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Everything posted by Tilluk

  1. niko got out again, this he left the yard. can't find him anywhere neighbors haven't seen him, very worried at this point.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Tilluk


      yes he does, fera

    3. Tilluk


      wel he has gotten out of the yard before and found him with a claw across his face, so you can see how i might be concern about him, not to mention having skunks and raccons in the area, so sorry if i am very concern about my pet who isn't a normal roamer of the neighborhood like other cats and dogs.

    4. Darlantan


      He's almost destroyed his first scratching post ^.^

  2. lead a havoc group late last night, think i did decent minus running into the SoS pain train several times.

  3. Tilluk

    GW2 - Kro

    welcome and nice to see another 40k'er, tau here. the Aun sends his respects
  4. just got stuck behind an old on a sidewalk and couldn't go around until in front of a place of business

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashin


      Was it a really narrow sidewalk or a really wide old man? o.O

    3. Estarriol


      It's tough getting stuck behind those olds.

    4. Tilluk


      really narrow sidewalk and he was walking right in the middle, swerving back and forth literly

  5. just make sure you read the fine print about how your soul is now ours and part of it will be donated to the charity of our choosing. ^.^
  6. Thank you ashin. =) And I understand that another "quit" can get a nope.avi reply for trying to join again. I would also understand if you would like me to go through the trial process instead giving me a shot at my old vet status.
  7. thank you guys, but i'm not actually in the guild yet. but again thanks =)
  8. Hello folks! So, after having Several months to think about things (in and out of the game) and reflect upon I thought I would re-app to SoH. I also figured I hang out mainly with you all anyway, that it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot. Regardless of what the title says I really wouldn't mind having any of my 3 90's in the guild (Rogue, Monk or Mage) as I have been playing them all about the same time of lately. For the people who may not know me, I join SoH in WAR and was a member for about 4 1/2 years before I left the guild earlier this year. Darlantan who's my b/f is still a member and officer of the wow chapter and joined them at the same time I did originally. I am basically just looking for a place to be social from time to time and have fun with what ever comes our way =) If you have any question don't hesitate to ask.
  9. Wow Wrathion's melee dps tough challenge for the cloak is very hard. took me about 40 attempts, 3 hours and 500g in repairs, but i finally the little punk.

  10. hooray friday! =D

  11. Yay mage is 90 with 600 chanting and 600 tailoring!!! =D

    1. Abragale


      nice, how many 90's does that give you?

    2. Tilluk
  12. So Dar and I have discover Adventure time on netflix, that show is really messed up..... we like it hehehe

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Negido



    3. Stasis


      Some of them were really insane, in a good way. SO WEIRD.

    4. Tilluk



  13. enjoy your little gift i sent you raid team, hope i didn't miss anyone =)

  14. did a race and name change for my monk, she is now an awesome fem tauren named Aponi, it means butterfly ^.^

    1. Tinymanz


      because female tauren are the picture of grace and are the most delicate creatures on the planet. yes?

    2. Raer



    3. Sunny


      i really wish i had gone tauren, instead of undead

  15. caught dar's cold i think :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stasis


      Gallons of Nyquil. It's the only fun part of catching a cold. Man I love that stuff.

    3. Dililah
    4. Morkgrim


      so many obscene comments race through my mind... just get lots of vitamin C.... and another obscene thought

  16. BAM 90!!! time for sleep and then prep for some drunken bgs with my monk friday night =D

  17. 89 now, taking a break then doing some leveling with raer

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