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WoW- Sháye-Elemental Shaman-Social


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Hi there! I'm Sháye and play an Ele Shaman and am looking for a social spot in your guild.

The History of Sháye


Server: Turalyon (Horde)

I've been playing WoW since Jan 2007, a couple of weeks before TBC was released. On the day it came out Sháye was created although she was a draenei and had a different name back then. The whole time I have played her she has been an elemental shaman, it's the spec I love even when it was nerfed to the ground and back again, but with the occasional deviation to resto when it has been needed.

I'm a little of an altaholic, but I have always found myself going back to my shaman and to me she has always been what I consider my main character.

In TBC I did some raiding, primarily Kara, this was because the game was still new to me and I was having too much fun with learning the different classes and exploring this amazing new world and making some amazing friends (I mean you Rekover :p).

WotLK was a different matter, I loved Naxx, and Ulduar I was in a great group and we managed to clear a lot of content pre-nerf, but soon after that I took an extended break (about 9 months) before returning and doing ToC and LK.

During LK, Rekover and I chose a change of scenery transferring to Turalyon and joining Symphony (now known as Silent). There we joined a 25man raiding group and completed LK before Cataclysm was released.

Catacysm I went back to casual raiding, I was and always will be been happy to fill that empty spot when needed. I did manage to clear all content on normal difficulty.

MoP has also been casual, so far completing all LFR, heroics and a few million dailies, I have just recently returned after a 2 month break due to moving house and Christmas.

A History of Me

I am an Australian woman, 37 years old and single mum to 3 amazing sons (13, 15 and 18 so they are more than capable of looking after themselves.. most of the time), but even still they are my priority and part of the reason why I ask for only a social placement rather than more. The other reason is due to chronic pain that I suffer 24/7 in my back and leg caused by degenerative disease in my spine making it impossible for me to sit for long periods of time. There is light at the end of the tunnel however, in 2 weeks I'll be going in for surgery that will hopefully reduce the inflammation which will in turn reduce the pain and allow me to have some more freedom of movement.

I have 18 months of study in IT behind me, I can pull apart a computer and put it back together again and it will work! I am basically your classic nerd woman. I read... I actually devour books and I'm not even fussy on what the story is about.. Fantasy, crime, romance, historical, I will read it all.

Which brings me to my next project, being stuck in bed for the majority of the day I have had to re-assess my ambitions so I am currently looking into freelance proof reading, we shall see how that goes.

Add-ons and Other Stuff

I use a modified ElvUI and find that it has nearly everything I need. Elementarist is really the only class specific add-on I have.

I have no parses because I don't raid competitively right now.

I do like to stay up to date and regularly read forums like MMO-Champ and EJ.

I also have a lvl 90 SPriest and many other lvl 85+ toons (hunter, warlock, mage and druid)

My professions are alchemy and JC.

Why I Would Like to Join SoH

After some careful consideration and a hell of a lot of research on various guilds, both Rekover and I feel that SoH suits both our needs perfectly, a fun environment of mature people with similar standards and goals. What more could we ask for?

Why you Should Allow me to Join

I'm fun, I'm friendly and sociable and quite knowledgeable of the game. As a social member I am more than happy to help others whether they want a quick run through a dungeon while leveling or help with a quest, I try to make myself available.

And my accent is awesome! :p

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Yes, I am actually playing from Australia (Western Au to be precise and it's extremely hot here atm 36C/97F), and while my ping is higher than those actually in the US, it has never adversely affected my game play, I just compensate with the knowledge that I have a 1-2 second delay. Quartz or similar casting bars help a lot with that.

Rek and I started in the same guild on Sen'jin 6 years ago-so yes, we met through WoW.

And thank you for your kind words, they are appreciated :)

Oops Edit- Why SoH sounds like a great home to me? Exactly that word- HOME. You all seem like a very friendly bunch of people, I'm social, I like to chat and talk about near on anything, very little offends me, I have no racial or social prejudices, I generally like everyone. And you guys all appear to be like minded from what I have read here on your forums.

Edited by Shaye
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A few of our raiders are using smoothping as WOW is having trouble with some routing sever and adversely cause spike in latency. Not sure how much it would improve your ping from AU, but I I'd throw it out there.


Yes, I've used that, along with wowtunnels, totalping and a few others over my gaming history, right now I'm just using a google proxy which so far is keeping it at a decent MS, haven't even bothered putting leatrix back on since upgrading to windows 8 as yet, but if there are any serious latency issues I will probably go back to smoothping as that was the one I found to be the best.

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