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Status Updates posted by Darlantan

  1. How did you find us!

  2. I am not a witch.

    1. Dililah


      Do was have to see if you sink in the Pond to prove it?

    2. Darlantan


      Oh no, proving I have nothing to do with christine o'donnell is enough.

    3. Dililah
  3. I can still see you..

  4. I can't believe I forgot to drop in here and leave a little purple.picture.php?pictureid=16&albumid=4&dl=1241505379&thumb=1

  5. I could really go for some weekend right now.

  6. I decided 90 minutes ago that I wanted tomorrow off. Talked to the boss, and it worked out. Awesome.

  7. I don't think I've been this busy at work in two years. This is great!

  8. I don't understand your request! Just take any youtube URL and put it inbetween the "media" tag. Actually, I think if you just go ahead and post a youtube URL it may even automatically recognize and convert it to be embedded.

  9. I have heartburn. And I'm really tired. I think I'm going to get some tea.

    1. Dililah
    2. Darlantan


      That's exactly what I got.

    3. discofire


      I eat tums like candy these days, so I can sympathiz0r with you. =(

  10. I haz 2 nao....It makes me want to /sniffle I so happy. :D

  11. I just deleted the wrong status post. Sorry, whoever that was... >.>

  12. I keep thinking tonight is ICC.......

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Darlantan


      In fact, give me Lady Deathyammer. I'll take her first.

    3. Fiz
    4. Ashin


      And now it is.

  13. I never thought I'd say this, but... I just finished my first playthrough of Hatoful Boyfriend and I'm kind of intrigued about doing a second...

    1. Derodek


      Tilly being replaced by pigeons confirmed.

    2. Karayne
  14. I no longer have a ridiculously loud keyboard :( Oh well, it was fun while it lasted! I do like the Cherry MX Red switches so far though.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Midri


      I'll miss your ridiculously loud keyboard. :(

    3. Darlantan


      For anyone else who doesn't read good :p I moved from a Razer BlackWidow to a Corsair K60. I'm having a hard time hitting F1 to quick-target myself in pvp but I can get used to that. It's great so far otherwise.

    4. Stasis


      Welcome to the wonderful world of Corsair and cherry reds. It's a fun place to be =)

  15. I really just want a lime wedge. Sounds good right now.

    1. discofire
    2. Morkgrim


      I was at the store today and decided that Mikes hard limeade looked yummy.... it is

  16. I think all the hungover people in chat room made it sick. It's gotten them back up now and seems to be feeling better though.

  17. I think I'm finally starting to adjust to being back in school... Not good times so far :|

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashin


      That will get better after you have taken a few tests and received more positive reinforcement. Right now its too new and you're overly worried about how you'll do.

    3. Midri


      You can do it! School is great. Are you doing CS??

    4. Darlantan


      I'm pretending to do CS atm! At this point I feel I would do badly if I tried to take more than two classes, so I'm muddling through some of the interdisciplinary/core stuff right now.

  18. I was informed just last night that WoW's unit frames allow you to see incoming heals... Sure enough, I found the option in my unit frames addon and turned it on. I R noob; that is all.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Darlantan


      I'm using Shadowed. It has the option to see incoming heals on pretty much any frame. Haven't tested it with enemy frames though.

    3. Dililah


      Bliz Party Frames no, I use Vudoh and I am pretty sure it is turned on by default.

    4. acierCRISIS


      It works for bliz party frames also. the option to treat party frames like a raid is awsome. Im not feeling vuhdo i feel it lags a bit

  19. I'm stuck at work. I could actually be late, depending on whether things fix themselves in the next 10 minutes. Go ahead and start clearing trash...

    1. Dililah


      gogo fixit!

    2. Darlantan


      I'll probably be late anyway. Traffic is gunna be way worse at 5:30 than at 4:30. I'm almost out of here tho.

  20. I've never wanted to stay home and play WoW more. The new old world is fantastic.

    1. Dililah


      No storm to keep you home? :(

    2. Darlantan


      Naw. It ended up being almost a complete dud. Took me a few minutes to scrape off the car this morning and it was the coldest morning so far BY far, but other than that it's BAU.

  21. IE8, the cutting-edge workplace technology. It doesn't eat chat lines in SoH chat room!

  22. Is looking forward to trying out the resto druid changes =p and awaiting subsequent outcry for nerfs.

  23. Is my account the only one in the guild that is locked out of WoW due to their "authentication server" problem? Spamming the login screen is so much fun.

    1. Hyna


      Nope.Me as well, while my friends down the street are having not issue with getting in. Sometimes blizzard is absolute fail.

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