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Thebloom 528 Hunter Application


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Hola muchachos y senoritas,


Mi nombre es John. Yo soy de Los Angeles de California...and just like my ability to grow facial hair (that's a fake stache unfortunately), that's about as far as my Spanish goes.

What's up South of Heaven folks! As stated above, my name is John. I'm 28 years old and currently work as a Web Producer in Los Angeles. Here's a quick breakdown of necessary app information.

Character Name: Thebloom

Class/Spec: Hunter - BM/SV (I also have an extensive raiding experience with MM)

Armory (Advanced): http://us.battle.net...ebloom/advanced

Logs/Epeen: http://www.worldoflo...m/guilds/22231/, http://raidbots.com/...twolf/thebloom/

Screenshot of UI: http://i.imgur.com/JvTFY.jpg

Aside from the basic Raiding Addons, such as DBM and Recount, I also utilize the following:

JS Hunter bar - Focus Management and dot tracking

TellMeWhen - CD and Buffs Tracking

NeedToKnow - Debuff tracking and Trinket ICDs

Raiding Experience:

- MC*, BWL, ZG, AQ20, AQ40 (Up to Twin Emps)

Burning Crusade
- Kara, Gruul's Lair

Wrath of the Lich King
- None. I decided to take a two-year hiatus from the game beginning a little after BC was released in order to focus on studies and leveling up my RL.

- T11 10/13H (Missing Cho'gall, Sinestra and Council), T12 6/7H (Missing Rag), T13 8/8H (Spine 15%, Madness 20%)

Mists of Pandaria
- T14 13/16H includes CE: H Sha (missing H Will, H Empress and H Protectors), T15 6/13H

*I believe it's also noteworthy that I completed the epic Rhok'delar hunter quest pre-nerf (where the demons would have a 3 hour spawn rate) when the content was still relevant. I still think to this day that completing the quest is still a true testament of one's huntering prowess.

Why App to SoH:

I am a huge advocate on quality over quantity, and given that your current progress matches guilds who raid far more than you guys do is very much impressive. I admire this guild's efforts and devotion towards maximizing efficiency with such a limited amount of raid time per week.

With that said, I believe I can be a very valuable asset to your guild with my fairly extensive raiding experience, diversity, dynamic raid awareness and knowledge of my class. Above all, I want to be in an environment with guild members who put the same amount of effort as I do when it comes to raiding. Currently my guild, Warfare, has been unfortunately experiencing some issues with our current roster and a diminished quality in progression since our Raid Leader/MT quit the game a few weeks ago due to RL issues.

A Little More About Me:

Aside from my five or more years of playing WoW (playing since 2005), video games have been a huge part of my life in general. I've been a fan of RPGs since as far as I can remember (Xenogears is my favorite of all time) and I was introduced to MMOs with this little title called Final Fantasy 11. Not only has video games usurped all my hobby time but also, I made it a part of my career for a few years as a Gaming Journalist for the now-defunct G4TV. Also, I'll be going to Blizzcon this year, so regardless of what happens here, I hope I get to see some of you, my fellow nerds, over there this year.

Aside from that, I think Kate Beckinsale is the most beautiful woman on earth and in contrast, I have a very unhealthy man-crush on Paul Rudd and Jon Hamm. And I frequent Reddit, a lot.


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Hola Juan,

Esta es una muy buena aplicación. Usted parece tener una personalidad burbujeante.

Now, a few key questions-

1. What is your Favoriote color?

2. What is your favoriote Disney Movie

3. Do you drink?

4. Do you PVP?

5. How do you feel about combining alcohol and pvp?

6. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

7. Can you crack a walnut with your Glutes?

Edited by Morkgrim
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Hey Bloom,

I like the app and curious to hear our hunter's feedback on your logs. Looks like you went boom on Jinrohk this week - I'm very keen on how much avoidable damage my raiders take. Checked your night of Meggie progression and overall it looks like you are on the bottom of your team for damage taken - nice work. You took more ice torrent and cinder hits than I'd like, but without drilling down further, I can't tell if those were just times when a wipe was called.

Impressive uptime and overall score on Durumu. I like that fight because its fairly patchwerk but still includes some awareness checks and movement.

Yeah, I'm very interested.

Tell me how long have you been raiding as a hunter - is all the experience you listed on that toon, or have you tried different classes / roles? What do you love about hunter? Why do I want a hunter on my team, as opposed to a mage or warlock? Can you give me specific examples of ways in which you used your class utility to your team's benefit on heroic progression this tier?

How long have you been in your current guild, and the one before that? You said you are leaving because your RL retired and the team is not doing as well as you'd like - will you leave us if we hit a rut? All teams have ups and downs.


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Hello John/Thebloom,

I really enjoyed reading your app and I am impressed that you have an avatar already set up and that you provided a picture. I hope that is actually you.

I've been a fan of RPGs since as far as I can remember

I really enjoy RPG's as well, so let me pose some prompts:

1) Favorite current gen RPG (non mmo)

2) Favorite all time RPG (excluding FF VII)

3) Thoughts on next Gen,

In general, PS3 or Xbox 360? Answer wisely!

I'm curious how you managed to get Heroic Sha of Fear down, but missed out on Heroic Will, Empress, and Protectors. That's about it from me. Good luck.

Edited by Araenith
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Hey Bloom,

I like the app and I'm interested bending Stridur's feedback on your logs. Looks like you went boom on Jinrohk this week - I'm very keen on how much avoidable damage my raiders take. Checked your night of Meggie progression and overall it looks like you are on the bottom of your team for damage taken - nice work. You took more ice torrent and cinder hits than I'd like, but without drilling down further, I can't tell if those were just times when a wipe was called.

Impressive uptime and overall score on Durumu. I like that fight because its fairly patchwerk but still includes some awareness checks and movement.

Yeah, I'm very interested.

Tell me how long have you been raiding as a hunter - is all the experience you listed on that toon, or have you tried different classes / roles? What do you love about hunter? Why do I want a hunter on my team, as opposed to a mage or warlock? Can you give me specific examples of ways in which you used your class utility to your team's benefit on heroic progression this tier?

How long have you been in your current guild, and the one before that? You said you are leaving because your RL retired and the team is not doing as well as you'd like - will you leave us if we hit a rut? All teams have ups and downs.


Hey Ashin, Thanks for the very quick response.

Tell me how long have you been raiding as a hunter..

All the aforementioned raiding experience have all been done on my hunter, as I've been playing and loving this class since we still rocked Mana and purchased ammo. I love the dynamic role and playstyle of this class since the Vanilla days, with OG hunter tricks such as Feign Death to Trap, old school kiting, and the early days of the Jump Shots. and pretty much everything on this video by the Michael Jordan of all hunters (in my opinion):

While our damage may not be up to par with Mages and especially Locks in this tier, Hunters do bring more utility in fights such as Horridon and Tortos (misdirects of adds), Jin Rokh and Lei Shen (deterrence soaking of "shocking" abilities, immense help on healers) and Council (slowing spirits adds with frost traps and conc shots). While I haven't had any experiences in Heroic Animus yet, I believe hunters can bring in a huge amount of versatility with pet tanking the adds as we help on dps, as we do already with normal. I also believe we have a higher DPS efficiency when it comes to mobility.

Regarding this week's logs, I did go boom on Jin this week, and it was my absolute fault regarding that death as I should have found a better position to dodge them balls—happens very rarely, but I strive to improve my play week after week. I sat down for H Meg and their attempts on H Ji Kun this week because others needed gear of those two bosses more than I did.

How long have you been in your current guild, and the one before that?

I'll give a quick breakdown on recent guild that I've been in to explain this more:

<Blood Sweat and Tiers> on Destromath March 2012 until January 2013 (renamed my toon "Bloom" briefly for two months so it'll show only up until December 2012 on my wowtrack)

Leadership decided to go 10 man due to RL schedule conflicts. I would've stuck around at the behest of a few people but I very much prefer a 25 man raiding environment. I developed some great relationships here with a few guildies who I know consider very good friends of mine that I talk to nearly everyday.

<Afterlife> on Korgath January 2013 to February 2013

Solid group of people, leadership and environment but unfortunately, due to my RL scheduling change which was unforeseen, I could no longer raid on Mondays, which was one of their raid nights.

<Warfare> on Frostwolf February 2013 to current

Lead by our now-retired Raid Leader, this guild had an incredible push during the last days of T14 that garnered us a Heroic Sha kill before 5.2 was launched. Everyone was ecstatic as we also achieved server first. However, as Tier 15 progressed, there was some rather ongoing issues with the Raid Leader (who wasn't even an officer himself) and the officers. Long story short, he felt like he was doing all the work (strats, leading, etc.) and felt underappreciated. Compounded with the Raid Leader's RL issues, he just simply decided to call it quits. Since then, the environment has been really discouraging as constantly, some players do not play at their optimized level, therefore deteriorating the raid environment. I went ahead and tried to recruit more of our needs and even post up strat suggestions, but as it boils down to execution, it simply wasn't happening anymore in the past few weeks.

It goes without saying that every guild experiences an unfortunate amount of downtime. But the rise is only as good as the people who decide they give a damn about a guild's state, and I really believe with just the quality of your app process, this is a guild that very much gives a damn.

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Hello John/Thebloom,

I really enjoyed reading your app and I am impressed that you have an avatar already set up and that you provided a picture. I hope that is actually you.

I really enjoy RPG's as well, so let me pose some prompts:

1) Favorite current gen RPG (non mmo)

2) Favorite all time RPG (excluding FF VII)

3) Thoughts on next Gen,

In general, PS3 or Xbox 360? Answer wisely!

I'm curious how you managed to get Heroic Sha of Fear down, but missed out on Heroic Will, Empress, and Protectors. That's about it from me. Good luck.

Wow, I wish I was just at home answering this, but alas I'm at work, so I will try my best to answer as soon as possible in general

1. In recent memory, has to be Ni No Kuni

2. Xenogears, hands down. Mechs, martial arts and anime.

3. Too soon I think, it's really hard to catch up with everything nowadays.

PS3. All the way. Better first party franchises. Better JRPG choices.

I managed to get Heroic Sha of Fear down because when I joined my current guild, <Warfare>, they were mainly focused on finishing the tier off while on H Tsulong progression which was around 3 weeks before 5.2 was launching. I was able to kill it with them and we simply just extend the duration of the lockout in order to get that Heroic Sha kill.

Edit: Oh and that handsome mug on my avatar's not me haha, that's actually an image of David Duchovny from one of my favorite TV series of all time, Californication. To be honest I can't even remember when I set that up..

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1. In recent memory, has to be Ni No Kuni. - I started playing this back when it came out, but school prevented me from getting through it. Going to finish it over the summer.

2. Xenogears, hands down. Mechs, martial arts and anime. - Great choice!

3. Too soon I think, it's really hard to catch up with everything nowadays. - Yea, I'm in the same boat as you. I really only get to stay up to date with WoW.

PS3. All the way. Better first party franchises. Better JRPG choices. -YES!

Thanks for answering my questions. Good luck =D

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