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Murilo - Resto / Ele Shaman


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Hello folks!

My name is Dante, I play an Alliance Resto Shaman named Murilo. Kemono replied to my "LF Guild" thread yesterday, and I'm really stoked he did despite me writing that I was only interested in Alliance guilds. Most other Horde replies (and Ally too for that matter) were copy/pasted and I just skimmed them over, but Kem made this sound like a great place to be, and I can't disagree from what I've read so far. Tbh you guys seem light years ahead of the other guilds I was considering, as far as finding a balance between serious raiding and an enjoyable atmosphere.

My toon & WoW details first...

Currently 9/16h and i503.


Logs below, I linked to first progression kills to save a few minutes. Will, the most recent, isn't my best, that's with Apotheosis. Was my first attempt ever on it and while one-shotting is great, could have timed everything better, and avoided an early death. They do things a little different than Conquest, my previous guild, which led to me feeling silly a few times (in CQ we would pause for 6-8 seconds before the first gauntlet on Blade Lord and heal everyone up, in Apoth they run asap. So first kill with them I got a healing rain off while standing there alone, thankfully I didn't hit my PTT button while yelling "Hey guys wait for meeeeeeeeeee!")


Spirit Kings

Wind Lord

Blade Lord




Raidbots epeen Ner'Zhul

Raidbots epeen Eldre'Thalas

Recent Events

Yes, I'm with a new guild that I've only been with 2 weeks. Went through this whole "LF Guild" process not that long ago. I'll start off at the beginning of MoP. I joined Away during Cata, It was a tight-knit 10-man group that I really liked. We were all very excited about MoP launch, everyone put in a lot of effort. We had some good kill dates the first 2-3 days after MSV launched, overall World #36 Spirit Kings, #51 Elegon, #112 Will, all server firsts, and looked good going into heroics. Then our GM announced he was quitting due to RL issues right before the first night of H-Dogs attempts, and everyone was shocked. 2 people made plans to leave during that raid, and the 10-man dissolved. A few stayed and somehow got a 25-man going, but that blew up after a week or two.

I was really shocked by him quitting, he was the guy who was always online, prepping & farming, and who leveled to 90 in one long session after the midnight launch. Decided to not look for a transfer and stay on Ner'Zhul to join a more casual guild and drop to less than 4/days week. It was a combination of RL things and wanting to save some $$, along with there being a guild on NZ that had several somewhat-prominent members of the healing community, which interested me. So I joined Conquest.

I spent about 4 months there, and while there were things I enjoyed and made a few good friends, the overall atmosphere wasn't what I was hoping for. Don't really wanna be too negative and go into details, but for some people there I think the Dunning_kruger effect is out in full force. A lot of unwarranted elitism / condescension. I knew I was dopping down progrssion-wise, and was prepared for that, but not a lot of what came with it.

After telling them I was moving on, spent about a week just searching around for guilds, and honestly the longer it went the more I had to compromise the progression I was looking for with the restrictions RL was placing on me (3-days/wk & later start times). I did find one good match and almost applied, but then talked to 2 realID friends from the same realm who both seperately said the guild had a bad rep around server for being kind of elitist / dickish. So after hearing that and thinking more, decided atmosphere / environment was more important than progression. While I do miss higher-level raiding, being unhappy isn't a good trade-off. I was that way when Ulduar was released and ended up taking an 18-month break from the game.

Ended up going to Apotheosis on ET, where I've been for about two weeks now. The recruitment officer was overly friendly, and the community seemed the same way (lots of folks on twitter, some wow blog writers, active forums, all that). While the progression wasn't much higher than Conquests, there were some skilled individuals, and them having a group that got all-gold challenge meta back in December was a big plus for me (I made a group in Conquest, and we got all-golds a few weeks ago, but it was a struggle in a lot of ways. Not much communication / motivation / consumable use, and seeing a determined group like that in Apoth really appealed to me.)

They seem like a decent group, I haven't totally disliked my time there, but ... idk hard to explain, I just wanna find one place long-term to be happy. I LOVE playing this game, and talking about it, writing about it, etc., and have for a long time. I know there are places out there where you can play at a high level, have fun, do challenging things, and be surrounded by like-minded people. Without an overwhelming amount of douchehattery or petty drama.

Apoth seemed very promising when I got there, my main issues are 1) I've talked to 2-3 people since I've gotten there. Well, gotten responses from 2-3 people since I've gotten there. Can only say "Hey everyone' in healer channel to crickets, or ask if anyone wants to do anything to no reply, so many times before it starts to dampen your enthusiasm. And 2) We have 8 healers there now, with 3 of them in on every progression fight (GM, healing lead, pally), so that leaves 5 of us for 2-3 spots. I don't mind being benched, even if it has nothing to do with performance .... but being in for 1/2 the progression fights combined with an atmosphere that's not overly welcoming / enjoyable .... just doesn't feel like "home" I guess is the best way to put it. Does feel kind of shitty, but they won't be short bodies for 5.2 or anything (had 7+ healers for each raid I've attended), and tbh my bad feeling about not giving it a longer trial is outweighed by my nagging feeling that there are other places I would enjoy much more. This definitely isn't my ideal way to introduce myself, being in 3 guilds this expansion and one for only a few weeks, but it is what it is. I put a huge amount of time / effort into the game, and I know there are guilds out there filled with similar people who maintain a balance of progression & community.

Murilo 101

I've been playing WoW since the middle of BC, and still have the same enthusiasm / love for the game I did back then. This is the first MMO I ever played, grew up mainly on console rpg's (I still bust out some Chrono Trigger / Xenogears / FFTactics from time to time for nostalgia's sake). I really enjoy talking to people about raiding / healing / strategies, and am considering starting a resto-sham blog (last guild had several bloggers, tried to pick their brains a bit about it).

As for me personally, I am stationed in Minot, ND, and have been here since 2000. Been with the Air Force since then, probably for atleast a few more years. I love MMA & the NBA, and celebrate the NBA draft much moreso than Christmas / New Years. Have 3 dogs that I spoil and BADLY & baby-talk to when no one else is around. I like chasing achievement points, but try not to get carried away with it. Kind of fun to have a way to keep track of what you've done in game, but having a good amount of nerd points doesn't count for anything.

As far as my playstyle goes, I try to mash the buttons that look like water. There's also one that looks like a trident-thing which seems good,

Only have one Horde toon, a 90 blood DK, and am lost in any horde capital city I go to.

I did see a post saying you guys accepted a resto shaman for trial just this morning, but still figured I'd throw this out there and see what happens. Even if the timing is terrible, seems like too good an opportunity to pass up, and worst case you guys make fun of me a bit and/or call me names. ( That won't affect me much anyway, my spirits are very high atm. I've been typing this tabbed out, and when I tabbed in I got to read "A buyer has been found for your auction of Raptor Ribs." So regardless of what happens, I got that goin for me.)

For all the hordes!! (Is that right? Idk, we don't really have an Alliance slogan)

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Hi Murilo and welcome to the South of Heaven forums!

I don't know much about healing shaman other than cast riptide and /lol at people, so I only have 1 question: Why did you choose the Air Force over one of the other Armed Forces?

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Hi Murilo and welcome to the South of Heaven forums! I don't know much about healing shaman other than cast riptide and /lol at people, so I only have 1 question: Why did you choose the Air Force over one of the other Armed Forces?

Hey there, thanks for the welcome! Actually my step-father was a Navy recruiter when I was in high school, and during my senior year all really knew was 1) Wasn't sure what I wanted to do, 2) Not enough $$ for college, loans / debt didn't seem appealing, 3) being a pro athlete seemed far-fetched. So I started getting info from him about the Navy, and it seemed like an interesting adventure (this was pre-9-11 / Iraq war). When I started seriously considering it he basically told me "Honestly AF would treat you better, quality of life most likely a bit higher". So I took that advice and have spent 13 years doing maintenance on the nuclear ICBM's up here in sunny North Dakota. Can't complain.

Thanks for the tip Merri. My previous experience with motivational slogans is limited to writing "go team go" in the healer channel.

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Hey there Murillo,

That was a spendid app and very enjoyable to read. I get a nice sense of your personality and think you would indeed fit in well.

We have just recently taken a resto shaman on trial, as you noted, but I would like to begin the dialogue with you as well. For starters, tell me what you love about resto shaman. It looks like you have been raiding on that toon for a while. When did you first start raiding and have you raided with any other characters?

The second thing I wanted to understand better is why you are leaving your current guild. It seems like you knew what you were signing up for, mostly got it, but then decided no? I'm flattered by your interest in us, of course, but just a bit confused on that note.

Lastly, I'll mention to Midri that if she has a few moments I would like her appraisal of your logs.

Thanks and I look forward to getting to know you. :)

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Lasciate ogne speranze, voi ch'entrate.........

Welcome to the forums & thanks for your app!

MMA, you say? Care to offer your opinion on Mike Ricci, GSP and Rory MacDonald?

As you're military, I must ask if you're able to do more pushups while topless rather than in full uniform?

Ever have a desire not to heal?

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(I was typing when you posted that, Ashin! I'm slow. And then alt raids happened. :()

A panda shaman! You, sir, are a gentleman of impeccable taste! ;)

And now, to business! What haste breakpoint are you going for?

It looks like you ran with Recall and TC glyphs on every fight. You hang out around 60-70k mana returned in the logs you linked -- that's pretty low given the length of the encounters. In contrast, your TC mana returns are pretty high. You don't use pots much, not even when you died on Will. Can you explain why you regen this way? And what's up with that one lonely Recall on Elegon?

Can you talk about your choices for your third glyph? On Will, for instance, why didn't you use HST?

You ran CoTE, AS, and Primal Elementalist on every fight. Have you ever thought about using Totemic Projection for some? You get a lot of use out of your AS, but have you considered EM or EotE? Finally, I'm curious about your elemental usage. You only dropped your fire elemental once on Will. You didn't use your earth elemental at all on Elegon (the burn phase would have been great for it - increased healing and damage reduction for yourself). On Spirit Kings, you used your fire elemental for the healing buff and had your earth elemental dps -- why not the other way around?

You have a few big gaps in your ES uptimes: 15s on Will, 20s on Blade Lord, and 22s on Feng.

You don't use SLT and Stormlash as much as you could. You didn't use Stormlash at all on Will, and only once on Blade Lord. You didn't use SLT at all on Will or Wind Lord (the positioning is trickier on Wind Lord, but you could project it into melee or pre-position yourself when you know Rain of Blades is coming). Your one Spirit Kings SLT was for Maddening Shout, but if you're not using it for anything else, why not save it for when Cowardice and Maddening Shout coincide? On Elegon, SLT is amazing for the Total Annihilation soakers: it pops them back up to (almost) full health without anyone having to run outside to heal them.

You didn't use SWG on Blade Lord, but it's pretty nice for the tornado runs.

Finally, I didn't see you in any utility roles in the logs you linked (CC, interrupts/purges, soaking, etc). Since utility is kind of a shaman thing (that and all the CDs!), can you comment on how you contribute to a raid outside of straight healing?

Thanks, and good luck with your app!

Edited by Midri
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