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Everything posted by Tyrlis

  1. Irun! There are still several of us here from the WAR days, only a couple actively playing GW2, but plenty more just lurking on the sidelines waiting for the Next Big Game. Glad to have you back. As far as professions, look at Ele or Warrior, we could use more of either.
  2. Hey Maul, I'm sorry I didn't help you out with Mumble setup earlier. I went straight from AC P1 into World Boss Land and completely forgot that I said I would help you. I wish you had reminded me, now I feel terrible.
  3. Rust, eh? There was a group of us playing Rust a few months ago before it got huge-gantic. Fun game, I'm letting it simmer for a few more months before I give it another shot. We also have a few DayZ addicts around, but I think they're all playing the DayZ stand-alone.
  4. Hey there Maul, glad to have you. SoH actually had chapters in Warhammer and Aion, I enjoyed them both. Mind if I ask what you did before you were retired?
  5. Welcome to SoH. I'll come right out and say that you should edit your avatar so that you aren't advertising your other guild... Also, I'm going to agree with everyone else that you should get one toon to 80 and geared into at least exotics, which will make farming money and gear for your other toons much easier. I'm partial to warrior, but that's because I don't enjoy leveling much and warrior is the first profession I picked. What do you do outside of gaming? Are there any non-MMOs that you particularly enjoy?
  6. CK2/EU4 are some of the most addicting games I've ever played. I think I'm almost up to 200 hours played on CK2. I still don't understand how a game with such simplistic combat can be so enthralling. See you out in WvW!
  7. I won't take credit for that. Google. Thanks for answering though!
  8. Hi there Sargon. We're a pretty close bunch and we like to get to know our new recruits. You'll be expected to move from stranger to friend during your 30-day recruit period, and we take that process very seriously. To help us get started with that, can you tell us some more about yourself? What other games have you played? What do you do outside the game? Did you name your character after the element argon or the Akkadian Emperor Sargon the Great?
  9. Hahaha, thanks for answering my random questions. Hope the move finishes up well, we'll see you in game soon.
  10. Hi, and welcome! I too was only in this game for the WvW. But then they created ascended weapons and armor that I have to run dungeons to earn. So now I run dungeons before and after I WvW, so when I'm actually in WvW I win harder.
  11. I guess it's a good thing you don't WvW much, because you'd constantly think I was talking to you when I'm actually referring to the siege weapon... Welcome!
  12. Hi there. Can you tell us a bit more about yourself? What's your (non-GW2) gaming history? What would you ask Google if you knew Skynet wasn't watching you? Do you pronounce 'bona fides' with an 'i' sound or an 'e' sound?
  13. Welcome, always glad to have couples join up. And single people too, actually. Really just anybody that's awesome. I don't overthink it.
  14. Griff, glad to finally see your app. I hope we're your forever home. What did you do in the Army? I'm active duty MI out of Fort Meade.
  15. Always glad to have another active WvW'er. And we can always use more wells!
  16. Hi there! Always glad to have another WvW'er, and you'll find that our WvW is plenty organized. I'm the PvP officer for our GW2 chapter and I'm active-duty Army, so that probably says it right there. If you're interested in commanding we can train you up, but if not there's no pressure to use your pin if you don't want to.
  17. Oh my. Thank you JR and Jacked, now I'm barely holding in my laughter in the middle of English class. Glad that you've applied. This week has actually been unusual for us, we only came out and WvW'd Tues-Wed-Thurs because the matchup was so slow. Usually we take a break from formal WvW on Tuesday and Wednesday. We have a few really active COs here and a few that only crack out the pins every once in a while, so no pressure to use your blue doritos if you don't want to.
  18. Grats to Grieve, Jacked, and Toobz!
  19. Hey man, glad to have you. You've been asking a lot of great questions when we WvW, we're always ready to teach. Boston eh? We have an SoH meetup planned at Pax East next April...
  20. Welcome! See you out in the borderlands.
  21. Hey man. Sorry I didn't have a lot of time to talk at you tonight, we take reset pretty seriously and I ended up commanding CDBL. Can you tell us more about your experience in GW2? Which professions do you have? Do you prefer WvW or PvE? What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  22. I think you'll find that we have some excellent theory-crafters here, so dangling your builds over our head won't get you far. If they created a CoD game with the ability to filter out everybody under 18 and those that can't differentiate there, their, and they're... then I'd play the game. Until that happens, multiplayer FPSs are something I leave to the kids... What do you enjoy most about GW2?
  23. That's an awesome list. Grats all!
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