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Everything posted by Nez

  1. 1 and a half bottles of red wine +a 2L of plum wine = a 4 hour heart-to-heart conversation with my roommate until 5 am...

  2. 2/6 hair dyeing completed. Awww yeah, on the way to them silver locks.

  3. Dominican Republic! I believe you are the first we have had from there. I've been to Punta Cana several years ago on vacation but didn't really see much else of the island because we were instructed not to travel outside of the area, at that time.
  4. Nez

    Vinyasa App

    Welcome (back?)!
  5. Welcome! I'm a little concerned if Dar sent you - that guy is outrageous. Since i'm crimped for time, on to the bulk of the matter: If you could choose only one animal language to speak, which would you choose? If 4 is indeed 2+2 and 2x2, then what color is the largest known star? What dos thou do outside of gaming? Job? Career? School? Aspiring kitten photographer? What can we call you outside of your in-game name? Jean-Jacques de Blois? Alexander Lockwood? Victor von Albrecht? I would say looking forward to seeing you in-game, but, yeah. See ya around on the forums!
  6. Hair appointment made for Wednesday morning - didn't have the time today for a walk-in D:

    1. Inedit


      !!!!!!! So disappointed.

  7. I've watched this a good thousand times. I. Just. Can't. Stop.

    1. Ashin


      That means you have watched it for at least 20 hours. I worry for you.

    2. Nez


      When don't you worry for me?

  8. Totes had an 'anime shopping day' yesterday in the city. I'm a little embarrassed to post what all I bought >_>

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Etol


      Fisherman's Wife and Fisherman's Wife II: The Retantacling?

    3. Nez


      The real question, do you want individual pictures or one GIANT picture with everything in it?

    4. Inedit


      Giant and then close ups!

  9. Happy Father's Day to all the fathers or soon-to-be fathers!

  10. One midterm today and last one tomorrow *psychics himself up* Yooooooooshi - I can do this!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nez


      Rofl, I didn't even catch that typo. That's what I get for typing that on my phone.

    3. Huntyre
    4. Darlantan


      Good luck Godzilla!

  11. Fml - blew my right eardrum. Can't hear anything from it D:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jackal


      Hah, "happy to hear."

    3. Ashin


      There seem to be huge gaps here..

    4. Nez


      You missed my "Nyishas' weekend adventure" in chat last night(For me)/this morning(for everyone else).

  12. Last night was to much fun - what started as 4 friends walking to Lawsons for food, turned into a 6 hour trip of drinking and shenanigans.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nez


      I have to find a good salon that can do it! I think I might have found one in the city so maybe this weekend since my last two midterms are this week - little less studying and little more fun!

    3. Inedit


      !!!!!!!!!!!!! git'er done!

    4. Nez


      Why do you want me to dye my hair so bad!?

  13. Are we a wonderful community? Are we?
  14. Welcome to the forums, Lokk. I do believe that official open recruitment is temporarily closed as the WildStar chapter has had a huge influx of new people. They still have friends-referral open (I think, last time I checked) so did someone currently here send you to us or did you find the recruitment thread through Reddit? If a friend that is current with our WildStar chapter sent you, then let us know and whenever an officer comes around they can do officer things. I'm not going to say much else, as I am not really a part of the WildStar chapter, but figured I would chime in just in-case all the officers are currently sleeping and you are wanting a quick reply. P.S. We do currently have an active FFXIV chapter. I'm not sure what exactly Fulg is wanting to do for new people but he should be able to chime in if you still play casually.
  15. You don't have outside music playing at all!? Craziness. One of the best parts is when you que up to talk and people hear N'Sync blaring in the background. You should remedy this but playing your guilty pleasure music as loud as possible while talking over a VoiP.
  16. My download site lied to me! It posted SAO II Episode 1 (even though it's not set to release until 5th July). Those bastards!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Huntyre


      ok.. so I have to July to catch up on my other shows? lol

    3. Nez


      You do. I actually wrote an email to the collective Admins of my site to change the title that correctly represents what it is, a trailer not an episode.

    4. Grieve


      So I still have 1 month to go! Gah!

  17. Welcome to the community! If you didn't have Battletoads for the NES, then I don't think we can be friends. Cramped for time right now so just going to get to the point(s): You mentioned you lean more towards the PvP side of MMOs, so what is your PvE raiding history looking like? What is your favorite word, or phrase, in any language (Fantasy languages count - so Elvish, Klingon, Twi'lek, etc..) What is your hobby, or hobbies, outside of gaming? Hiking? Working out at the gym? Polar bear wrestling? Do you watch any anime? If so, what genre(s)/series do you like the most? What kind of music do you listen to when demolishing people in PvP (or killing bosses in PvE)? See ya around.
  18. Welcome! I'm currently out of questions, midterms taking to much brain power. So enjoy your free time!.. for now.
  19. Welcome! So what I am hearing is demote you from all the things and promote him since he is better! Bold statement, Fulg. I like your style.
  20. Welcome! Don't let him fool you, some of us have fangs. White, sharp, sparkling fangs. We brush and floss them very thoroughly. So Chua's equal 115% of a person? Must be an increasing return to scale (econ joke).
  21. Yeah bro, you are welcome to join in the FFXIV chapter. If you server transfer, or if you just make a new character, you can add myself (Meiko Honma) to your friends list and i'll toss you a guild invite. If i'm not on, usually someone else is that can invite(see below). Just get in-contact with someone from the chapter and we'll get you invited! Almost forgot - we haven't had any recent additions to the FFXIV chapter but if you could just do a copy/paste response to the mingle thread whenever you get on Leviathan. You can also comb through that to find peoples in-game names, since they are slightly different than forum names, but the vast majority of the people in that thread have stopped playing. So i'll take the leg/guessing work away from you: Fulg (Chapter lead) - Fulgara Fulguru Midri (Chapter officer) - Rhiri Ngoldo Others who can invite, and whom are usually on: Myself - Meiko Honma Nen - Nentar Tydefist Mily - Little Bird Karayne - Karayne Jo'tul Luc - Lucan Aurelius Atrael - Atrael Vivi
  22. Pffffft finals. Those are still 1.5 months away! 頑張って!
  23. Welcome to the forums! All the officers are probably sleeping, I think, so they should get around to bumping your access up to 'Guest' when they wake from their slumber. You probably know from Brixz and Healzalot that we enjoy asking any and all questions about a person - it's what we do. So let me start the chain by... How many cats do you own? Are you the male version of crazy cat lady? (pics might be required) What kind of graphic design do you do? I'd ask more but going to the train station for a beer! Later.
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