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Status Updates posted by Budah

  1. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rain..... This is the definition of a Texas Screw You Thunderstorm

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Merriwhizzle


      we had hail a half inch in diameter today

    3. Siesa


      Yeah we got just enough to get the ground a little wet and get my truck dirty, but no where near enough to do any good.

    4. Dililah


      We should send you some..tired of mowing the lawn :p

  2. *Runs to find this thread*

  3. \o/ .. bought the adapter to charge my camera. I can start taking photo's again.

    1. Ashin


      We can finally get that ass pic we were promised nearly a year ago.

    2. Darlantan
  4. 80 degrees yesterday, 52 today, and snow tomorrow. Welcome to Texas

  5. A birdie told me the Aion Chapter was closing. Sad to hear, but understandible. See you in another game sometime.

    1. Nalofys


      Yeah it's unfortunate, but games like that just don't seem to survive as long as games like WoW in the North American markets

    2. Huntyre


      actually.. WoW is the only game to survive like WoW in any market. lol

    3. Budah


      Well, I'm still playing on Siels as an Elyos if anyone has some Aion in them....and an elyos. Lol. Not sure how long I will be sticking around though.

  6. anyone want to guess how cool it is to wake up to a text that reads: I am trying to save my marriage, please talk to my husband..

  7. Baby monkey, baby monkey, Riding backwards on a pig, baby monkey.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Budah


      Pfft...I bite my thumb at you sir. Monkey on a pig is WAY better because of the catchy song....Panda's are kickass though when they beat up people.

    3. Darlantan


      I gotta be honest. Wasn't that impressed with monkey on a pig.

      I could watch that panda elbow-drop that Japanese girl a dozen times, though!

    4. Tia



  8. Cold Shaken, Hot water heater fixed, need groceries and to do some work...ugg.

  9. Going to have to cut back my play time until my internet is fixed. See you when i see you.

  10. Had a dream last night that I met Emma Stone and we were perfect for each other. I would date the shit out of her.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving

  12. How's everyone doing?

    1. Eryalin


      Great. :)

      How've you been?

    2. Huntyre


      Busy.. but good. You?

    3. Budah


      Ending my vacation and have to go back to work tomorrow. That's cool though. Busy is a good thing.

  13. I don't understand it... .I just can't wake up. This rotating schedule has got to stop.

    1. Parthes


      Your body is like wtf? Make up your mind!! :/

    2. Dililah


      ya, hope you can get a regular schedule soon.

    3. Huntyre


      ugh.. hate having to change schedules.

  14. I found the grad program I will apply for. Now I need to sign up for the GRE. I was told the GRE makes you write a position paper.....sounds right up my alley.

    1. Ashin


      I don't know what a GRE is. =/

    2. Lapisluna


      it is one letter off from being a grue that cant be cool

    3. discofire


      GRE stands for Graduate Record Examination. Geez, Ashin. Think of it as SATs (only in that it is standardized to a point), but for Masters or Ph.D candidates.

  15. I white Christmas and more....like black ice and death.

  16. I'll be returning to Aion to check out the update. Not sure which server I will be returning to yet though. Depends on my schedule.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tasvyder


      I've got a couple on the PTS, Tas and Stani.

    3. Caiffena


      I have Madge and Weeny on Asmo; Petoonya on Elmos on PTS!

    4. Budah


      Haha.. I won't be on the PTS. As for which server I come back to.. problem is with my schedule, you guys will be in bed when i start playing (i work 2pm to 10pm cdt). But on Seil's server I will be playing with them in their prime time. I'll probably run both for a bit though. If I come back, it will be as Ori, not Budah, though.

  17. I'm not a Buddha. I'm the Buda.

  18. I'm sure I can think of some very nice ways to convey my request. ;)

  19. Interesting the reaction you have when you find out that you have been being poisoned all weekend. Makes my remark about feeling hungover a bit less funny... Shouldn't be MIA anymore now though.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lapisluna


      yes please who spiked your koolaide

    3. Tayomi


      We need moar details!

    4. Darlantan


      He posted details in the public forum, silly =p

  20. Interesting the reaction you have when you find out that you have been being poisoned all weekend. Makes my remark about feeling hungover a bit less funny.

  21. is going to bed.

    1. Ashin


      You an old man now?

  22. it's going to be a rough day at work.

  23. Just bought season 1 of Merlin and season 4 of Dexter....Marathons!!!

    1. Atrael


      Very nice! I've got Dexter season 3 in the mail.

    2. Luminak


      I keep meaning to check out Merlin, guess ill add s1 to netflix. First up is Justified s1 on blu-ray.

  24. just had a dream about aliens attacking me at med school.

    1. Lapisluna


      Did you get abducted for research?

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