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Everything posted by Hip

  1. welcome to the boards Also, I may be in the minority here, but I can't seem to locate your character on battle.net
  2. Whats up Babs, Looks like you did quite well with your post, nice thorough app. Welcome to our forums. I'll take sime time to go over your logs, thanks for providing the info. Gemming/reforge all looks in line. Why two Blood specs? You really enjoy dailes as a tank? Tome of clear minds too costly? Interesting. What advantages do you find you get from glphying IBF versus leaving it unglyphed? What draws you to tanking and Blood DK specifically? Whats a tool in the DK arsenal you really love and whats something other tanks have that you wish you could get your hands on? How do you feel that tanking in a skirt (not just for pallies any more) affects aggro and mitigation? Catch you later,
  3. Hello again Thwack, Took some time to go through a few of your logs and have a few thoughts. I like that you spent time with your logs and were able to diagnose areas that you could improve. I like it even better that your later logs reflected those changes, well done. Overall it looks like you could be getting more use out of your CDs, both offensive and defensive. I get that much of the content you're doing right now may not call for a lot of defensive CD use, but you could be getting more mileage out of your tier 5 talents. Also Wow. It seems you had quite the epic run through BWL recently. 3 pieces of the Judgment set plus Askandi. Very nice.
  4. Pallies do have more AoE tools, Lights Hammer, shorter CD on Consecrate etc. but overall AoE threat is nothing like it was in Cata or WotLK in my experience. Also Grats And also Logs would be great
  5. what's up Matt, welcome to the boards. Have you played with/considered going with a bit of haste and dropping some other secondaries? I'm running Prot Pally as main and have been shifting some state around to see what works best for me. Curious to hear your take on it. Why hand of Purity? Have you considered other trinkets? Stam/dodge trinkets could be replaced with other secondary stat trinks allowing your gemming/reforging to open up a bit more. http://www.wowhead.com/item=81268 is a nice trink you can easily farm without needing a deep progression environment. What are your overall thoughts on Prot Pally in MoP, how do you like the play style? Where is it strong? Where is it weak? Have any logs? Thanks again and catch you later. <3 Hip
  6. Yo Sungoddess, welcome to the boards. pun intended?You said you've heard we're awesome? Where'd you hear that from? Will look forward to seeing you post some logs. GL in your LFRs and daily rep grinds
  7. Hip


    Yep it's a real question. You say you want your voice heard in developing strats for bosses. A RL that wants to sit you seems like the perfect opportunity where you should make your voice heard. I want to know your approach in dealing with GM/RL decisions you don't agree with. As per gems. Expertise/stam or expertise/hit would; 1. fulfill those slot requirements to get the bonuses, 2. Keep you at expertise cap and get you to hit cap, 3. Allow you to reforge off some expertise on pieces and reforge to more mastery. Mastery > Parry and with those gems and the strat to go for exp cap you're leaving off some mastery.
  8. Hip


    Welcome to the boards and very nice work on your app. Questions. How are you tracking Ultimatum? You're not getting full use of it, leaving some free HS/Cleaves on the table, how could this improve? I see you've glphed Death from Above, how are you using your Heroic Leap? How are you using your shield barrier? Whats a case when you're popping a measly 20 rage vs. when do you pool for the big daddy 60 rage version? Do you have a means for tracking the Weakened Blows debuff? Or are you just counting on the other tank keeping it up? Why the parry/stam gems? Hopefully you can overcome the poor decisions of your past and race change from a female dwarf soon. They sat you for Spritbinder!?!? Madness. How did you approach that with your GM/RL. That's the worst decision they could make for that encounter how could you turn that around and get the better class in there to do the job?
  9. at a glance the way you're using your rage looks better. DId you develop a method for tracking your Ultimatum procs? Did you develop a method for tracking debuffs on the boss not cast by you?. Could be using Demo Shout and your banners more often Overall it looks like you've addressed some of the concerns I brought up with you which is nice to see. Will do more thorough look over later. Know what time it is? RAID TIME!
  10. Tyler, you still there? It's my understanding that we've got an interview set up for tonight and I wanted to brush up on the details of your app. I just went to armory you and it appears your character is moved/gone. Have you found something else? Update please.
  11. Yep, it's very powerful. If you get a chance sometime soon let's set up a chat on mumble
  12. Well so far I've found your logs to be a bit frustrating. I could be overlooking something, but you're not in most of the recent raids, is that right? What days from your logs do you feel are the best representations of your tanking ability? I looked at the Elegon fight from 10/28 and it looks ok, albeit the longest attempt was only 3 minutes. You've got ok uptime on shield barrier, which is useful for all the magic damage but I see zero uses of shield block, which would be more useful when tanking the protector. You only used Demoralizing shout once over all three fights whereas you could have had cast it at least 4-7 times I don't see you using TC/weakened blows at all. Who in your raid was responsible for keeping up the debuff? Does your add-on track debuffs cast by others? 1 heroic strike over all the fights while you got the Ultimatum buff 4 times so you should have at least 3 more completely free HS I don't see any Avatar/Recklessness buffs Overall there isn't much data to go on. If you can separate out a log for me that'd be great. As far as glyphs go the Bull Rush glyph isn't all that useful for Raid Tanking most encounters. As once the fight starts you don't often get a chance to charge more than once. Basically you're giving up a Priime Glyph slot for something you can benefit from only once. Other potential choices to consider would be Unending Rage to pool more rage for more uptime on Shield Barrier/Block Incite to boost your use of HS/Cleave and increase your DPS Recklessness glyph would match well with Avatar, giving you the %crit buff for all but 2 seconds of your Avatar uptime Heavy Reprercussions for Snap/burst threat and DPS when you're using more Shield Blocks Again these are all situational but potentially all better than Bull Rush. Gearing wise/reforge/gemming your rational is sound. I haven't played with the numbers but I'd be curious to see the differences in either going all the way to the 7.5% hit/epertise caps vs. ignoring them completely in lieu of full Mastery > dodge/parry set-up. As it stands your kind of caught in the middle, which may be a good place to be but seems, at a glance, as half-committed. What is the name of the CD tracking add-on you're using in your UI? thanks
  13. Yo Clisis, Welcome to the boards and thanks for the app. Few questions for you. As a prot War, what you do feel are the advantages you have over other tanks? What the some of the strongest tools you have in your arsenal? How do you track the uptime and cooldown of your offensive and defensive CDs? Why did you choose the Avatar and Impending Victory talents? Why the Bull Rush glyph? Curious on your gearing strategy. What are do you consider your stat priority for gemming/reforging and why? I'll probably have a few more questions for you once i go through your logs, but this should get us started. thanks and catch you later.
  14. Yo Bub/Bull, Yep keep up sacred shield 100% of the time, it's an oversight but perhaps recoverable. I can tell you're very passionate about tanking/pally tanking so thats always a positive. I think you're spot on with your gearing strat, a bit of haste is nice, but imo not worth going out of the way for the Klaxxi Revered VP dps legs are a nice piece with mastery/haste. Talents wise I've found Sanctified Wrath comes in handy for sure. Also I think you'd find the value of Light's Hammer really steps up in a 25s environment vs. 10s. Anyway take care and give me a shout if you want to talk tank.
  15. What's up Bub, Welcome to the boards and thanks for the app. Here we go. What's you favorite fight to tank in the current content/what fight do you think Prot Pals really shine? (pun intended) What's a spell/ability you would add to the arsenal to be a more effective tank. Why did you choose your gearing strategy? (hit/expertise capped, mastery stack) Curious about your talent choices Holy Avenger and Holy Prism. Why ddi you choose these and how do you use them? Do you ever swap if so why/when? What tools do you use to track the uptime and coold downs of your CDs/procs? I'll have to do some further digging but at a glance I'm not seeing you using Sacred Shield. This has to be an oversight on my part. Right? <3 Hip
  16. Congratulations. And I guess that's how you hurt your shoulder? Also. that friend doesn't play a toon named Hefferlol does he? Finally. Welcome
  17. Huntera is more like the appendix of the guild. Pibb is the stomach. Anyway. Yo, Alaska, welcome to SoH. Sadly I haven't interacted with you in-game yet, but I've heard tons of positive stuff. You're very active and social and a beast on DPS. I'll look forward to seeing you in game/raid this week. take care
  18. What up. Very thorough app, well done. As ashin stated we are just now taking on a new Warlock recruit. In the event that it doesn't work out with our current lock, we would revist your app, and a WoL would be required. If you want to expedite any future possibility go ahead and get some data for us. Either way good luck and tanks for app'ing.
  19. what does that mean about raiding? i.e. what toon will he be bringing to DS? Any decision/discussion about running an LFR today?
  20. Sorry I missed the unplanned, unannounced LFR that I wasn't invited to. Also, welcome Yasung and good luck with your trial.
  21. Can we organize an LFR either weekend/monday to get this priest rolling? I have no issue with this, Stavie has proven he's capable of the basics or raiding (awareness, following directions, not being a douce) he kind of feels a bit like a member already to me. I'm considerably more supportive of him dropping in than Rollingdeep and friend. Personally I'd rather see sooner than later if sPriesting is going to work out for MoP so both Stavie and SoH can either buckle it down, or continue to search. So, you're Canadian as well? What's your opinion of Jack Morris.
  22. I read this and thought to myself, is he from North Carolina or something? love it.
  23. Gnomes... Hey there Kinettik, thanks for apping and including a thorough report on your history. I realize it's been awhile since you've raided, but could you run an LFR at some point to get a log together so we can scrutinize your spell usage and whatnot? What draws you back to the shadow priest specifically? Anything in particular you're looking forward to with Spriests in MoP? What kind of schedule do you see yourself comitting to for MoP raiding? Thanks again for the app and good luck finishing the Legendary Staff questline, shouldn't be too hard to pug to finish it off. Gnomes...
  24. I've seen all I needed to see. Welcome to the boards and nice job on the app. Also, you may not be a fan of Toronto sports, but I think anyone would be hard pressed to not respect an early 90s Jack Morris, probably the most handsomely mustachioed Blue Jay of all time.
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