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WoW App - Kazenoryuu, Balance Druid


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Hi Kaz,

Thanks for a good application. I only skimmed your logs - results seem pretty good although I feel like in some cases your uptimes could be better. (I like to look at Feng for example as it is a fairly patchwerk fight.) How do you feel about the changes to moonkin from Cata to Mists? I just recently started to play mine for the first time since Firelands. For that matter, how long have you raided as a balance druid and have you done serious progression on any other classes?

Appreciate the disclosure of your other applications. Our roster is somewhat fluid right now as we're trying to pin down a healer and tanking position, so I'm not in a rush to take in others just yet. Adding a second moonkin to our roster is possible but I think it is not my first choice given some of the other variables I have up in the air. So, I'd welcome the chance to talk further, but if one of those other guilds can offer you a full time spot immediately you should definitely go for it.

Unrelated to raids, but dreadlocks have always been a total mystery to me. I have literally no idea what goes into them in terms of growing / styling / care. Would love a brief education.

I agree that my uptimes aren't always as high as I'd like them. I've been caught trying things that didn't quite work out on farm bosses while trying to improve. One of the things I'm trying very hard to improve is my consistency. Because I tend to try new things attempts may vary quite a bit from one to the other. It's one of my weaknesses but I'm aware of it and takin it down.

As for Cata changes to Moonkins I was happy to see Insect Swarm go (and thank god they didn't keep that faerie fire mechanic), but I am sad that my single target suffers everytime I go into solar. Even short lunar AOE phases dont hurt as much as their single target solar counterparts. On the other hand..we have..COOLDOWNS!! Only having berserking as a cd was a tad boring but now with the addition of our crit mechanics and shiny new cd's I'm mire in love with the class then I've ever been.

I've been raiding on my Balance Druid since mid Naxx, at the start of WotLK I was a kitty but the guild I was in didnt need one so I swapped and have loved it ever since.

I had an Enh Shaman back in WotLK that when had alt Heroic 25man raids, I said some heat of the moment things to my better half and he went bye bye. I haven;t restored him as a memento to err..be more sensitive to her..err.. particularities?..lol, you live, you learn haha!

As for my Dreadlocks, I'm from Haïti so I dont need to braid or do anything to them and they just lock up. I did shave them off 6.5 years ago to see if they'd grow back the same...and they did! The only big thing about them isn't the washing, it's the drying. My scalp takes FOREVER to dry, not even funny. Otherwise I usually wash them 2-3 times/week with residue free shampoo. They're not as hard to take care of as people may think. And alot cleaner than almost everyone thinks.

Thanks for your time

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You could also use might of Ursoc in combination with renewal It would only cost a gcd to go back into moonkin form, I did a test did 128k healing without using MOU, then used

/cast might of ursoc

/cast renewal

marco and did close to 170k heals, and that would depend on your gear but that something you might to look into. The cat suggestion would really be for heavy movement fight cause of the cost of the gcd. I play feral MS personally, but like new ways to stay alive :blush:

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I have 2 sets of transmog. My Guardian set is the T6 set and my Balance set is supposed to be T11 but I'm missing the non heroic shoulders so for now I'm sticking to T6 for that as well. I wouldnt mind some help in getting that final T11 piece sicne I found out that I could not solo Omnotron Defense System..or get to Cho'gall on my own lol!

Interesting, seeing as how you rarely see your armor unless standing around town/out of form. I know I wouldn't care about it as a Druid, glad you can enjoy it even if you don't always see it :D we have several transmog fiends

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Interesting, seeing as how you rarely see your armor unless standing around town/out of form. I know I wouldn't care about it as a Druid, glad you can enjoy it even if you don't always see it :D we have several transmog fiends

No prob, there's a glyph for that...*cough* even though I don't use it *cough*....But I will if I ever end up getting those shoulders..

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#showtooltip Nature's Swiftness

/run SetCVar("autoUnshift",0)

/cast nature's swiftness

/cast healing touch

/run SetCVar("autoUnshift",1)

is the NS/HT marco I use you hit it once to get NS and the second time for HT if you have an enemy or no one targeted the heal should go onto yourself, this marco doesn't include a hover over in it I use my grid for that I found that the hover over marco was unreliable for me.

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#showtooltip Nature's Swiftness

/run SetCVar("autoUnshift",0)

/cast nature's swiftness

/cast healing touch

/run SetCVar("autoUnshift",1)

is the NS/HT marco I use you hit it once to get NS and the second time for HT if you have an enemy or no one targeted the heal should go onto yourself, this marco doesn't include a hover over in it I use my grid for that I found that the hover over marco was unreliable for me.

I'll give that a try, thanks.

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