much of your potential this way.

The other concern is just that your current HM experience is quite a bit behind our team. We are pretty deep into progression at this point and hope to have Empress down soon. So it is a little awkward - although not impossible - to take someone who has not seen most of the HM fights yet.

Looking forward to your reply.

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It's nice to get analysed this way =)

First some general toughts on my spell priority :

Generally speaking, the spells I'll cast in higher priority than renewing VT/SWP are :

Mind Blast or Mind Blast with DI Proc

Shadow Word Death below 20%

Mind Spike (with 2 FDCL procs)

DP with 3 orbs (if specced into DI)


This follows the priority theorycrafted at howtopriest.com.

I generally try to refresh VT with about 1.5-2 seconds remaining on counter and swp with 0.5-1 second remaining. However if one of the above comes up in the priority I'll lose uptime (for a good reason). Also, I use gnosis cast bar with which I see my MF ticks so I'll try to refresh after a tick, potentially losing a bit of uptime but gaining some MF damage. Generally speaking, I think dot uptime with our new rotation in mop is a bit less important to our dps that it used to be, since there's so many events now that come in higher priority than refreshing dots, which wasn't the case before.

Also, another tought, it'd be easy to show a nice 100% uptime by refreshing dots with more time remaining, like VT with 4-5 seconds remaining and swp with 3-4(to hyperbole a bit). However, I'd lose Global cooldowns and cast time over the fight and would do less DPS for sure. It's all a balance and on the fly decision making, but it's not to say that I couldn't get better at it there's always room for amelioration.

It's definitely impossible that I would have a sucky VT uptime of 70% in a fight with no gimmicks, so..

Here is a few explanations that have to be factored in when calculating dot uptime for the fights you analysed :

Blade lord normal : Gotta factor in the time that you're running back from the tornadoes in the wind at 20 and 10%, in which the dots will eventually fall off for a good bit of time. I generally try to renew dots before 20-10%, however if I get higher priority spells to cast they may not get fully renewed. Also, dots will sometime fall off when you have to stack together and the boss diseappears, I'm not even sure they continue ticking during that time. An amelioration to my dot uptime I could see is to renew dots before stacking and never forget to renew dots before 20%-10%.

Stone guards Heroic : I'm typically assigned to paint in this fight. Raid leader insists that priority is given to painting over dps. I still try to renew dots if I can, but since the fastest possible painting is by running around and VT has a cast time it lowers my uptime. Also the way we're positionned while painting I'll often become out of range of the dogs. Still, I know I could play better in this fight. We've got I think 2-3 kills yet on it, and I could get better at refreshing dots while painting for sure.

Feng Heroic : The low uptime can be explained by the fact that I'm not renewing dot during add phase. Since we have trouble killing adds before they reach the shield, absolute priority must be given to AE damage. I typically only Mind sear and Divine star during that phase, and dots do fall off. We will typically wipe because of adds reaching the shield much more than the dps on the boss, so I figure every little bit of aoe dps helps and that means not renewing dots.

Finally, for my lack of progression compared to yours, there's nothing to say except that you're right. The only way I see to allievate this is that I will make sure to read the fights and watch the videos for the fights you've already killed, or any strat particular to your group that I'll see on your forums. In those situations, I'll also typically bug a bit the other dps casters to find out more about things to think and also read threads specific to one boss on howtopriest to learn about class specific tricks on that boss.

Edited by Lunedore
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That's definitely a good way to respond to that sort of critique. Though it seems like to me there is still the opportunity in the Blade Lord and Feng fight to clip / refresh early in exchange for more total damage at the end of the fight.

Could you provide for us an example of a fight there there are fewer gimmicks and your VT uptime looks healthier?

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Here's a feng normal log from mid-december that should be a better boss to analyse dot uptime. Show 98% on swp and 90% on vt.


It's much better on that one, tought VT at 90% could still be better, I probably let it fall off during a earthquake or more and couldn't renew it due to missing.

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