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Everything posted by Morkgrim

  1. Kicked from chat, can't get back in :p

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Morkgrim


      Dar borked it?

    3. Merriwhizzle
    4. Ashin


      It's the small blessings in life, really..

  2. Just took mouse to see Monsters University, cute movie, good daddy daughter date

  3. Anyone else get random texts from the guild last night.... I blame Dar

  4. I am going to require bribery.... 100,000,000, Golds plz :D j/k wb tilly. but seriously small unmarked coins plz
  5. Come home from work, mow the lawn, drink a beer and now I think... bed

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stasis


      One beer will do that... I know the feeling lol.

    3. Ashin
    4. Jae


      Bed always sounds good to me after Mowing, Shower, and Beer.

  6. It's odd, being this happy.... really nothing making me happy just am. I am afraid now....

  7. Can it be friday now?

  8. ...I honestly think I would die happy
  9. Morkgrim


    Benny... one thing I must know..... Where do you keep The Jets?
  10. http://www.sohguild.com/index.php?/topic/13672-alt-raid-616-730-eastern/#entry194177 here is this weeks thread for the alt raid, you can see what kind of jokers you will be running with ifn's you decide to signemup
  11. We have an alt/social run every sunday at 7:30 Eastern.
  12. Weekend Goal Gear da shamanin

  13. Hip. Radiation was tanking last night for the alt raid
  14. Head cold kicking my ass today, maybe I go home early and sleep more

  15. Head cold kicking my ass today, maybe I go home early and sleep more

  16. hmmm, saving thoughts for later
  17. I found this guy last night while surfing the interwebs, hilarious, also NSFW http://youtu.be/2cIm1FDc7fY

    1. Estarriol


      "We can change the BPM... Pretentious BPM change that serves no purpose." I was pretty much with him until that. It's called TEMPO and since when have tempo changes served no purpose in music? Has this guy ever listened to music with any sort of complexity or studied music at all? /rant -.-

    2. Darlantan


      hahaha, he lost me as soon as he missed the point of Red Solo Cup.

  18. I want to find a hole to hide in :sidefrown:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Morkgrim


      Workshits all piling up today

    3. Huntyre


      breathe.. the day is almost over.

    4. Raer


      That hole you're looking for is at the bottom of a bottle.

  19. it happens, Mork is also in an awesomly awesome mood of awesomeness
  20. Hola Juan, Esta es una muy buena aplicaciĆ³n. Usted parece tener una personalidad burbujeante. Now, a few key questions- 1. What is your Favoriote color? 2. What is your favoriote Disney Movie 3. Do you drink? 4. Do you PVP? 5. How do you feel about combining alcohol and pvp? 6. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? 7. Can you crack a walnut with your Glutes?
  21. Except zebras, soccer balls, and penguins
  22. Welcome to the forums, like The fresh prince refrence. We have a few basic questions 1. What is your favorite color? 2. Do you drink? 3. Do you PVP? 4. How do you feel abotu combining alcohol & PVP? 5. Can you crack a walnut with your glutes? My only concern is your name, having the numbers after Marine makes you look like a bot! Also Just a note, They will want to see logs, epeen, and UI
  23. I don't speak for the guild in any matter. its not my fault if you all enjoy sub-par acting
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