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APP: Easy, 498 Frost DK


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Hi all,


I spoke to Allaska earlier, explaining a couple things and he told me to shoot an app. Here it is.

This app may be a little unusual in that I am asking for a chance. I am not asking to be carried, I am not asking for special treatment, I am simply asking that you look past logs and ilevel, and consider me for my history. I know that this may be rough since I know literally nobody in guild, but your attitude/dedication/times work pretty damn well for me.

I can provide a multitude of references that will hopefully just make dick jokes about me and not say I suck balls. I'd be more than pleased to hop on Mumble and talk with you guys.

My name is Joe, I'm 33, I have been playing since late BC. I raided throughout Wrath, and left an emotional young guild with some buddies to join:


My first "real" raiding guild. Transferred servers to join. Got promoted to recruiting officer in ToGC, went 11/12H in ICC and ranked top 10 world on DBS, Putri, Rotface, Fester on the warlock. A big implosion (some outside/RL social drama) with the other officers led a few of us to join:

Con Brio:

Great guild, fantastic people, wonderfully enjoyable raiding environment. Was here for about a year and a half. They took a break for FL due to attendance boss, but I continued in a casual group and cleared 3 or 4 relevant Heroics. Started up again to raid 10-man DS, cleared I think 5 or 6 Heroics but really, the heart just wasn't there anymore. Guild died, I went to Nerzhul to join a buddy as a casual in Last Word, then some Con Brio friends invited me to come back and raid in:

Shooting the Breeze:

I came in late to tier 14 on my warlock to what was described after arrival as the "second team," have worked my way up after main-switching to frost DK, and we have cleared 3/16 as of this week. Aside from DPS I am a frequent utility assignment from interrupts to loa spirit grips to dropping AMZ. Not complex I know, but I like doing my job. Right now there are some schedule problems and the RL may move raid time to a less than favorable night for me, so I am looking for something new. And, to be honest, I'm used to clearing more than one boss a week during progression.

Things About Me:

- I will give you great performance day in and day out. I will not slack because my boss was mean to me, but I might get pumped on a Saturday and demand Ulduar runs for some reason. Ignore that.

- I have great attendance. If I will be late or miss a night for any reason, I will let you know. This will never be like "I have dinner tonight." It will be "my band plays a show this night" or "I am out of town." I take this seriously.

- I'm a grown ass man.

- I have Mumble.

- I love this game enough that I quit for a bit due to RL inability, and now I am back, because I can.

- My extra-WoW-ricular activities are plentiful. I'm in a great band, and I take that seriously as well. My lady is a cool cat and is also into video games, but she likes consoles and shit.

- I will treat the guild like my home, not like a means to Mo Purps. I will represent you well in-game, and I am a great cheerleader. I don't LIKE to wipe constantly, but like anyone else who did 100+ pulls on LK, I know that's how it goes. I'll make friends on server and have a lot to offer the guild in the way of video editing, motion graphics, graphic design etc.

Character info:

I am applying on:

Easybutt: 497 Frost DK. Have 499 Blood OS. I do great DPS. Fairly comfortable tanking, just haven't frequently recently. Just started gearing it about 3 weeks ago, have made significant progress. Am up to speed on current rep and dailies. After a transfer the name Easy was taken and I got to one of those "REPLACE YOUR NAME" screens. I freaked out, and didn't realize this would be a main. I plan to change it upon transfer.

Geared Alt:

Brezmartin: 502 Destro warlock. Just started rolling destro again and am loving it. Very capable at Afflic and Demo.

Other 90s:

Lanaa: Holy Pally. This toon has "/y DAYNJAZONE" macroed to Divine Protection, for all you Archer fans.

Buttd - See Easybutt explanation

In closing, I'd love a chance. I will make it worth your while, and end up being a great asset.

Let me know if you'd like any more information.

Fingers crossed and shit.


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Sorry, I got nervous as all hell and forgot them.



I can get UI Screenshots late tonight or in the morning as I'm at work then out for the evening.

What attracted me, in order:

1) Progression

2) Horde. I'm fucking tired of Alliance.

3) Raid times are perfect.

4) Your note on wowprogress is full of a lot of things I care about. Those being dedication, stability, and the forums backed up a good attitude and lively community. It also ends with the always good "I told you what you need to do to impress me. Now impress me."

5) Forum post for a recent hunter that was rejected due to borderline dishonesty. I understand his desire to move upward but that is uncalled for. What impressed me what that nobody tore him apart.

6) You folks have a good, stable team, and I'm not looking for a bunch of guild-hoppers. I'm looking for a permanent home.

7) You can spell.

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7) You can spell.

Iz a gud qualitee to has.

I am not asking to be carried, I am not asking for special treatment, I am simply asking that you look past logs and ilevel, and consider me for my history.

Does this mean that you don't have any current logs or that recent logs simply don't show you shining as bright as you would like? I would say iLvl is something that is easily made up for, especially at the beginning of a new tier with the new gear being such a huge upgrade for just about everybody. But the logs really just back up your claim of knowing what you are doing, and anything at all would be helpful with showing that to us. If you don't have any, I would recommend trying out some LFR's and uploading your own just to give us something to look at. Since we are a progression oriented team with a (relatively speaking) short raiding week, we need to make sure that everyone is up to par. And like I said earlier, gear is easy to make up for, but knowledge of the class and great game play is not.

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Unfortunately, I did not log this week, as I didn't see the necessity, as the raid time change issue just came up, and nobody was logging.

Of course, I am happy to do so just to demonstrate that at least I know how to DPS if nothing else.

I will log a couple LFRs this weekend, although as you mentioned, they are less than ideal.

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What's up Joe.

First of all, don't be nervous. We're very gentle.

Secondly, it sounds like most of your raid experience is as warlock but you just recently picked up the DK. Can you explain a bit why the change? Why DK? What do you see as the strengths of that class in a raid environment? Can you give me some examples of how you would apply DK utility to T15 encounters thus far?

Third, and because it's Friday, I need to ask. As I read your intro I gathered that you are a grown ass-man who is hoping for dick jokes but no ball sucking. Thoughts?

Fourth, without trying to pry into your personal business (assuming the previous line of questioning did not..) can you at least give me a sense of whether these IRL issues that stopped you from raiding in the past are likely to resurface?

Lastly I do like you seven reasons for being interested in SoH. All good reasons.

Look forward to your replies.

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First of all, don't be nervous. We're very gentle.

Phew. I was worried you noticed that ball-sucking part.

Secondly, it sounds like most of your raid experience is as warlock but you just recently picked up the DK. Can you explain a bit why the change? Why DK? What do you see as the strengths of that class in a raid environment? Can you give me some examples of how you would apply DK utility to T15 encounters thus far?

I actually raided pretty extensively as a DK in Wrath, and a decent amount in cata, especially in Firelands. I know the class pretty well from a play perspective, and have played all 3 specs in a raid environment. Frost is my favorite by far, but when Unholy gets buffed eventually, I will have no problem switching.

The most recent main-switch to the DK was kind of two-pronged. I had the possibility of raiding as a main tank while trying to get back into raiding regularly, I geared up the tank set, and then the arrangement which was reneged upon due to my hook-up in that run leaving the server. Then months later, the main crew in my current guild learned that I had a geared DK alt and asked me to join their weekly raid, as they only had 1 melee at the time, and that raider's schedule was spotty at best. I am currently raiding 4 nights a week in two separate raids.

As far as DKs, why I like them, and their utility:

I have played my DK for quite a while. I like that they kind of feel like a melee affliction warlock, with a ton of dots to spread. But then there are also

~ . ~ B I G C R I T S ~ . ~ with KM procs. I like frost's fast-paced style and I like the built in cleave of HB, and I like the talents - Chillblains vs Deaths Advance is a nice trade-off, and I like the choices DKs have with playstyle: between Blood Tap and RE.

In t15 there are a ton of instances in which I can AMZ soak which is a great double-bonus of survivability + DPS boost.

Specific instances of DK utility in T15 that I would note are:

Breaker: AMZ on lightning storm

Horridon: Interrupts on all 4 doors, army on door 3 (with taunt enabled) in order to prevent diseases from going out as quickly

Council: Blessed Loa Spirit chains/grip duty (my current assignment)

Tortos: not sure yet if chillblains actually works on the tortoises or if it's just our brains, but Remorseless Winter seems to work on the bats.

Past that I would be lying if I said I had personal experience on the fights, but it looks from the videos I have watched that there are some more add instances where Gorefiend's Grip could be useful for stacking adds, and AMZ is always very useful for the whole raid.

Personally I like add assignments and target switching a lot.

Third, and because it's Friday, I need to ask. As I read your intro I gathered that you are a grown ass-man who is hoping for dick jokes but no ball sucking. Thoughts?

Shit you DID notice that part.

So this is an interesting question. I was hoping to convey that my friends think they are funny and talk shit a lot, and that they would likely make jokes about me. Regarding ball sucking: it is not something I am opposed to and I would be remiss if I said I didn't enjoy some ball sucking. "BUT EASY" you may ask "WHICH ARE YOU? THE BALL SUCKER OR THE BALL SUCKEE?" and I may give you a winky face and then continuously make ambiguous comments about my sexuality. That said, if you guys are bigots or anything I'm not interested. That also said, I understand that sometimes really crude humor is okay.

Fourth, without trying to pry into your personal business (assuming the previous line of questioning did not..) can you at least give me a sense of whether these IRL issues that stopped you from raiding in the past are likely to resurface?

Nope, and I'm happy to talk about it. My fiancee and I live together now, and we don't have to drive 45 minutes every night to see one another and have limited time.

About to do an LFR, I'll post logs and Screenshots and shit afterward.

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Hey easy (<--- Allaska) nice to see you posted an app.

Was curious on your thoughts of if Unholy brings more to the table DPS wise and utility wise on some fights more then others? With the recent buff to Unholy it is ranking quite a bit higher then frost on quite a few of the new raid fights.

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Hey there Allaska.

If Unholy is ranking better on certain fights, I would be curious to see the gear level at which that is occurring. On the sim information I have seen, it looks like Unholy may win on some fights aroudn 502 ilevel, and possibly a bit higher, at which point 2h frost takes a pretty clear lead.

That said, if it were the case and I were the appropriate ilevel, then I would play unholy, or at least switch between the two depending on the fight.

So I sat in a 50 minute LFR queue and got a run that was at council, and facepalmed my log. But I at least have my recount and damage done/taken breakdown:



I was doing my normal assignment on council:

- DPS Sul for the entire fight, excepting

1) Blessed Loa Spirit Duty

2) Khaz gets the buff

UI SS (I have turned on the areas where my timers and castbars live. In raid combat all that is different is DBM alerts.)


I may do another one later tonight.

I also wouldn't be opposed to transferring and giving it a shot as an on-server app if that would be more convenient. I can afford it, and it's worth the risk to me.

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