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H Pally or Possible MW Monk


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Hey, I'm Zombie or Sarah, and before I go on about my app here's a little about myself. I'm 22 coming up in April. I am fascinated with Zombies, gore, horror, etc I tend to talk about things related sort of in a RP manner but not going there lol. I am a very nice person to people who deserve it and I can be brutely honest but, I try to not offend or if I do come close I clarify it's nothing personal. I'm sure this wont really accure here cause I'm actually rather shy person with others I don't really know but, as long as you scratch my back I'll scratch yours.

Describe your raiding experience in vanilla, BC, WotLK and Cataclysm.How is your current progression in T14 and T15?

I Started Playing WoW in WoTLK. I did a lot of 10m H due to lack of computer but, it is better now. I lucked out on the first 3 instances in Cata but from Firelands on I was pushing more kills and heroics with my recent guild and went to the top 25m guild to get Heroic DW got Spine at about the 3rd nerf.

As far as current/MoP teirs heroics have been slacking but, so was my guild. I did Blade/Wind lord heroic, Elite Protecters, and I almost got Will of the Emperor but my guild gimped me and pretty much gave me the middle finger and didn't let me join though I had in the past put a lot of work in progression for that kill other (Oh well) than that in MSV I killed all heroics. As far as ToT I've only got to kill Megera just after that kill is when I needed to leave my other

We raid Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9pm until 12pm CST. Attendance is expected to be at or above 90% for raiders, and 100% for trials. Do you have any ongoing conflicts with this schedule?

Works out great same time zone and everything.

Post a link to at least two complete, recent parse tracking from World of Logs.

http://www.worldoflo.../?s=5608&e=6129 Megera kill log

http://www.worldoflo...kd2thrw8796fox/ Ji-Kun attempts


Palladin - http://us.battle.net...Zombie/advanced

Monk - http://us.battle.net...iemonk/advanced

My pally has been my main since I moved over from R Shaman in Wrath cause they were so underpowered. I feel that I am a strong healer in any class so even though my monk is not as geared I can be good with it as well. I see you have two H Pallies already so I know my monk may be a higher preference in this case. I've ran with 2 (including myself) pallies since FL I don't care really it's a good comp. but 3 is always way too many haha.

Please post an active screenshot as well as an idle screenshot (UI is important for raiders).

Out of combat


What it should look like in combat


Why are you leaving your current guild?

They had really started to treat me like I didn't matter anymore, I got ignored with vital info or helpful tips, a lot of people started un-necessary drama with me, had grudges for no reason and I think a lot of people just didn't know or understand me anymore.

Why do you want to join us? Do you know anyone here that can vouch for you?

You guys seem nice and good progression and the times work well for me. I think I could go far here with new people to meet and raiding.

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What attributes or skills do you feel you have that make you a "heroic" raider?

I think the most important skill in 25m Heroic Raiding is self-awareness and spacial conscience. It is imperative to be aware of ones surroundings, that encompasses more than the simple things (not stand in fire, click buttons etc..) One of these things is Spacial Conscienceness or Reasoning. If there is an accounter which requires people to spread out, its important to worry about yourself and others; I "spread out" and look around to see if there are two people "clumped". If two people are clumped, its a sign for me to spread out more so the two can separate.

Did you copy paste this from Pandae's app or did you both plagiarize the same source?

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Hey Zombie, thanks for putting in the app.

As far as current/MoP teirs heroics have been slacking but, so was my guild. I did Blade/Wind lord heroic, Elite Protecters, and I almost got Will of the Emperor but my guild gimped me and pretty much gave me the middle finger and didn't let me join though I had in the past put a lot of work in progression for that kill other (Oh well) than that in MSV I killed all heroics. As far as ToT I've only got to kill Megera just after that kill is when I needed to leave my other

I'd like to know more about this situation. If you wouldn't mind it laying out for us. It's a little unclear exactly what went down.

As far as your logs are concerned. Your Megaera kill was a bit disappointing. You didn't make very good use of your throughput cooldowns. You used Divine Favor once, and didn't even use Avenging Wrath or Guardian of Ancient Kings. You also didn't use Divine Protection at all over the course of the fight. The 40% reduced magic damage taken is amazing for reducing the damage you take during rampages. I also see you decided to run with Eternal Flame and Divine Purpose. I'd argue both of those talents are pretty weak on this encounter. With all the burst aoe going out during Rampage and Acid Rain, using Light of the Dawn is definitely going to do more healing than spreading hots around. Holy Avenger is just way better as well, you control when you gain your holy power and you gain a 30% healing buff, perfect burst for situations as I mentioned.

Could you also explain what fights you like to use Holy Prism and how useful you find the Flash of Light glyph?

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I did use their app cause you had no base one like a lot of guilds do and I totally didn't see I didn't delete that part... I'm sorry I'll delete it.

Uh well, my spec varies a lot actually and I just swapped to Holy Prism cause I see a lot of high end palladins using it so I was going for it on Ji-kun. I usually use Light's Hammer cause I find much more healing while stacking up. With using my cool downs I can be rather forgetful at times cause I'm generally tank healing so I'm more concern about doing other things. With EF and DP it's really just the general style I have going and I would out heal my co-pally on most encounters. I do use things like DP and what not just sometimes I don't and it happens.

My play style might seem off but, all I care about is doing what I'm assigned to do and keep them alive. Just try and do my best

About the heroic progression my guild just never really pressed for it they finally decided to do will the last week before ToT but that didn't happen and they were wanting to go for lei shei but the patch had already hit so we just moved on.

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I appreciate the followup on the app. I see you do have some good HM raiding experience back in Cata on your pally. But as we covered already, experience is a bit light this expansion.

I don't think the response to Abragale's questions are really what we'd hope to hear. We generally like to see a healer making aggressive use of throughput cooldowns, able to use their own judgement as to when to best apply them, etc. Your approach seems fairly relaxed, which is all good, but just not what we're accustomed to with our healers.

Also, I currently have a holy paladin on trial that I just started this week. So, at a minimum, he will hold the spot for another week while he earns his stripes here.

I'm interested in finding a monk, but I feel like your monk is maybe more of an alt and not something you've tested in a heroic raiding progression, so I have concerns there as well. Thoughts?

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As far as experience trust me I would like to say I have it but, I could only do as much as the RL and 24 other people allows me. The guild I was in could never really get it straight to whether or not they were casual, semi-hardcore, or whatever but, for some reason this expan. my guild just hasn't or even wasn't able to push for that due to lack of peoples effort or concentration on a goal and there's not much I can do to effect that esp. when people hardly listened to me when I would say give them advice on how to move out of H. Spirit Kings Annihilation (spelling?) I think I would say it 3 times and people would still be dieing to it. With me having issues with the people in my recent guild I left before I couldn't get very far in this current tier but, I have been working on fights with local guilds.

As far as my monk being more of an "alt" I actually wanted to go monk for this expan. but, my GM and other officers threw a huge fit and started so much crap and were refusing me my core spot (I wouldn't be assurred if I would be going in for fights or not) if I went to monk..So I was pretty much forced to be on my Pally. I have been playing her a lot more recently and have done the best I can as far as gear. I understand about the new Pally and I don't mind checking back some other time if it doesn't work out (whether or not it's for Pally or Monk). I may not have a lot of experiance of kills under my sleeve but, I'm in the process of understanding it all on my own time and I have a good grasp on the new encounters. If I do make a mistake I usually just need an explaination to whats wrong and I fix it but, yea, I can check back here in a little while if you like.

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