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Status Replies posted by Noesis

  1. Took the Captain to Target today after his grooming. Didn't get busted!

  2. Took the Captain to Target today after his grooming. Didn't get busted!

  3. Gosling as Skywalker's son?!!?!?!?

  4. Gosling as Skywalker's son?!!?!?!?

  5. New belt notch this morning. Get at me.

  6. Can't decide whether House of Cards is actually good or whether I'm just hopelessly in love with Kevin Spacey as an actor.

  7. My body is ready. Championship sunday is here

  8. My body is ready. Championship sunday is here

  9. My body is ready. Championship sunday is here

  10. My body is ready. Championship sunday is here

  11. Just a heads up, I'm still taking a break from wow. I should be back sooner rather then later

  12. Is it work appropriate to end an IM convo with 'bfn'? Should I have responded with 'lylas'???? Perhaps, 'have a cool summer; see you at the pool'?

  13. Hi guys! It has been a busy 2 weeks for me. Started going to work in NYC, commute kinda sucks but the jobs is good. Here is the pic from my office (ex-partners office shared between 4 interns). http://imgur.com/PgYR4na

  14. UFC 165!!!!!!!!!

  15. Fountain pen arrived today and it is sooo nice. SO nice.

  16. Alarm goes off at 3:50, got on my computer to start my wake up process, remembered a minute later I'm on vaca lol.

  17. Alarm goes off at 3:50, got on my computer to start my wake up process, remembered a minute later I'm on vaca lol.

  18. Very much looking forward to the Memorial Day cookout with Chris's family today!! Made fruit salad and white chocolate covered strawberries with blue sugar sprinkled on the tips so they would be festive :)

  19. Have to stay up all night to watch my cat after she ate some of a plant that may or may not be poisonous in that quantity. $65 call to the ASPCA poison control center in Illinois basically just for them to tell me to watch her all night =/

  20. Best. Car. Commercial. EVER.

  21. so I was riding down the highway. My hair was billowing in the wind, like greek god. Now my hair is a tangled mess -_-

  22. NFL draft on soon, hope the pats draft a wr

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