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Avarose, Disc/Holy Priest


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Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/lightbringer/Avarose/simple

My raid specs are normally disc/ holy, but I have a shadow spec for dailies at the moment. I prefer disc as my main spec, but I am willing to play holy when and if fights call for it.

A little about me:

I am 27 years old and have been playing wow for about 3 years now. I have a degree in Early Childhood, but after being a preschool teacher for the last 7 years I have decided to go back to school for web development. No kids, but I do have a 4 month beagle who acts like one.

Current Experience:

I currently have 10/16 heroics on farm, as well as extensive work on Amber Shaper and a few pulls on Lei Shi. We had the potential to be much further, but due to losing some people, our progression has dwindled down to almost nothing over the last month.

My past experience:

8/8 heroic DS- not super impressive, who isn’t?

6/7 heroic Firelands- we cleared the first 6 prenerf, but we had several burned out people and we decided to take a break instead of push for progression on heroic Rag.

11/13 heroic Tier 11- I was in a really solid guild at the beginning of the tier but then finished it out in a friend’s less progressed guild to help them out. I did kill heroic Nef and heroic Cho’gall but I didn’t make it to Sinestra or Ascendant Council.

12/12- Heroic ICC

Guild History:

I always heard it’s not a good idea to talk about past relationships when you’re in a new one, but I guess we can have this talk once. But only because I really like you! I began playing in ICC, yes I am admitting to a deep and dark secret, I am a Wrath Baby. However, despite that being my first tier in the game, I was able to go from a super casual family guild, to actually killing heroic LK (on 25) before Cata. Can most Wrath Babies say that? Eternal Legacy, the guild I finished ICC with, was my favorite guild ever. In fact you guys kind of remind me of them, and that is a huge reason I am applying here. We started out tier 11 very strong; we had quite a few top 100 US kills. However, the monster that ate so many guilds that tier managed to eat us as well. We were dropping members left and right and just weren’t able to continue, so we decided to close up shop and end while we were still friends. At this point, I got accepted to a top 20 US guild, and 2 top 50’s. However, I was fairly heartbroken from my last guild still, and I decided to go play with several friends in a less progressed guild called Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. I had some fun there, but our GM disappeared at the start of DS and I was out on the streets again. A group of friends was forming a new 10 man, and so I joined them, and that is who I have been with since. We played under the name Kill Chit Don’t Die on Korgath and then later as Duct Tape on Nathrezim. We started out this tier very strong, but then lost a couple of people about halfway in. We were unable to recruit the players that we needed on our dead server and were unable to convince others to transfer to it. So, we transferred to Lightbringer alliance (puke face). However, the night we left, one of our dps decided not to come with us, and then another got sniped this week by a top guild. So here we are, our progression entirely crippled from where we started, and everyone is applying to new guilds.

Anyway, I’ve gone on and on and you’re probably thinking “ok this chick can talk, but can she play?” So here are the logs:



http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/7g4k3fcdjv33idoc/sum/healingDone/?s=8804&e=9242 solo healed most of Elegon, that was fun!

I love Wow and games in general. I don’t guild hop, and in fact I prefer to raid with people I truly enjoy in a less progressed guild, than people I can’t stand in a top guild. I have met and hung out with my current guildies several times in RL. We have attended Blizzcon as well as gotten together a few other random times. I play Diablo3 and I have a Starcraft account, however I am still sending out bribes to find someone who will teach me how to play. I also spend a lot of time on a PVP Minecraft server, play an occasional LOL game, and I can’t resist any Elder Scrolls or Fallout game. I love guilds with active forums and active members, it is one of the things that I have missed since I have been playing in a ten man for several tiers now.

Basically, I work and go to school and don't have a gazillion hours to devote to the game. I love this game, I love my wow friends, but I don't want to have to sell my soul or engage in ritual suicides of my social life. You guys seem like a really cool group and I hope I have a chance to be part of you!

Good luck with your progression,


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Hello Ava, welcome and thank you for applying.

I'm curious about one thing in your logs, I see you didn't participate on every single raid night. How come?

I usually like to see Disc Priests rotate in more Atonement heals, especially on certain fights like Windlord HM(recklessness 500% damage buff), Elegon(smart heals explosion soaker's outside), and your 4+minute Heroic LeiShi attempts(high scary fog stacks). The times you did do a few Atonement heals, probably for Evangelism, you never used Penance. I would argue that Penance is best used for Atonement healing rather than a straight single target heal. It innately does more damage than healing per cast and the damage component is increased by Evangelism(20% at 5 stacks). And because its smart heal nature it does the work for you and limiting overhealing! Like a win win in my book.

Regardless, Atonement healing isn't a necessary tool Disc needs to use to be successful. It's just one of those things I like to see because it shows that you understand how your(our) class can be extremely effective for a given mechanic. Rather than the normal PoH spam raid for DA/SS shield win.

But in the end your overall healing and playstyle looks about right for your gear and it being a 10M raid.

Are you looking forward to the massive Disc changes in 5.2? I'm happy they're taking Mastery out of Spirit Shell and removing auto DA shields from PoH, I never liked that style of healing, although it was effective.

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You're right, I did not participate in every single raid night this month. In an effort to fix our raid group, we recruited a holy paladin and then our current holy paladin was going to play ret. However, it turned out his gear wasn't quite ready for ret, so we had 4 healers switching in and out, and I offered to sit on many fights. The new paladin seemed to blow through his mana like it was going out of style, so it was working out better to have him with the resto shaman for mana tide. Rather than a negative thing, I hope that this can help show that I am a teamplayer.

I do use atonement a decent amount, I agree that I could work to improve my numbers on it. I definitely use it to stack evangelism, and I never go into an aoe healing phase without a full stack up. I think that in a 25 man setting, I would use penance a lot more for atonement vs. as a straight heal. I often liked to have penance as my go to single target heal in 10 man. Since we are often only two healing, I find myself having to have some quick single target heals ready, while in a 25 man setting it is more of an overall aoe healing.

I am happy about the disc changes for 5.2. I like that it will give some more flavor to the playstyle. I'm really excited about the latest change to mastery and that it now increases healing as well as absorbs. I can remember one time on the final phase of Blade Lord, our shaman had died to a tornado and I was trying to get the group topped off before we ran through the tornadoes and back to the other side. I was spamming as fast as I could and I was absorbing damage like crazy, no one was dying, but I couldn't get health pools back up either. It was so frustrating, so I'm definitely looking forward to the boost in raw healing. I hope that we'll be using more of our toolkit and not be quite so heavily PoH based. I am also interested in playing around with power word solace now that it's getting buffed, but I am happy that they changed holy fire back to instant cast so we are not forced into solace..

I like having another priest to talk about this with. One of the things that I miss about 25 mans is having another player of your class and even spec in the raid to chat with about class change and min/maxing ideas. I love the comraderie of a 25 man healing core so much and I hope that I can be part of one again.

Thanks for the comments and for taking the time to look over my logs!


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