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Wildstar intro - Operon


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Well, my phone has eaten my last two attempts at an introduction with many witty comments and anecdotes...but a good friend suggested this is the guild for us to join in Wildstar so here's the condensed version:

I played a lot of EVE Online, Tribes, Battlefield, and Diablo 2 in Hardcore mode. I've dabbled in many other games, but those were the ones that touched my soul. Especially EVE, it was beautiful how the Devs allowed the scheming and scamming, and you could spend weeks or months aquiring the most valuable weapons or items and have them taken from you in the most secure space. It's not real open world PVP until you can loot the corpses (or wrecks) of your slain foes.

My thing I do to pay for fun stuff: IT for a healthcare system in Seattle. I enjoy sailing and flying. When I was 14 I started flying gliders (full scale for all you hobbyists :p) and I hope to continue flying them well into my 80s. I have also done some diving in Puget Sound and teach sailing at the UW sailing club intermittently. Oh, and my wife is a helicopter pilot.

You may now put me to the question(s)... :)

Edited by Operon
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Welcome to the forums!


An officer should be along shortly, after they rise from their slumber, to bump you up to Guest access.


In the meantime:

  1. What do you think you'll be playing in WildStar?
  2. Are you interested in both the PvE and the PvP aspects of WildStar?
  3. Does your wife also participate in your addiction(s)?  Gameing/flying/sailing?
  4. What is your favorite color and why?
  5. Chicago or New York style pizza?
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Welcome, Operon!


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Who is your friend that recommended us?

What got you gaming?

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I can answer at least one of these questions:  I am the friend that recommended him to the guild because I'm just assuming you guys are the bestest.  


Operon and I met in a military-styled clan in Tribes in 1998, I was the division leader and after a general meet and greet we dueled each other for about 3 hours into the wee hours.  Eventually we both moved on from that game but we got the band back together for Tribes 2 and we met in person when I let him take a pit stop on my couch during a very long road trip.  Fast forward several years and I'm best man at his wedding and he flies out to my bachelors pad for LAN marathons schedules permitting.


He is an intolerably nice guy and a very good gamer (but he has a steep learning curve at the outset).


He also love theorycraft and min/max and honestly believes every single game should have permadeath, because permadeath makes everything more fun. 

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Welcome to the forums!


An officer should be along shortly, after they rise from their slumber, to bump you up to Guest access.




Welcome to the forums!


An officer should be along shortly, after they rise from their slumber, to bump you up to Guest access.


In the meantime:


  1. What do you think you'll be playing in WildStar?


Hopefully a few times a week, I'm not sure yet if I can be a core raider or just a rotational one, if that is the correct lingo.


  1. Are you interested in both the PvE and the PvP aspects of WildStar?


Pretty much PVP, I'm hoping to play on the open world pvp server and look forward to mixing it up.


  1. Does your wife also participate in your addiction(s)?  Gameing/flying/sailing?


She is very casual about gaming, Portal in coop mode is about the most serious we've ever gotten.  She will sail with me, but prefers multi-hulls because they are less "tippy"...Unfortuantely, I like to fly a hull just as much as I like an excessive heel angle on monohulls!  We haven't flown a glider together in awhile, she didn't appreciate me scraping rocks and trees while flying mountain ridges.


  1. What is your favorite color and why?


Bright electric blue, it has elements of a clear sky and the ocean and reminds me of both.


  1. Chicago or New York style pizza?


New York style...  I'm particularly fond of the Mod Pizza shops that have been appearing in this area.  Nice and thin and crispy, yum!




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Welcome, Operon!


I have given you Guest access so that you can move about the forum more freely. I've also sent you our welcome message. Please review it when you have a few minutes.


Who is your friend that recommended us?


-See the post by Manifold.  :)


What got you gaming?


-Hmm, ever since I was 6 years old and coveting my friends NES while we played Super Mario, gaming has called to me!  As I got older we got a 80386 PC (with math coprocessor, wow!) and I got into old flightsims like Falcon 3.0 and played much Wolfenstein.  When we got our first Windows 95 PC and the original Command and Conquer came out, it blew my mind.  I thought RTS was the coolest thing since sliced bread.  Command and Conquer in its various forms, Total Annihilation, and Supreme Commander  I also got into first person shooters like Quake and then Half-Life and Battlefield.  I loved Quake 2 base CTF, played a ton at lan parties and started building my own gaming rigs in high school.  I discovered Tribes at a Lan party around the new year of 1999 and loved the idea of it being online only.  After a brief stint playing public servers, I realized I needed two things, a better internet connection and a tribe/clan to play with.  I've made many friends through gaming since then and went on to play many other games, MMOs included.  I was a beta tester for EVE Online and found their server performance very wanting in the early days.  Played various MMOs since, WoW, Vanguard, AoC, Asheron's Call, Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online, and probably a few others I've forgotten.  Eve Online was the only MMO I've played more than a 2 years, I was very attracted to the brutal environment and challenging learning curve.

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So.. are you going to PAX?


-I have friends that are enforcers or work for vendors every year, so I usually bum a pass for a few hours to tour the Expo hall and help out with tear down or something in exchange.  A lot of my friends in gaming in the area do a lot of board gaming so I'll hang out in the free gaming areas below the expo hall with them.  It beats trying to get a pass in the 4 hour window in which they go for sale and/or selling my firstborn to scalpers.  It also helps that I currently live a half mile from the convention center!

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So.. are you going to PAX?


-I have friends that are enforcers or work for vendors every year, so I usually bum a pass for a few hours to tour the Expo hall and help out with tear down or something in exchange.  A lot of my friends in gaming in the area do a lot of board gaming so I'll hang out in the free gaming areas below the expo hall with them.  It beats trying to get a pass in the 4 hour window in which they go for sale and/or selling my firstborn to scalpers.  It also helps that I currently live a half mile from the convention center!

Cool.. we had several of us meet up out there a couple years ago... and we have some members who will be attending again. :)

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