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Everything posted by Yuri

  1. If you can get on before 6am est to make one you should be fine. Thats when I did it. I think on reddit somewhere there is a list of the times the servers go open. Something about 4 hour windows. I will see if I can find it.
  2. Um can you put this in the food thread asap? I suddenly have a need to eat these.
  3. O.o at first I was like oh look, another app. But then I saw a fan of the Doctor, likes to read and enjoys cats and I smiled and thought ok this app is pretty good already. But then... then I saw you like 10, Jane Austin and Tamora Pierce and I squealed like a little girl Welcome to the forums!!!!!
  4. Good thing for you they now sell fantasia at the mog station. That means you can change your look any time you want for the low price of 10$, as many times as you want! Im sorry for the dirty pool but shes a career healer that likes cats and reading!
  5. Likes healing, reading and cats. Are you sure you dont want to move over to the super amazing wonderful place that is called FFXIV? We have cake and cookies! And some lala's which are like gnomes but way more cute and more like kittens. Well anyway, welcome to the boards!
  6. Yes! We do raid. The FC is very active in EST time. We crack jokes and have no dramas. Its good times. Now a few questions. I see your name is Redmage21, did you play FFXI? What server did you play on? Do you like super hot wings or mild? Do you enjoy playing Lalafell or do your tastes swing to the taller side? Red fish, blue fish, green fish _____ (fill in the blank) And lastly, welcome to the boards
  7. Long time White Mage AND you played FFXI, good start What server did you play on in FFXI? Do you eat other food besides Skittles? What are you Prez of? What is your stance on Lalafells? And finally, red, green or blue? Welcome to our boards ^^
  8. Isnt Caddy-um a mineral? Im not even going to try to spell it correctly. Any friend of Boom's is a friend of mine, extra points if you were a lala, but we cant all be perfect. Welcome to the FC!
  9. Wow, he finally talked you into joining our madness. How exciting. I can see Moshie doing that! Its uncanny how well she has you Moshie. I like her already. Welcome to the madness
  10. How does this lala hate transfer over to another chapter!? I blame everything on Atrael! Here is a Lalafell, Im not sure how you can ever hate on one. http://imgur.com/uz9NFjU Welcome to SoH, I no longer play WoW but when I do, I always roll Elemental Shaman. Its the only way.
  11. Lol Grieve. Bravo! Can we give comms for this?
  12. South of Heaven is Hell. Welcome to Hell. * But like Atrael, this is Diet Hell.
  13. Im sorry, what? You have never heard Fleetwood Mac? Even as a kid? Words fail me right now, the world is coming to a end, good music is no longer listened to! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDkKyBU7GCs
  14. I would be happy to call you Dusklight or something like that, cause right now everytime I hear your name I also hear Stevie Nicks in my mind singing Rhi aaaa non. I dont think that will ever go away lol.
  15. Works in a museum, I am so jealous, that sounds like a dream job. Please ignore Ataels questions about Lala, he is just upset they are cuter than him, and maybe a little afraid they will bite him. Welcome to the boards!
  16. I enjoy your avatar, I can see you have amazing taste. I guess the main thing I would like to know is what is your stance in the great Lala debate? Are they the master race or soulless children? Welcome to the boards.
  17. Another old FFXI player. What did you main and what server do you hail from? Also apples or grapes? Welcome to the FC.
  18. What other MMOs have you played? Do you prefer tank or heals? What is your favorite color? And do you acknowledge that Lala's are the master race? Welcome to the FC.
  19. Thank you for your novella, it was a great read I didnt realize SWTOR had end game, I quit well before that. If you ever want to fix your terribad WHM give me a shout, its my main, I give cookies and tips. Welcome to the FC.
  20. O/ Can you tell us more about yourself besides your love of boss genitalia? Maybe you prefer dark chocolate to white? Roses to carnations? How long have you been gaming? And has touching naughty places in MMOs always been your passion or do you like other jobs as well?
  21. Says the man that eats my Lala made food every raid.... NO MORE POPOTOS FOR YOU!
  22. I approve of this guy already! I dont know about other hockey fans, but I sotra follow it, cant miss it living right near Pittsburgh, though I agree the Penguins are kick ass, I wish we could get more tickets, this is the only time I regret not living in Minnesota anymore, the tickets are impossible to get! Naz should like it, being Canadian, but he is an unnatural Canadian, only enjoying a french fry dish I can only remember in my head as pootang, but I know thats wrong. Lol.
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