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Everything posted by Twelvesoft

  1. Well nobody ever admits to wanting to sleep with our wives, how can you prove to us that you wont?
  2. Maybe his hospitality will change her mind!
  3. Breakpoint this, totem that, TL:DR! I was a fan of toy story as well. Ashin I feel like you need to go out and see movies regardless of what you hear, I have seen plenty of movies that I heard were terrible that I have thoroughly enjoyed!
  4. This thread is awesome. I don't know anything about healing as a priest anymore unfortunately, last time I healed disc was lol'd at, so that pretty much shows how long it has been. But as a priest from the other side of things, welcome to the forums. Appreciate the well thought and laid out app, looked and sounded very nice. Good to know the blood type too, you never know what can happen in raids...
  5. Wish you the best of luck on your current server!
  6. Ashin wasn't in this LFR, it was just Murf, Midri, and I. And I don't think any of us went into the spirit world. All of the information used for reviewing purposes came from the logs that Murf posted at my request.
  7. I was also curious about how social you are, I noticed that during the LFR you didn't talk much, which I can understand, I was pretty quiet when I first joined the guild as well, but I was just wondering if it was simply because you didn't know us very well, were trying to stay focused on the boss fights rather than chatting casually (which probably isn't a bad thing in reality), or are just a quiet person in general. I am gonna be editing this post later to add in thoughts about the LFR and get down to the details. Edit: As far as the uptime comparisons go, our tanks didn't exactly pull very... professionally, so instead of looking at straight percentages I will be comparing to my uptimes instead of the ideal 98-99% range. Analysis: Stone Guard - The stone guard parse raises some questions, it seems like targets were getting switched between randomly, and after the first minute or so one of the dogs was ignored entirely, and DoT's were inconsistent on the other two that were still being targeted. I know that Stone Guard for an spriest is one in which you can become easily overwhelmed by the number of procs you are getting, while trying to manage your DoT's on three different targets at once, but that is something that we have to deal with. If you could share your thoughts on that particular fight that would be great, especially since your uptimes on your kill in 10man MSV were better and that fight in that run seemed to go better in general. Feng - The Feng fight looked pretty good, you got started about 4 seconds after the pull it looked like, another one of those interesting tank pulls, but after that things looked good for uptime, looks like VT fell off a few times during the early parts of the fight, most likely due to epicenter, but many mechanics will come up that will prevent you from refreshing at ideal times so paying attention to mechanic timers and refreshing accordingly is something that will need to be worked on, although I admit I got caught off guard during epicenter as well since I was expecting a nullifying barrier to prevent that problem, but it never came. I don't see anything that is glaring at me about that fight though, although I usually prefer ToF over DI on that fight, although I have seen both used successfully, I just dislike the RNG that DI relies on. It also looks like there could have been more time spent channeling MF, in order to squeeze out more damage. Overall, it looked good, work on the uptimes, especially predicting and refreshing before mechanics, and try to squeeze in more MF. Gara'jal - Nothing really to report here, uptimes looked good, could've been a little bit higher, I was about .5% ahead of you it looked like, although I did die, but I don't think my DoT's fell off when I was dead since I got b-rezzed pretty quickly. So everything was looking great for this fight, although I definitely do not recommend DI for this fight, I know you were trying to work out our mumble and the tanks were pulling strangely so I'm not sure if you perhaps didn't get a chance to change talents or if it was for some other reason, but in the future I would recommend ToF. Vizier - This is another one of those fights where if you aren't prepared and are caught off-guard by a boss mechanic, in this case MC, Attenuate, or change of platform, your DoT uptimes will suffer tremendously. That being said, my uptimes were 98.2 for SWP and 95.1 for VT, while you were around 93 for SWP and 91.5 for VT. Considering how much time I have spent on this particular fight in the past few weeks I probably should've been even higher than that, but when I was first doing these fights my numbers were on the lower end of the 90's as well. I would also recommend a different set of talents for this fight, I usually run FDCL, ToF and DS, although I think I forgot to switch out into DS during the LFR. DI is good for this fight on Heroic, but I have seen better results sticking with ToF for normal. Good MF uptime on this boss. Other than the issues surrounding predicting the boss movements and keeping your DoT's up during those transitions this fight was pretty decent overall. Blade Lord - Once again, another fight where mechanics will severely reduce your uptime if you aren't refreshing at the right time. Unseen strike, the phase change at 20%, and the platform switch at 10% (also the blade tempest on heroic) are all things that can devastate your uptime. I noticed you went MB and DI for this fight, which is the spec I run in heroic, in normal mode I tend to favor FDCL and ToF but they both work. DoT times on this fight were on the low side, but not tooooo bad. If you don't refresh before the 20% mark hits, you will probably have a hard time breaking 90% unless you can get across the map very quickly. So just another fight to keep in mind where you need to be aware of when the boss will become untargettable, if I sound like a broken record at this point, there is a reason for that, this is super important. Other than that, boss fight looked good, but on heroic there will be even more things to test your uptimes and you will be on the move a lot more. Garalon - Another pull that was really messed up, and things were really ugly right off the bat. The straight up DPS comparison on this fight between us is hard to make, since you followed the strategy of focusing mainly on the boss (which is what most ranged seem to do when doing this fight normally), and I, since it was LFR, ran around being silly and nuking the legs while in the zones, so obviously with me doing double damage for a significant portion of the fight whereas you were doing the normal strategy, our dps differed greatly. One thing I would recommend right off the bat though, is that even if you are focusing the boss, make sure to DoT all the legs that do come up, getting your procs on this fight is important. I believe we talked about the talent choices for this fight, and I know what you were using was far from ideal, but if I remember correctly that was due to the tank pulling incredibly early and you not having a chance to switch, correct me if I am wrong however. For Garalon we always want FDCL and ToF. Uptimes on this fight were good considering the whacky start. You had a good amount of SW:D's which is good to see, sniping those low health legs is very important for our DPS on this fight. All things considered, with the bad start, being unable to switch talents, and the different approaches to this fight, it was hard to make a real comparison between us, but for what you did, it seemed that you did it well, so no real complaints for this fight. Though I would be curious to see how you do with the proper set up.
  8. Murf, I would be curious to see if you would be willing to try running some LFR with me so that I can get a sense of your playstyle and to see how things end up working out. It would also save me the trouble of wondering what the group you're with was doing and not knowing if that negatively affected your numbers/uptimes. Let me know if you are interested, if not I will just return to my original plan of looking through the logs you have provided!
  9. Hello Murf! What kind of ui-addons do you use to help you perform your best? As a fellow shadow-priest I know that there are certain things I can't live without! Also, if you could talk a little bit more about why you think we are a good fit and what it is that you like about what we have offer, that would be great! Look forward to hearing back from you.
  10. Yeah I saw that one Feja, but as we all know, LFR and actual raids are quite different . Thanks Yips for the response.
  11. Yips, if you could please provide all the different names you have recently used and any alt-codes needed to type out special letters that would be great. Gonna spend some time later tonight looking through your logs and seeing if there are any concerns.
  12. I'm upset because it says you have only killed Empress one time, but you already have the mace. No fair.
  13. Check out the dance video in the strat forum if you're plannin on comin along!
  14. Welcome Synn! Look forward to seeing you around, I think you'll like it here .
  15. I am not a tank, but I must say that I enjoyed reading your app and all of the responses you have made to the various questions posed to you so far. I wish you luck! I don't know if you've mentioned this already in the app and I missed it or not, but how do you handle criticism? And I mean criticism in the sense of someone constructively and respectfully trying to point some things out to you. I don't think anyone really responds well to criticism that comes in a standoffish manner. In some of my older guilds I noticed that the majority of the tanks seemed to think that only they could possibly know what was going on in their respective domains during a fight, and did not like to be informed that they were doing something wrong. I don't get that feeling from you at all, but figured I would ask and see what your thoughts on the matter were.
  16. Want to get into Alaska's walls, we know Ashin.
  17. Why is your name Negido if you are a centaur?!
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