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About Xander117

  • Birthday 09/19/1987

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    Guns, Warhammer 40K + Fantasy, X-com, and FF14

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  1. anyone have any ideas/preferences on good sleep aids/ sleeping pills. I have not been able to sleep past 4am for 4 days now and the ones im using now are not working at all.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Minori


      Melatonin! Or... perhaps ditch the 5 hours ;)

    3. Kestrel


      Water up, hit the gym, delete 5HR energy

    4. Stasis


      Remeron (Mirtazapine). Shit will make you sleep for 24 hours if you really need the rest. Problem is that you'll be groggy when you get up. It's good for getting a real sequence in after a bunch of days of not enough sleep. Not good for regular use unless you take it daily and get used to it, which I don't recommend for a variety of reasons.


      Otherwise, honestly, motion sickness pills. Dimenhydrinate is the ingredient you want. It's in most. No adverse effects and you can take it daily though there will be diminishing returns when used regularly but it does work on most people. I take that if I have a long drive or something and I need to sleep quickly but not be fuzzy when I get up. PM me with further questions, I've been through them all basically. I suffer from insomnia and my gf's a RN. I often go a full week on 3-4 hours of sleep before a recharge. It's not fun.

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