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Status Replies posted by Negido

  1. Negido, we fites now.

  2. omg stuck between mr. rare prime rib and mr. mutton chop that has flaps. :(

  3. "Happy Tuesday, young lady!!! You enjoy yourself at work today, OK?!" -Random Guy in Times Square

  4. dar has a temp of a 102 and i have a temp of 101 and both feel like crap all the way around, not sure how we will feel tomorrow

  5. National Margarita Day 2013 is Today.

  6. ***Level 80 Acceptance Speech*** I have reached my first level 80. Accomplished last night! Thank you SoH for your help in getting me there so quickly! Special thanks to Booski and Buttonz who have shown me the coolest game evah! All the training that all of you have given me has got me to this point. Now onto the next chapter of Grand Master! ~Okay corn fest over~

  7. Broken bone in my right foot , no training for a month ... crap :(

  8. Reminder: Monday raid!

  9. Zombie VS Inedit SC2 match this friday night at 10 PM EST, I will be streaming the game, Also , dunken behavior is strongly encouraged

  10. Wahhh Blizzard has a PhD internship this summer for predictive analytics. If it were next year, I would be all over it. T_T

  11. Homemade Tomato and Basil soup with pepperjack grilled cheese.

  12. Dear weekend alt raid team, I'm sorry for being flakier than old paint. That wasn't my intention, I'm just very absent minded. All of you are super important and pretty..

  13. Dear weekend alt raid team, I'm sorry for being flakier than old paint. That wasn't my intention, I'm just very absent minded. All of you are super important and pretty..


  15. Nachos are in the oven mmm

  16. one week down. one to go. in other news i really really dislike LA

  17. so i had to order a new inerior door handle for our eclipse and when i opened the box there was the handle and a pair of victoia secret's poka-dot panties! o.O

  18. Coldplay was amazing live. They gave out wrist bands that lit up to the beat of their music.


  20. happy new years! i'm happy to be in one piece

  21. Movie binge!!!! Django Unchained, Pitch Perfect, Premium Rush and Ted.....(I made some bad decisions)

  22. They always say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Untrue, the way to my heart is through a cello.

  23. They always say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Untrue, the way to my heart is through a cello.

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