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Everything posted by Sunny

  1. i hope everyone is doing okay during the hurricane

  2. ?!?! how is this even possible. http://youtu.be/tzJxs_AoQ7g

    1. Luc


      that person would be great at dodging brushfire on heroic alysrazor. :p

    2. Ashin
    1. Dililah


      wow, didn't know that Sporebats have man parts. >.<

  3. holy hell i need a robot bear to carry me around http://youtu.be/wyNa7b4eHRo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sunny


      Ashin, how many times do i need to tell you. I am the bear in our relationship. I grew a moustache, havent shaved my back hair, and iam starting to gain weight!

    3. Ashin


      gaining weight = going from 80 lbs to 90 lbs?

    4. Sunny


      I think being a bear is more then physical apperances. Its a state of mind ashin! Grrrrr Rawrr Meow I'm a bear!

  4. so much hype watching evo 2011 http://www.ustream.tv/

  5. http://kotaku.com/5826128/norwegian-retailers-pull-warcraft-call-of-duty-titles-in-light-of-shooting So if i went on a killing rampage and said Hello Kitty trained me to do it. Would they pull all of the Hello kitty merchandise?
    1. Retcon


      If there were some legislators that didn't particularly like Hello Kitty, I'd definitely say it's possible

  6. lol these taiwenese animation are pretty funny http://youtu.be/PCub_5Ai5hQ

  7. Lab tests are back, I got celiac disease and iam lactose intolerant. No more cookies and milk for me -_-

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Merriwhizzle


      That's part of the reason why I married Mork. I'm an okay cook and can when I need to. But he loves to cook and he's really good at it.

    3. Morkgrim
    4. Lapisluna


      If you don't cook you could try raw diet. It has little to no grains or dairy. There is an awesome book by Jennifer Cornbleet that has simple recipes for 1 or two people

  8. oh wow its hot out part 2!

    1. Morkgrim


      its like 64 here... nice and cool

    2. Sunny


      its 100 here. With a heat index of 105

    3. Morkgrim


      I really dont miss triple digit temperatures.. now I remember why... hot sweaty stinky fat man was most unplesant

  9. oh wow its hot out

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashin


      azn sweat doesn't smell so it doesn't matter

    3. Huntyre
    4. Sunny


      that is true. the science behind my lack of stink http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocrine_sweat_gland

  10. just watched breakfast at tiffanys for the first time,. Did not enjoy the yellow face racism

  11. if anyone has an E reader and is interested in the new Ice and Fire book send me a PM

  12. just a heads up, if you were interested in TF2 its now free forever!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Malthas


      Yeah, I noticed that too but I usually give it a few days if not a week if it's coming from unusual sources. The news cycle is such that no one vets their stories properly now in the attempt to be "on top" of new developments.

    3. Dililah


      Update: "While it was reported in local media that the search was related to a defaulted student loan, that is incorrect," the statement read. "This is related to a criminal investigation. The Inspector General's Office does not execute search warrants for late loan payments."

    4. Dililah
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. discofire


      Shovelware refers to quantity over quality, at least that's how I use it. And I do have to admit, the Zelda graphics looked pretty sweet, and not at all like the crap Nintendo has been putting out in years past.

    3. Sunny


      I totally agree that the new zelda game will be the bee's knee's. IMO nintendo is the best developer in the world.

      every console generation has 1 system that gets all the shovelware. Last gen it was the ps2, this gen its the wii. The weird part is last gen the ps2 also put out the most amount of AAA games. Where in this gen the Wii has put out the least amount of AAA games.

    4. Malthas


      If the release can be believed they'll have AAA support on this one, I'm intrigued but we'll see how it plays out. I'll probably look into getting one when it comes out or shortly after though if for no other reason than the Zelda and Mario plans.

  13. hmmm tornados in new england? Meh i slept through the F2 that swept through brooklyn a few years back

    1. Lapisluna


      I love that jam

    2. Malthas


      I believe it fully qualifies as a smooth groove.

  14. super mario time! http://youtu.be/Aet2-g-_OY8

    1. Malthas


      Man, who sits around and plots out an escape route for that... lol

    2. Sunny


      hmmm probably doesn't want this to happen

  15. http://youtu.be/gerq4GpHpKw lol this is kinda racist, but kinda funny at the same time. Minorities stick together lol
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sunny


      lol that was a good link dililah. I think i would vote for this guy though http://tdwgeeks.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/1eda00d9-8273-4b04-8093-3a197ec6d757.jpg

      hehe space marine politician ftw!

    3. Biscuits


      lol? Was that srs?

      If so, it was awsm. ^^

    4. Lapisluna


      It looks it because there are several other videos and such

  16. so 1 tech lies to me, another one redirects my call to a different business, and another talks out of his ass.....Fairpoint internet stinks, back to the evil comcast empire

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