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Bloodyhoof - Resto Shaman


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Hi Bloodhoof,

Thanks for your prompt response! A few follow-up comments -

I don't see it a good option since unbuffed hr/el be 4242/5316

Actually, HR/EL are 2017/3039 and very much in reach. In 25 man, you won't ever be without the haste raid buff, so you're always at +5%, and AS jumps you to +10%.

Earthgrab vs windwalk is a pointless debate imho. There is no fight that I've come across where the entire raid gets slowed where windwalk would be good to use.

The Stone Guard is a very nice fight for Windwalk. You can pop it and have people run around blowing up Cobalt Mines without getting rooted. On P2 Vizier, when you get Attenuation immediately after MC, Windwalk can save people who've just gotten broken out of MC and might have slows on them. You don't need the entire raid need to be slowed/rooted to make Windwalk worthwhile.

I don't change my lvl 45/60 talents really at all. I've never used totemic projection. I can only see that being useful for throwing slt out and that sounds very clunky mechanic to me you could lose couple seconds on your slt.

On Wind Lord, the raid is very spread and there are likely to be people who aren't within 40 yds of you when you drop your totems. For something like Rain of Blades, you can project HST or HTT to the middle of the raid so that it's in range of everyone. You can also project an HST/HTT along Blade Lord's tornado corridor as the raid is running so that they don't out-range it.

I can see EM being the better talent in 5.2 if they don't change it and keep it at 1min cd. Then I'd have to reforge/gem make up the diff so I don't lose the haste soft cap. But for right now AS is the preferred choice with the 5% haste and the instant heal.

You're pretty far over 871, so the 5% haste from AS isn't going to do much for you between breakpoints. The RT breakpoint without AS is quite low at 1345. On fights like Wind Lord, there are bursts and lulls in damage that suit EM; on fights like Garalon, the constant raid damage is high enough that EotE will rarely overheal.

Its personal preference again. I don't see how TC will ever return more mana than totemic recall because its simple math. Your goign to have to use 3 gcd to get 18k mana back while u only have to do 1 gcd to recall hst when its at 1sec and get 14100 mana back. When I use TC its for when I know there will be times where little to no raid/tank dmg happen and the mana return on TC is just a +.

Totemic Recall can only return as much mana as you spend dropping totems in the first place. TC generates a (small with each cast but potentially unbounded) mana return. The goal of the TC playstyle is to be liberal with your mana during high-damage phases and get it back slowly during low- and medium-damage phases. While this gain is no longer as pronounced as it was in Cata, you can still get a lot of mana from this. For example, you can easily get 75k+ from TC on Blade Lord, allowing you to spend more healing through Wind Steps or Unseen Strikes.

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Hey Bloodyhoof. It was really surprising running into one of the apps in LFD! I'm really sad you didn't seem to remember applying to our guild though.

I didn't look at the guild tag usually I usually just see name + server and rarely take notice of guild tag. I misread what the ret pally told me. I thought he said that he was trying to apply to the 10man guild I'm in which I thought was odd because they aren't recruiting any melee dps just range. So I said something around the lines of "you sure?".

To negido's comments

I played trumpet in grade school probably couldn't play it now if i tried. I try to stay optimistic but I'm human and just like everyone else I do have my moments where whatever is going on can conclude to a pessimistic pov.

I learned spanish in highschool for 4 years but don't remember any of it because highschool doesn't really teach you to use the language to speak its all about conjugating verbs. I don't drink. I've had multiple friends die with some form of intoxication resulting in their deaths. I don't play planetside2 but I played d3 a lot til they nerfed the hell out of the game and I stopped after few months. I do play sc2 on occasion more towards custom maps though. Other games I'll play are hon/dota2/lol/aoe3/some random steam games when I'm really bored. I'm not sure what you mean by social events..... so I don't have an answer whether or not I'd participate.

I enjoy animation in movies. I like a lot of the pixar movies. I don't have a favorite movie its more of a favorite trilogy for me. I love the LotR trilogy and the prequel hobbit this year. When I'm listening to music its usually through pandora and I just leave it on a classic rock station.

To midri follow-up comments.

You made some valid points and I appreciate the input. If people can point out something that you don't see that can better your gameplay is a + imo. I did try out the totemic projection and Its nowhere near as clunky as I thought it would be. I didn't say that TC couldn't give a lot of mana in a fight I'm just saying I think personally totemic recall can be overall better. I look at it this way. The average fight probably around 7min. So a possible 14hst if you use it on cd which won't 100% always happen. Then you add in using mtt/htt so its at least safe to say you'll be able to lay down hst 10x throughout 7min fight. thats over 140k mana returned not including elementals recalled back. The reasoning why I've always chosen AS over EM is more for the instant heal than the 5% haste. I think of it as if I can save someone who would've died with a instant ghw and save the raid 1 bress thats it the default choice to use.

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What's your favorite pixar film?

Also what did you think of the Hobbit? I heard mixed reviews so I didn't go see it.

Toy story is probably the most favorite because it started it all for 3d animation movies but recently I liked Wall-E and Brave thought both were done quite well. I enjoyed hobbit. JRR tolken books are bout the only thing I could sit down and read so I know a lot about the story and I think for the 1st movie they did a fairly good job. But you have to remember that the hobbit is being broken up into another trilogy, so I have much respect for people who have to figure out what they want to put in each movie and how to make it work and flow well together like how they did with the lotr trilogy.

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